Yellow Rose - 20 in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose - Part 20

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Yellow Rose - Part 20

Swings And Cooking

Did I just ask an betrothed guy to jilt his fiancee and sing a love hymn with me? Yes!! Obliquely I did. Damn!!!! What the hell are you doing Tula? Are you insane? You are being that 'Other woman' in someone's married life. Hold the horses, they haven't yet said, 'I Do'. And Evan wants to be with me. So I surmise it's fine. I mean it's Evan's very choice to be with me. Still the certitude is immutable that he was engaged. My eyes fell on the ring that was sitting with grace oh his hand. His sight trialed mine. He assimilated the knowledge of what I was weening when I flitted in my seat distressfully. I was seeking to uphold some distance from him. Like a bolt from the blue he just took the ring off and hurled it out of the window. Wow!!! Like really? Mr. Evan Wilson, you really are insouciant about others' feelings. He could have indemnified the ring to Kristina, with a few kind words. Delineate to her that he doesn't want to be with her. Throwing away the ring was a bit rude.

The wheels kept rolling in quietude till a cabin in the woods transpired itself to us. Well, my senses descried the extortionate nature of this place. Of course, it's like herding cats for the Wilson family to have something to their name which is not regal. Jerry's feet smushed the dry leaves as himself materialized out of the car and came to my side to escort me. Taking his hand I walked out of the car and towards the front door of the exquisite building. It was so enchanting. The entrance was beaded with vines of different flowers and a few berry plants. It smelled so good. No beauty can match the beauty of Nature. The body of bricks and stones was rolled down in cream colour. Garden around it gave it the final touch of sanctitude. Birds singing the hymn of laurels to nature and the creator of this art filled my ears.

"It's just so beautiful!" I spelled out my admiration. "Not more than you, my Yellow Rose." And here we are back to teenage flirting. I turned around to face Jerry who was walking behind me towards the little, cozy shelter in front of us. "Really? Mr. Wilson, that's your flirting skills? Well a teenager would do better than that I suppose." I rolled my eyes to cut his ego a bit deeper.

He pulls me closer to him, pressing me against his hard chest and incarcerating me in his arms, "Last night wasn't enough showcasing of my skills?" My cheeks flushed in red immediately when he mentioned last night. I don't know why but it also pains me when I think of it. Something about me and him being together doesn't seem to be good and right. He is Kristina's 'Would Be'. He was supposed to marry her.

Why does he like me more than her? Why is he leaving her for me? He is for sure not in love with me. If he was, he wouldn't lie to me about my family and my father's death. My step brother? Who is he? Why did he attack me? Does he hate me for something?

I pulled away from Jerry and started my feet directed me to the garden instead of the house. There was a medium size swing at the end of it, in the backyard I suppose, under an oak tree. My heart jumped in excitement. I love swings. I mean who doesn't? I ran towards it and Jerry followed. Maybe we spent an hour or so there. Swinging and talking about random things. Food was the heart of the conversation though. Suddenly the idea of Griffin Wilson's Dine hit me. "What about the Dine?" I asked, looking at him by tilting my head as I was sitting on the swing and he was swinging me from behind. "It's getting renovated, don't worry it might take some time but it will be fine." He tried consoling me. "Who was that girl?" I couldn't help but wonder about that lady who hugged me there. "She is Alice, she looks after that place, and is a close friend to all of us. You too!" I took in his explanations. I don't know how many memories I am missing from my life. "Hey! Let's go in now." Jerry stretched his hand to me, gesturing me to stand and walk with him. I take his hand and that slightest contact of our skin burns my cheeks.

We walk in the house and for the love of My Lord this place is a minni palace. So beautiful!!! My eyes met his orbs and I saw a tint of hurt in them which confused me. But he blinked away that pain soon and offered to cook. Now that is something awesome, witnessing the bossy Evan Wilson play with kitchen utensils. The mere thought of it made me laugh till my guts were all twisted. "What? You think I can't cook?" He responded to my laugh. "I am sure you can, I just doubt whether that food is edible or not." His face turns down and he makes those puppy eyes and looks at me like I have really hit him hard on his face. Well I did with words but still he was being childish. "What? Are you going to shed tears now?" I ask bluntly. "I thought you would apologise to me but you are being more rude instead." He snaps and walks past me to sit on the sofa. I laugh again. "Okay fine! I am hungry and I would love to have something sweet and spicy." I walk to him with these words and his face is immediately occupied by a sparkle.

"Can we bake a cake? And make spicy pasta for lunch?" He suggested. "Well I am no baker and do we have all the material needed to bake the cake? But I am in for pasta." He takes off his jacket and stands. "Believe me, we have everything and you are going to eat one of the best cakes ever made in this world very soon." I elude his hubristic statement and walk behind him.

It is so beyond doubt that perfection shall doubt itself when you with all those adoring imprecations, here just robbed my heart.
