A life-changing short introduction in English Love Stories by The Nature Relaxation Music HD books and stories PDF | A life-changing short introduction

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A life-changing short introduction

'' JOURNEY'' OF, LOVE' ' '' Introduction is a four letter word but it is a wonderful thing that connects a lot of people. A short introduction alone can be the root cause of many relationships. Small little acquaintances turn into some great friendships, some into love, some into kinship. Introduction is the process of connecting from one person to another, from one person to another, and from one place to another. It was a short introduction that introduced love to my life and invited him into my life. I'm going to share with you the changes that little introduction made in my life.

Those were the days when I was studying PG. At the time I was very fond of friends Anna friends Anna. I have a lot of friends too. Girl talk and boy talk on our lively bulletin boards! Who would give everything no matter how much priority and be happy with everyone. My friends loved me too. If not I would not have been so much with people I met through small contacts. Not someone who befriends them. One who believes that short short contacts will not last long. But one girl came into my life to say that my belief was not true. Not only did that girl come into my life but it became my life in itself. With the madness of friends I had I had friends in every single department. My friendship with a department girl in it was a little too much. His name is Lekhya. Most of my free time was spent going to Lekhya and spending time with him. He knows everything about me and my life.

Lekhya had the reputation of being a childhood friend at his home. The two have been very good friends since childhood. Once Lekhya came to our college to bring fame. That's where I first saw your glory. Lekhya introduced fame to all his friends. Only then did he introduce himself to me. That moment seemed to keep looking at him as well. As long as he was there I would stare at him. After a while he was gone. And since then my mind is no longer on me, the urge to see him and talk has grown in me. Lekhya seemed to go closer and find out about him and ask for his phone number. But after asking that, I did not ask if there was any trouble between them and the conflict should not occur. And then occasionally the glory would come to our college, every time I came I would look at him without saying anything. Not even what he said. A few days passed like that, but it was enough for me to see him, for him to see me. A few days later I decided that our friends, Lekhya and I should go on a short excursion together, where fame would come along with us. I had a conversation with him. Slowly the two of us started talking. We all went on a picnic once.

We had a great time on the trip and came back home. That excursion gave me unforgettable joy and memories in life. My mind told me that this trip gave me the pleasure of not knowing when to go with family and friends, the reason for which was the arrival of fame. No longer do I think well, when the trip I made with fame gave me so much joy, happiness, and unforgettable memories in life, I felt how wonderful it would be if I had my whole life with fame. I was so happy all the days he was with me, it seemed like he would be even happier if he was with me for the rest of his life.

Fame came to meet me as I wanted to meet fame without further delay. I started loving you without even knowing anything about you ... and the reason for coming to your college again and again was to see you, even when the letter introduced you, that I loved myself before I could say with love that I love you. I have tried many times to talk to you, but why not? Ask him out well if he is no longer absorbed in the connection. Every day spent with you on vacation has given me so much joy. That is why I came to you deciding that I want that happiness for the rest of my life. Will you marry me and give me my happiness ?? Asked. I felt very happy when he asked me to do so. In fact I came to tell him the same thing and I told him I love him too.That's how our love journey started. I got a good job at a software company. Immediately I told the matter of fame in our house and persuaded my parents to our wedding. But Kirti did not agree to our marriage at home and also wanted to bring another relationship to Kirti and get married.

Fame remained in a helpless state of not being able to do anything until he heard how much he told his parents. And will I go to glory with my parents' egg and come with me ?? I asked if I could get married and look after you happily for the rest of my life. I can not do the relationship that my parents brought with me, I will happily share my life with you, otherwise I do not want this life without you. He told them the same thing in his house and he came with me. My parents both of us were married. Also my parents are looking at the glory of your happiness without knowing the deficit that his parents are not with him. I may not be able to give them back to the glory of believing in me and abandoning his parents for me, but I will look after him happily, without any hardship for the rest of my life. The small acquaintance that formed in my life like this turned into love and gave me joy for the rest of my life and shared life with me.

'' Thank you ''