Lost Boy Munna in English Love Stories by Mustaq Ahamad Shaik books and stories PDF | Lost Boy Munna

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Lost Boy Munna


It’s a fine night with sky full of stars and moon was at his brightest sight. Yash’s phone rang, he picked up the call. A female said "Yash, this is Munna's mom he didn’t reach home I am very worried."
Yash said, “Aunty don't worry I know where he is i will bring him home. OK byeeee." He ended the call and took his bike and went to 4th lane Bradstreet, a very decent place full of crowd on Sundays but free on week days.
He knows that Munna should be here and he found him under a tree as usually. He went to him and shouted at him with anger, "You idiot, why are you wasting your time for your past. Don't let your past ruin you down buddy.
Munna laughed and said, "You know pretty much how I love this street. Don't think too much buddy nothing happens to me till you are with me."
They both started to their way to home suddenly Munna jumped of the bike and started running vigorously after a girl. Finally he reached and stopped her.
The girl turned back and asked what he wants? He replied sorry i misjudged you to be some other. She went away from him.
Munna suddenly fell down on his knees and slowly tears are running down from his eyes. Yash picked him once again and took him to his home where he stays with Munna as usually like every day. They had their dinner and entered their room to sleep which was full of one girl’s pictures with some quotes beside every picture. He use to sleep late in the nights till then he used to see the pictures of the girl with eyes full of tears. Whenever Yash asked him why won’t you cry and reduce your pain he says that her smile forces me not to cry. Yash won’t argue as it was a daily routine.

That night they slept well and Munna is calling a girl's name in his sleep but Yash didn't respond to it. As the sun rose Yash left for his home to get ready to go to work. On that morning Munna got a call from his school friend named Priya inviting him to her marriage. She was a common friend of Munna and also Divyanka, remembering that he asked for the date she asked him to come a week before her marriage which was on the first Sunday of the first month. He decided to go to marriage. He told this to Yash also .he was waiting for the day of marriage daily he used to go to Bradstreet and stands under a tree for an hour and returns back to home. He feels lonely all the time except when he was with his mom and friend Yash.
Finally the day has come everyone of Munna's old friends are enjoying but he has something lonely feeling that he didn’t see the one for whom he was waiting. He never loses his patient as there are still four more days for marriage.
On the fourth day night before the marriage Munna was roaming in the streets as he loves it .There he saw a girl suddenly harassed by a gang of rogues .He ran towards them and requested them to leave her. They didn’t listen to him and started to tease her, Munna's patience has lost and he obstructed them with a few blows of his fist on their faces everyone ran away from there. After that he asked the girl whether she is ok, she said ok and introduced herself. Her name is Myna she is a good looking short girl with a long hair, sharp nose in modern outfits and she was so childish in nature. On seeing Munna with a good heart of helping others and his massive body cuts which he got it by a tremendous workout daily. She fell in love with Munna. He dropped her at her room as she has also come to the same marriage. All the way to her room, she was talking like crazy and her mouth doesn't even shut for millisecond also. Munna after dropping her left to his room. Myna was thinking of Munna all the night and decided to propose him next day. On the other hand Munna was thinking of Divyanka waiting eagerly for her visit. The next morning Munna went to gym had workout got fresh and went to meet his bride friend Priya along with his friends. During chit chatting a topic about Divyanka raised for that He came out of there went to his room locked down and cried for an hour.
The next day everyone were busy in the preparations of marriage someone practicing for Sangeeth, girls having mehendi, gents playing cards , older people chit chatting sitting as a group and singing songs. Munna is seeing all this and smiling and playing with kids who arrived for the marriage. All of a sudden a girl came towards him and said, "Good morning Munna don't you recognize me last night you saved me from the rogues." Oh! You nice to meet you Myna sorry I couldn't recognize your face as there was no lighting yesterday. Tell me what the matter is?”
"Thank you so much Munna I forget to tell you in the night," said Myna," I need to talk to you in personal.”
They both went to the terrace. Munna was talking normally to Myna. All of a sudden Myna said, "Munna I love you from the first time I have seen you and i need you for my whole life. I feel like without you I am zero."
Munna doesn't expect that from her, he simply rejected her and said that I don't love you. She asked why? He said I am not the guy who deserves you. She warned him that she will die if he rejects her. He took it easy and left her.
