Book of Realms - Part 3 in English Fiction Stories by Samarah Fatma books and stories PDF | Book of Realms (Part 3)

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Book of Realms (Part 3)

After Charlotte’s quest, Cherry was in another Realm. Cherry was captured in the Realm of Water. She found herself on a big ship. Another voice came and told her that, " You are in the Realm of Water or Waves, you have to find the Sapphire key and the magic door. Everything you require will be found on the ship but remember you only have till sun set, if you don't escape till sunset then you will be a fictional character of the Book of Realms. Your quest begins now."

Before Cherry could ask anything, the voice disappeared. Cherry told herself, "Ok, let’s start this challenge, it should be easy as a pie!" She thought it would be really easy but she underestimated it. After searching for two hours she thought of giving up but since Cherry never learned to give up, she continued to search and saw a door leading to the basement. Once she reached the basement, she told that, "Wow! I have never seen a ship with a bedroom, bathroom and kitchen before." She went in the bedroom and saw a secret door with a code lock with a piece of paper. Cherry did not know the password, so she looked in the paper. The piece of paper said, "Around this ship is a few letters, total 9 locating the place of the key. After you find the key you will have to find the mystery box.

In the box you will find the code to the lock. Good Luck!" Without wasting a minute, Cherry started looking for the words. She looked every inch of the ship and only found four letters. F... D... O... K... Then she remembered, the paper said, "Around the ship, not in the ship!" She checked the outside of the ship and found 5 more letters. R... N... T... E... C... Cherry started to arrange the words but couldn't. Then Cherry heard a familiar sound. It was Charlotte. Charlotte asked Cherry, "Hi Cherry, Sorry for bringing you into the book." Cherry said, "It's fine." Then Charlotte asked, "Do you need any help with your mission?" Cherry replied, " Yes, I do need help. These few words spell a place on this ship but I can't figure it out." Charlotte asked Cherry for the letters. Cherry told her the letters, F... D... O... K... R... N... T... E... and C... Charlotte figured out what the first word. FRONT. After that Cherry immediately realised and said, "There is only one place which starts with FRONT." Cherry and Charlotte both said together, "THE FRONT DECK!"

Cherry rushed to the front deck and found the box. She thanked Charlotte and continued to find the door. She saw the key and a mystery box as well. After opening the box, she found two pieces of paper. One of the papers read the code for the door, which was 160829092528. It was very long but Cherry didn't mind. The other piece of paper said, the one which you think is not what it seems. Cherry was confused and just went to open the door. After opening the door, she found a secret code so solve. She was given numbers which represented alphabets. (E.g. 1-A 2-B 3-C etc). She also had been given a paper with numbers. She decoded the code and found out that she had to jump in the sea! Cherry said, "What...? I am not doing that." After saying that she saw one piece of paper glowing. The paper which had "The one that you think, is not what it seems" started glowing. She then realized what it meant so she jumped in the sea and then was transported into the last Realm, The Realm of Fortune!

To be continued......