AM I FOLLOWING MY HEART? - 7 in English Fiction Stories by Krima Patel books and stories PDF | AM I FOLLOWING MY HEART? - 7

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“Enough, it's her choice, Can you both stop overreacting!" shivang's father exclaimed.

I thought he's the only one at that moment who understands me better but no sooner he too than proved me wrong.

'She's the one who wants to chase her dream than let her do that. You can definitely go but there's a cost to it.'

I said desperately, 'I wanna go, I don't want to limit myself, what's the cost to it, I'm ready to pay for it.'

'All right, then if this is your choice than the cost is that you have to go with shivang, you can't go alone as you are married now so we can't take risk to leave you alone in that unknown country.'

'I'm okay with that' I replied immediately. It would be better if he too would join me. I was pretty sure that shivang too would join me.

But Shivang immediately replied, 'No! I'm sorry I don't want to go anywhere leaving everything here and that too for your mad dream position in the company'.

'It's only matter of two years then I’ll take my transfer to India and it would be amazing if you too join me.’

Shivang's mom interrupted me, 'He said no! Can't you hear that! It's his decision and also your dreams are spoiling the environment of my house so stop this nonsensical passionate talks of yours. Success and richness can be achieved by very few in this world and I'm pretty sure that you are not one of those. Ok! Better you be happy with your job here in India in our middle class happy family and we have enough money you don't need to worry about anything, right! Better you focus on your married life!'

She broke me completely.

I took a deep breath and rushed into the kitchen after taking everyone's plates to wash it in sink, trying hard to lock my tears, tough moments of life enters our beautiful life unexpectedly and really hits so freaking hard that it breaks you down completely exhaustively.

I'm missing my parents, at that time. I want to cry in my parents lap whole night. By thinking all this, My mind reminded their innocent faces and I can't stop my tears at all, it's harder for me to store them anymore in my tear duct.

I washed my face with water, drank two glasses of water and then replied to my mother in law, 'Firstly I'm not working for money, I want to achieve something in life breaking my own barriers so that I can proudly face myself when I'm on the verge of my death recalling all my good deeds which I wanted and did it and lastly I'm the least interested in gossiping because I believe doing my work to serve people is my duty as being a human and I've also properly taken care of our family and undertaken my all responsibilities as a woman of a family very well in these six months. Do you have any complaints against me except the passion towards my dream?'

My mother in law stood up with indignation in her bold brown eyes widely opened. “I’m going to sleep, I don't want to discuss much about it, Do what you want to do, After all you and Shivang are mature enough to analyse your present and future. But do remember my words "Mrs. Shyama Mehta" that if a woman can't sacrifice her dreams for her family than she can never experience the happily married life ever in her life."

My father in law uttered and left the space too, 'You can have a high standard Life, Shivang is there to earn for you and you too earning well enough, so why this unnecessary madness about dream and all, give yourself some time you'll be fine and let's conclude this episode hereby.'

I really didn't understood that why everybody don't believe in my passion, my dream, why everyone is money oriented here, I've never imagined that the tag from 'Miss Shyama' to 'Mrs. Shyama' would cost my dreams, If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have been married ever and the strange part is that Shivang stood there against me, he knew importance of dreams in my life still he reacted this way, it's all so complicated. My parents are truly the only one who understands me and my dreams and never caged me back in achieving dreams ever, I missed them like never before, I want to go my home, back to 'My Home' where me and my parents happily lived, nobody ever judged me there or put such arrogant obligations against me, I'm the happiest of all, no one understands me here. Dad, please come!

Screw each one of them, they tried to put me in a cage. Dearest Dad, I wish I could tell you that I'm hurt than ever today!

Mom why today you're not there to wipe my tears, why mom? are you, nobody's there with your princess, your princess is caged, I am all alone, I can no more flutter around like a free bird which way back I used to fly in the whole world like a free happy smiling bird. I wanna hug from you but where are you. There was a time when I even got minor injuries and cry out loud you tightly hugged me immediately and tell me that we are strong and we'll overcome this pain soon. Remember we are STRONG.

The words echoed in me. I cried a lot that day. Really, there's no one like our parents in this world and no one can ever take their place, they are the first and best well-wishers of us. Always, no matter what may come. need you, where are you, I missed you so much, I need you, your princess needs you are you? Where are you? Where are you?


I was crying in the car for some couple of minutes while narrating the story and he passed on his hanky and bottle of water towards me.

He further said, 'I'm Anubhav Sharma, I’m desperate to tell you my name but your emotional story screwed it up all so I thought I should take the initiative, yeah! Just kidding! Don't cry too much, you are STRONG, I can see that and you’re not alone. Be a surfer not sufferer, believe in yourself just as you did before.'

'Okay, so then you divorced to Shivang and went to U.S , right?' Anubhav further asked.

'No, I didn't gave him divorce neither he gave me at that point of time.' I replied.