In the evening he heard news that Myna has attempted suicide. On hearing that he ran to her room filled with her parents and Friends .He asked everyone to get out of there. As everyone went out of the room Myna said, "Now you understand how much I love you. Tell me that you love me."
Munna slapped her and said ," I can't love anyone in this world except the one who gave birth to me and the one who gave me life by changing me." Myna asked her name .He replied, "Her name is Divyanka," with tears in his eyes.
He said," love is a thing which makes a man perfect but also makes his life painful .I had searched my joy in that pain remembering the sweet memories of my life. A lover is not a true lover who blindly commits stupid things like suicide it’s just a possession. It is nothing but taking someone's life into their hands or supervising and warning him to be with him. It comes deep from the heart without even saying. The other can feel it just by seeing your actions. If you want to know why I don't love you then listen to my past."

Those were my college days; I was a short tempered and a rebel guy. Frequently attend to fights and maintain groups. In the college we organised an event for promoting the project of helping poor around our college circumstances. We invited our vice chancellor to start the program and our group has stood as volunteers .As we were waiting for the vice chancellor a girl in a red colour saree coming through the gates and I was standing in front her ,she was amazing with killing eyes, mesmerising smile that too in a traditional look. Behind her our guest was coming with two of their guards surrounding him along with our faculty and volunteers. But I couldn't saw it as my whole world became empty except that girl coming towards me I even didn't hear any sound around me it was so calm and as she had pass me then I realised that there were crackers and sounds from the audio devices . I remembered about the guest and was totally busy in the event. After going home I was not able to sleep as I was remembering the girl I saw in the event. It was like a magical moment for me in my life and unknowingly I fell in love with her. I started interrogating about her , as I have a good support among all students of our college, it took only ten minutes to know her name but everyone said that they know her name but they weren't know about her anything. I was very much impressed about her. Sorry I forget to tell her name it's Divyanka who was my magical moment of my life.
The next day we led a campaign of helping poor people, surprisingly Divyanka came there I don't want to miss the chance this time. I went towards her but my heart started running faster than a cheetah, I was afraid for the first time and I just passed beside her and met my friend Yash behind her. Yash observed that, he said bro you are afraid to talk to a girl what I saw is it real. I told him to ignore it and asked him not to tell anyone. The whole campaign I was following her and she even didn't notice. She was very much interactive with the people, childish with kids. When was playing with a small cute girl the girl was about to fell down then I suddenly ran to her and hold her without falling. I was on the ground holding the girl in my arms on me she was tensed and then while lifting the baby girl in my arms she made an eye contact with me . I remember those eyes every time I close my eyelids. After picking up the girl she thanked me for that and as I fell on the ground my shirt was full of dust observing that she gave me a T-shirt from her bag, I took it. After wearing the dress, I was shocked to see her waiting for me outside we introduced each other and I appreciated her for her great interaction with people. Without waiting a second I said I was following you all the day you may be angry with me if I say I Love you but its true when I saw you from the first time yesterday. I don't want to hide anything so I told you all the truth. I am not a guy who hides his feelings and do circus in front of you. I am pretty much confident that I love you. I will be waiting for your reply. She just ran away from me with anger at her face but I was able to see the same love which my mom shows me in her eyes. That night I got a call from an unknown number on hearing my voice the call was ended. I tried calling the number but every time that call was cut by the other person. I got a doubt that it may be from Divyanka, I quickly checked the volunteers list of campaign for my excitement it was her number. I simply left a message to her that I know that it's your number and don't be afraid to talk to me. Then she called me I want to tell you that I won't love you but I will be your friend but I said don't merge friend and lover I will be your lover and I can't be your friend both have similarities but they are different. You may feel me as a friend but I always feel you as my lover. She replied if it is so I won't talk to you.From the next day I started following her wherever she goes. I talked to her but she avoided me. She smiles on seeing me but I pretend as I don't notice that. One group of my college was harassing her I rushed towards them and gave a blow at the face of the guy who grabbed her hand. As I was fighting, all my gang had come and joined me. I observed Divyanka she was very much afraid of that and she run away. I followed her and hold her hand she slapped me. She said that I don't love you, what do you think of you? How can you think that I love a rogue like you? From now if you follow me I will leave this college and good bye. I was very much hurt by her words and I was suspended from the college for a month. I lost control on myself , my temper gradually decreased , I used to sit alone in my room and I even didn't allow my mom into my room. After a month I entered college she was walking against my way but didn't show her my face and just gone from there as I didn't know her. She also acted the same. After that I was calm and silent, talk very low with patience. I was totally away from gang wars all my friends left me except Yash he was with me in every bitter times of my life. I secretly followed Divyanka but acted to be a stranger in front of her. It was also seen by Yash and he always teases me. Every day I was waiting that she will come to me and talk to me. I spent many sleepless nights thinking why she has done like that to me. I got my life totally changed my abilities of speaking listening reached to a vast extent. I started to think before talking, I started to listen to others and understand their situation give them suggestions and advices which can help them. Again all my friends turned to be in favour with me and they started to respect me. Gradually I became a reference guide to all my friends which we use when we face some difficulties in understanding any topic of a subject. Unknowingly I turned from a rebel guy to a nice guy.
