Your You in English Letter by Hemanth Karicharla books and stories PDF | Your You!

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Your You!

To my dearer,

I don’t want to name our relationship. Because it is something more than friendship and beyond love. I share everything with you like there is no secrecy. And you care for me like there is no privacy. You know one thing; I love your presence, and I love my silence in your presence. I love holding your hands and staring at your deep eyes. I love your smile and smiling eyes. Before you came into my life, I loved to be alone. But now, I’m afraid that, if you leave me, I’ll be alone again. But I’m not asking you to be with me, that is entirely your wish. If it's my mistake to hope so, forgive me. I expect nothing from you except your love and caring. I respect you and your feelings, thoughts, emotions, decisions and actions too. I dare to express my feelings towards you. Because I don’t want to hide anything from you.

You know, you changed the course of my thoughts and my life. Before you met me, I used to be very mild, dull and gloomy. But, you came and changed everything; you brought the change from inside. You revived my thoughts; you revived my mind and soul; you heal my pain that occupied every vein of my heart, and you gave life to my life! I reborn to your Love and Affection. You made me free from all the clutches. You are my freedom. You reincarnated the hope in me. The hope to hope, the hope to expect, the hope to grow, the hope to travel, the hope to achieve, the hope to live and the hope to love and you are my hope.

The moment you arrest me in your deep eyes, I feel very proud. The moment you hold my hands, I feel very warm. The moment you are with me, I feel confident, courageous and determined. You don’t even know exactly, what and how you mean to me. In fact, even I'm unable to find it! But I can say that you are the sacred soul who was born for me, to guide me, to pamper me, to care for me, to shower love and affection on me and to make me strong from inside.

You have your own life to live, but you didn’t leave me. Instead, you took me into your life and made me a part of it. Sometimes, I confused, am I the extension of you or another you? Maybe the creator created two bodies for one soul. Maybe it was his mistake and maybe he realized it and now he corrected himself by re-joining us as one. See, if maybe we were born as one, I might not realize how precious you are and the worth of Love and Life. You came to me, of course into me and made me worthy too. Maybe to make me realize all these, he separated then and united us now. So you are not my better half, you are my only half if he won’t separate us again! Now I understand, who are we to each of us... You are me and I’m you!

With Love and Respect,

Your you!