AM I FOLLOWING MY HEART? - 8 in English Fiction Stories by Krima Patel books and stories PDF | AM I FOLLOWING MY HEART? - 8

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I went to U.S. after a month of that heated arguments and all that discussions. They still didn't allowed me but somehow my gut feeling was so strong that I just cannot stop myself. I was at my parents house at that period of time and I left informing them about it.

We are almost disconnected since one long year, I've tried thousand times but he didn't gave me any replies so I leaved trying then and somehow we have lost touch too.

After that one such special day Shivang surprised me on my birthday, I still remember he was on my doorsteps with an ombre tulip bouquet, rainbow rose cake and a bottle of champagne. I was completely dazzled because that was unexpected and that too from him. But I welcomed him with a smile and a tight hug , he too send me same love back and I thanked him for coming and making my birthday special.

He kissed on my forehead and said, 'ya, welcome, it's all right, after all it's your birthday dreamer, By the way you’re looking gorgeous as always and also I’m here as we need to sort out some issues today.'

'Leave it! After all after so long we are together happily, forget those dark days and you know what, soon I'm going to be promoted by the end of one and half year may be and it's a year already so let’s see. Hope CEO seat will look towards me soon.'

'Amazing! what a perfect life you had!'

'Hey, amazing would be life of our family, okay!' I further asked him, 'how long are you going to be there with me?'

He replied, 'I'm leaving after two days.'

'I wish you would stayed for at least a week but anyways fine let's go on a long walk then'

'No, I'm really tired. Let's sleep shyama.'

'Ya, fine.'

He was looking over my house and I picked up his bag and put it in the corner of the living room. He seemed perfect but I was perplexed by this normal behaviour of him as if nothing ever happened.

'Shyama, bring a glass of champagne' Shivang shouted.

'Ya, coming...'

He make a glass for both of us.

We both cheered up. While having cake and drink, Shivang wished me, 'happy b'day darling' and I thanked him.

We both hugged each other and Shivang didn't leaved me, we both stood there gazing at each other’s eyes for some moments, our faces came closer and that night went intimated between us.

The next day when I woke up, I saw Shivang talking to someone on video call and it was my mother-in-law. I made a cup of coffee for both of us, tied my hair in a decent manner, washed my face with water and went to gave Shivang his coffee cup and to talk with my mother-in-law.

She said, 'Good morning! How are you, beta?'

'I'm fine. What about you?'

'I'm good too.'

Shivang kissed on my forehead and said, 'Let's return to our home' 'What! know' I said.

'But why? Next week there's marriage of daughter of shivang’s only buaji. And your presence would be necessary' Voice echoed from video call.

'No, after one year from now. I won’t be at leave. I'm definitely coming home but not now and you very well know why.'

'Shivu, I've already told you, you don't need to spend your money to visit her even once, it's all in vain. And shyama you are still mad after your dream, I just can't believe this. Shivu now I rest this problem in your hand. It's on our family's respect, hope you know that and how important it is. Now by hook or crook bring her to India tomorrow or else don't enter my home. I allow you to take any step against her. She didn't understand simple fact of importance of family's respect, do teach her by any of the way, bye!'

'Okay! Now I understood why you visited me. I'm thinking over since yesterday after a year of no contact at all, how can you come and with ease can behave, you know what you all are so mean. It's a year, do you know how long it is, shivu?'

'Of course I know, calm down baby, calm down!'

'Seriously! How can you be at so calm I don't understand that, since a year I'm trying to call you, message you and your family too and there's no response and still you expect me to calm down. Even my parents tried to contact your family but they didn't even reply back or call back. It's only me left in this relationship who is trying to settle down all this chaos , only me! You can leave me alone! I don't want to see you anymore.'

'Stop this nonsense, shyama! You're speaking too much now! Do you know how difficult it was for us to handle people in the society, my parents need to listen so much because of you, people asking them that what's the need to let her go US alone and that too to pursue dream position, isn't it bullshit! People were questioning your integrity. This year was not easy for us too'.

'Really! You don't know my integrity? You don’t trust me? And tell me why didn't you have ever picked my call?'

'It's simple! You went without my permission anywhere and then you expect me to pamper you and understand you like a little baby. Can you please Stop overreacting shyama?'

'Excuse me, I'm your wife not a puppet which would act as per you and your family's wish. Just a matter of two year it was and you've created a volcano out of it.'

'Yes! I'm going to create this havoc, as your thinking is spoiling our family's reputation in our society.'

'I've done nothing wrong such that people criticize your family.'

'you know what you are blind, deaf and dumb. The way the family wants, you need to mould yourself according to it, that's my order and you're coming with me and that's final.'

‘I'll not come and that's my final decision.’ Finally I said it.

He came nearby me and give me a very tight slap and after a couple of minutes he said, 'Sorry, I don't want to do this but it's you who kicked me to do this to you. Now wash your face and we need to reach at airport after two hours and you're coming with me you've no choice but to follow me.'

He rushed towards my room, putting my clothes from the cupboard to his bag and I stood there amazed by everything happening around me.


Anubhav said that then you've given divorce to him.

'No' I replied.