One day a girl from our class was very much depressed as her boyfriend has cheated her. She went to top of the building and was about to jump from there. Everyone gathered at the foot of the building she isn't listening to us then I called my group and told a plan to help her. As per my plan Yash proposed the girl who was on the top of the building as per her mind set she started arguing with Yash forgetting about her act of suicide. Yash was telling about how he will take care of her. She was listening to him. Yash was saying that I will take you to shopping twice a month, a movie twice a week, doesn’t make you feel bored. In the mean while I reached the top and from the backside I pulled her and took her down forcibly. There she told me about the issue on hearing it I slapped her and you didn't even think of your parents’ shame of you saying it. Listen if anyone rejects us then it’s clear that they are missing the one who really loving them for that they have to feel sorrow. The girl then apologised and asked about Yash's proposal, I told it was all fake in order to save you from the incident so thank him first. Then suddenly Divyanka came there in a hurry shouting what happened to you Priya are you crazy. Priya said I am alright, as she entered I left from that place. After a while Divyanka called me too meet me at the college cafe. I went there she thanked me for my help in saving her friend. She said I will talk to you normally but not as your lover. I stood up from there and was about to leave then she stopped and asked me what happened?
I said if I wouldn't have save your friend's life you may not talk to me. I don't want your pity. I just need your love.
It's true but I have several truths you don't know about me, the situation today let me to tell you the truth. That's why I called you. I was only seeing her eyes they are filled with the same feel they had when we first met. I was totally convinced by her eyes and sitting again I said then why are you hiding that you are love me? She with a cute smile replied how can you say that?
I replied with full confidence that a girl's words may be lies but not their eyes. She suddenly stood and started walking towards the garden I stopped her there holding her hand then seeing that no one was there she said I Love You too. I was filled with lots of happiness that I can't tell it my words but she said she want to reveal some truths before leaving from there.


We went to a park a ten kilometres away from our college its name is Rainbow Park. In that park we sat on bench under a tree. Some kids were playing in front of us and elders chitchatting, walking and jogging as it was the evening time. It was so pleasant there. Then Divyanka said Munna my first truth is I love you but not from the time when you proposed or not even when I first saw you. I love you from the time I entered this college without even seeing you. I may go anywhere or to any faculty they usually talk about you about your academics your activities your way of approach. Not only the faculty but also every student of the college from juniors to seniors loves him. I don't know how I fell in love without even knowing you. It's like magic to me. The day when some people teased me I was thinking about my family as my religion is different I thought that they won't allow me to marry you . So I scold you at that time but after that day I was very lonely I missed your every activity. I can't even digest that you are not there around me. Do you know one thing you don't even have enemies as everyone knows that whatever Munna do anything he will do it for justice. I come to know about this when the group came to me and apologised for teasing me and they said we are very sorry to say that because of us Munna has suspended. They were sad of being a reason of your suspension it shows how familiar and how good you are with all the students. I spent many sleepless nights .I don't know even how many times I had typed a message but deleted it in fear of what do you think . I missed you a lot. I cried all the night for saying those bitter words. My heart was saying to talk to you but my mind stopped me .I don't know you trust it or not but it's the truth. What can I do than that as a girl? Keeping my shyness aside told you everything. I know about your mom father and even your friend Yash. Munna I really love you so much and sorry for scolding you that day. I pretended to be OK when you pass away from me but I was dying to talk to you from inside. Listening these words I just stopped her and held her saying that you don't have to say it your tears are saying more than your words. I promised her not to leave her hand in any situation. She asked whether I am not angry with her. I replied that love and anger can't be at a same place as you came to me taking all the love along with you how can anger be there. She smiled and I wiped her tears. she moved close to me nodding her head on my shoulder looking at the kids playing in front of us more than two hours only our eyes and feelings were talking at that time but not a single word was coming out of our mouth.

After that meet we started respecting each other. Whatever we do it's based on both our thoughts. We used to talk to each other late in the nights on mobile. Even we sleep talking on the mobile sometimes. We usually meet at Rainbow Park and sit on the same bench we sat when we first went there. She often talks about our marriage it should be like this like that, I just love to listen to her as she talks very cute and pretty. She got anger for not replying but knowing my reason why I was calm she smiles with a bit of pride that was enough for me to sleep peacefully for the whole night. Every word which comes from her is so pure like a pearl; her smile is true like a baby's smile. We are very much close to one another. We won't go to movies or bunk the college we meet often in our college canteen and visit Rainbow Park. We love children very much; she is very much affectionate to children than me. We often quarrel about our children I say that I want a girl child like her and she want a boy child like me. After a long argument we come to a understanding of having both girl and boy. She always thinks of her parents what they will do when they know this matter. She talks about her dad that he trusts her more than anyone in this world. Her dad is like a friend to her she didn't hide anything since her childhood except about our love. Once she has move out of city for 3 days and there was no call from her side. I was very much tensed about her. I didn't sleep for those three nights. I was waiting for her but I lost my patience. Seeing me in that condition Yash can't tolerate, he simply said bro let's go and meet her. I hugged him for his advice and support. We started to Wilder City a hundred kilometres far away from our native. It was 8'o clock in the night when we both reached there. We are waiting for her reply such that we can know the address but she didn't. We are roaming and searching for her as she had a habit of standing on the terrace and looking at the moon. We are too tired roaming for long hours and it was 10'o clock in the night without food and water. We lost hope of seeing her but I got a clue actually their religion people lives in a place forming a society. I interrogated nearby people, they told that there are two societies in this city one to the north of the city and other to the south. We opted to toss a coin if it is head then we decide to take north and if its tail we take south first. We tossed the coin it was head and we started to north there were ten colonies in that society but there were no girl standing and looking at moon on the terrace. We started to south from there the society in the south has fifteen colonies we found 3 girls on the terrace talking but they were not Divyanka. When we reached the last colony we decided to search on foot. As it was late in the night the dogs were barking at us a few dogs started to chase us we two are running and shouting for help loudly then some people came there and helped us. As soon as I shouted hearing my voice Divyanka came out of the house. Yash was happier than me to see her as he just escaped from the dogs. After everyone gathered there has left I ran towards her and Divyanka also running towards me with eyes full of tears and hugged me so tight it shows that she missed me so much. Then wiping her tears I asked what had happened then she replied that her mobile has got repaired so I didn't reply you but I missed you very much there we had a little talk she said she will get other mobile by tomorrow and call you . I said I have to leave now OK take care. I love you and keep smiling. From there we started again to our home. The next day I got a call from her as usually. She was crying on mobile I was tensed she immediately said that my parents are seeing matches to her. Then I said I will talk to them but she rejected as she don't want to break their trust. She simply told me I am sorry but I can't do anything and I am not even coming back to our city. I just got to know about this thing today morning. Munna no one can ever love me than you in this world. I don't want to be a reason of destruction of my father's good name. I replied her it's OK Divyanka whatever your decision is I accept it with a smile but don't forget I will be waiting for you and love you forever. Don't cry I am OK. She ended the call. That's the end of my golden days.


From then onwards I used to stand at the Bradstreet for her with a hope that I can see her when she come back to the city. But for the past two years she didn't come back. I come to this marriage with a hope that she may come to this marriage. As Priya was her best friend and she was the one who I saved in the college when she is committing suicide. I don't know whether she comes or not I will love her forever. Now tell me having a girl in my heart how can I be with other girl. Myna apologised me and I went out of there. It was last day of marriage I was busy with the arrangements as Priya is like a sister to me. Marriage was going quite normal in the meanwhile some of their relatives quarrelling long themselves as they are disrespectful towards them their problem was that Priya's father was talking to everyone except them then I moved to them and I said even he didn't talk to me bit I am doing my work as I thought him my own and he too thinks the same . If you think you are not own then tell to him he will talk to you and from then they too joined me to make arrangements and Priya's father and they hugged each other and the dispute was closed. The marriage has end it was the time to send our girl to other home. Everyone from bride's side were crying it was the from the entrance there came a girl with a black saree with a matching bangles ear rings with a loose hair my heart started beating fast like a cheetah , I got to know that's Divyanka. Yes, it was her my eyes are filled with tears. She as usually ignored me but I totally concentrated on Priya. I told the groom I am happy to give my angel's hand to a person who can make her happy anytime I trust you more than anyone in this world. I know that you won't let me down. I hugged both of them. Divyanka crying hugged Priya and wished her a very happy married life. After taking everyone's blessings Priya left from there. I didn't dare to talk to Divyanka I am afraid that she will leave me again. I was sleeping in my room thinking of our sweet memories. Suddenly someone knocked the door, I opened but I see no one. I heard a sound of payal going upstairs I followed the sound it led me to terrace. As I checking for whom it was the door leading to downstairs was closed. It was Divyanka who closed the door, I was amazed to see her . She asked me whether I am fine or not. I replied that I am cool. I asked how her husband was. She said that I didn't marry anyone my heart filled with excitement and happiness. She hugged me with eyes full of tears and said I can't imagine anyone else as my hubby rather than you Munna, I can't even imagine how I spent these two years in my home . Everyone of my family started to discourage, being disrespectful, avoided me as I rejected the marriage proposal. I don't why parents change at the most worthy thing of a girl's life. Every parent take care of their baby when they are in womb itself, give them anything they ask, but they even don't ask a thing that she likes to marry. They take this decision into their hands without their child's opinion. But we sacrifice our next sixty years for the prestige of our parents. They don't even notice that. You won't trust me Munna I just came to life when I saw you today. I didn't think that I can't even sleep without yours good night message how I thought of leaving you. I love you Munna I won't leave you this time. Never leave you whatever happens let's go far away from this city. Then I said I can't marry you without your parents approval, I told about you everything to my Mom she was happy. Divyanka asked if she is really happy. I said at first she refused and told me every parent wishes to look for a good match to their children. You didn't give the chance to me , I replied mom you think of my good match but I don't need that I need a girl who can't look after you like me and it was Divyanka she is the best . She was very much impressed about you and accepted you. Let's talk to your parents once Divyanka and try to convince them. Divyanka said OK Munna as you wish. We will talk to your parents tomorrow. Divyanka slept in the lap of Munna and he was seeing the cutest girl in his lap all night waiting for the next day.


We both decided to convince her parents. It was her birthday I wished her specially with full of candles in heart shape , in the middle of it I arranged a candle light dinner where I took her and prepared her favourite dish Aloo parata on my own . She was very much surprised and we also had Lassi in place of champagne as she doesn’t like those types of drinks. I promised her that I won't leave her and kneeling down to my knees offered a ring to her asking her will you marry me. She hesitated , I know why she behaved like that I said that I was kidding it's a gift for you after convincing your parents I will buy you a new one don't worry . She smiled and accepted my gift and asked a wish. She asked me to introduce to my mom. I agreed to fulfil her wish tomorrow by 9'O clock in the morning. We both slept well in our rooms and by 8'O clock she woke me up and angry at me for waking up late. I asked her to be cool I will be ready in 15 minutes. After I got ready we started to my home. I already told mom that she is coming and she also knows about her she was very much happy hearing that her daughter-in-law is coming home. My mom is already waiting for us standing outside as soon as we entered she hugged Divyanka first and totally ignored me. She didn't even ask my well wishes. She started talking to her as she is as close as a childhood friend .I was all seeing this and was jealous of Divyanka. My mom noticed that. She told me that you will be here and not new for me but my daughter -in -law should know about her aunt as she has to be here for her next life. I asked her to serve breakfast then she said as we are talking you have to do it, as I don't have any choice I arranged the table with the south Indian special Dosa and called them. I served them both and mom fed me with her own hands. After that we had coffee then I took her to my room she was surprised to see her pictures in my room reading the quotes she started crying, hugging me tight. I told her no one can take your place Divyanka don't cry please mom will beat me if you cry then she laughed and I asked her to go to your home. There we started bading byeee to my mom. As we reached the Bradstreet area she stopped the bike for ice cream it was on the right side she asked me to be there and she went to get Ice cream as soon as she crossed a car hit her . She fell far twenty metres away from me I was numb my brain stopped working I can't sense anything around after a minute I got control over my brain and I started running towards her she was full of blood her face was scratched to the ground there was serious bleeding . I asked everyone for help but no one came forward , one guy called ambulance I don't want to waste time I tied her wound with her scarf lifted her in her hands and I was running all the way to nearer hospital . She was saying that I am going to break my promise Munna. I am convincing her that nothing is going to happen just be calm. She became unconscious I was calling her name and asking everyone to help us then a gentleman stopped his car and we got into it all the way I was slapping her to be conscious but she always talking of her death . I was angry with that i said that you can't leave me furiously hugging her to my chest. We reached hospital I called Yash and informed her parents. Yash came there within minutes and rush towards me saying be calm nothing will happen be strong be brave Munna .Doctors were busy operating her no one is telling about her condition. In the meanwhile her parents came there with some of their relatives knowing about me they started beating me I was trying to convince them but they are not listening to me .Yash doesn't tolerate it started fighting with them but on my saying he stopped . I and Yash were left from the operation theatre. As I was beaten severely I had an injury on my head and my hand was fractured admitted in the same hospital. I was interrogating about Divyanka's situation and was very much worried. I begged god for her recovery in the temple beside hospital. Then a nurse suddenly came to me said that Divyanka's situation is serious and she wants to talk to you. I ran crying towards the operation theatre but her relatives were obstructing me once again I called Yash he came there along with my friends made my way clear and I warned everyone that if I missed my Heart's final words trust me that no one is going to their homes but admitted in the same hospital. I entered the room there were patients lying on the bed fighting to live. She asked everyone to leave except me and her dad. She started talking to her dad. Dad," This is Munna. I love him as the way you love me and mom. We are coming to convince you , I know that he is of different religion but no one can be as good as him and not even you Dad . I can't live without him. I know that you won't agree for our marriage. I think even God don't want us to be together so he done this to me. you gave me everything I want but you won't even ask about my opinion about marriage but simply fixed it on your own as I rejected me you got angry and avoided me for two years . On the other hand, when I told Munna about the marriage he accepted my decision with a smile on his face but he didn't avoided me he loved more and more writing his words on the walls of his room which he can't say at that time. I asked him to go away from here but he stopped me as he don't want to separate a child from her dad who is the first love , a super hero to every girl child . Please fulfil my last wish dad I don't have much time and I want to die as Munna's wife. He can't imagine anyone in my place. You are my hero dad anyways if you reject to fulfil my wish." I and her dad moved close to her I was holding her left hand and her dad was holding right hand. We both were crying vigorously. I was asking her not to leave me alone , at any cost I don't want to miss you dear , let us go to some other hospital better than this or get some famous doctors to operate you , then her dad came behind me patting my back said, “don’t cry son we won't have that much time now ,please marry my daughter and fulfil her last wish . Divyanka was very happy for that she thanked her dad and said, "Don't cry as I will be always with you in your smile don't let me too fell down in the form of tears." I wiped my tears and her dad brought some sindoor from the temple. I filled her head with sindoor she was happy as we were married I hugged her to my chest and she too. Within two minutes her hands fell loose I can sense her heart was not beating I controlled my tears as I promised her that I won't let her fell in the form of tears . I slowly made her to lie on bed her eyes were open and there was a smile on her face I kissed her on forehead and closed her eyes with my hand.

From that day I felt like I am lost and I started calling myself a lost boy but I am not lost in any crowded place or in any exhibition or circus. I started searching myself from then I can't overcome from her death. Then I started imagining her when I am alone or else everyone thinks that I am mad. I know that I am mad in love with her. I gradually got habituated to pain. I stated to follow my own principle that is "CONVERT YOUR PAIN INTO PASSION AND YOU CAN DO WONDERS WITH IT"
I started to found myself in travelling and making my mom happy, helping others and searching my happiness in the smiles of people around me. I created a schedule for me, I work for three months and go to a trip for a week or two and again come back. Helping people while travelling, taking care of my mom that nothing will bother her. Even now my room was still filled of Divyanka’s pictures but whatever I want to tell her this time I won't write them on walls. I simply sit on the terrace at night seeing into the stars say those words to her. I eventually completed ten years , now I am a well named professor , a good son , a social worker , a traveller and also a father to a adopted girl child . But I am still a lost boy and I love being a LOST BOY. There are many people who lost their love because of the society. Some can get over it and lead a happy life but some of them are sacrificing their lives. Failing in love doesn’t mean that you lost in your life love is only a part of life don’t merge love and life. If you didn’t win your love win in your life. Be a Lost Boy and explore yourself.