Seven Days of Love in English Comedy stories by SHAMIM MERCHANT books and stories PDF | Seven Days of Love

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Seven Days of Love

"Aree…. All this is nothing, but foolish timepass for youngsters like you. There were no such extravagant days back then, when I was of your age."
Grandma scolded me. I laughed and lovingly told her,
“Grandma, let's have a contest. I'm gonna show you the benefits of the seven days of Valentine and you list out the flaws. "
"You will lose Radhika. I don't see anything good in them at all."

Dad was sitting on the sofa in front of us enjoying our conversation.
“Dad will be our judge? ”
He looked up from the newspaper and said,
"Why are you involving me in all this? You're putting me in a soup. On one side is my daughter and on the other is my mom.”
“Please dad! It's just for fun."
He agreed reluctantly.
"Okay, you begin, I'm listening."
“Great! Thank you dad.”

I put my hand on grandma's shoulder and challenged her.
"Look, if I win, you will make sweets for all of us in pure ghee. What say? ”
Grandma's interest piqued and she sat up straight.
"Alright. And if I turn out victorious, you won't wear jeans for a month. Okay?"
Grandma glanced at dad and said sternly,
"Rajesh, be just and fair, understand?"
Dad laughed.
“Yes mom. You are more dear to me than Radhika.”

I turned grandma's attention towards me.
"Okay, the first day is Rose Day, people exchange roses on this day. Wouldn't you like it when someone gave you a beautiful, fresh, fragrant big rose? How special we must be for them that they thought of us! ”

Grandma slapped her forehead.
"It withers in a day and some roses don't even have a good smell. It's a total waste.”
We both turned to dad in unison.
"I will give points to Radhika."

Grandma screwed up her nose and scowled.
"Doesn't matter, continue."
"Next is Propose Day, when you confess your love and propose to your lover."

Grandma frowned again.
"What nonsense!! So if you wish to propose to someone, do you have to wait an entire year to do it?"
"No Grandma ... it's not like that."
“Let it be! This day is utterly useless. Not required at all."
Dad spoke from the sofa.
"I agree with mom."
Grandma's face lit up.
“Come on Radhika move ahead. Which is the next day? ”

Now I had to speak carefully. Otherwise, dad would continue to take grandma's side.
"The third is Chocolate Day, living with sweetness and talking sweetly. Spreading pleasantries among your near and dear ones."
Grandma became quiet for a minute, then immediately spoke up,
"This is a toothache day, homemade sweets are far better than synthetic chocolates."
Dad showed me a thumbs up and grandma's renewed rage was on her face.
“Obviously! He's your father, so he will favour you only. Nevermind, let's talk about the fourth day."

Dad winked at me and smiled. Thank God, grandma didn't see it.
"Okay, the fourth day is Teddy Day. That is the day to give a teddy bear as a gift. Teddy Day brings back childhood memories of sleeping in a safe bed, cuddling with parents. Soft and cozy."
Grandma reprimanded.
“Each day is more worthless than the other. What's wrong with our soft pillows? If you want to hug, then embrace real people, alive in flesh and blood. Why do you need a teddy bear?”

Grandma peered at dad through her glasses and asked hotly,
"Rajesh, what will you say now?"
Dad pinched his ears and grinned.
"Well, this time I'm with you mom."
Grandma was all geared up once more.
“Saw Radhika! Let's see what stupid arguments you have for the rest of the days."

I shook my head and guffawed. It was so much fun to pull her leg.
“Then comes Promise Day, the day of giving and receiving. Promise Day reminds us of the importance of commitment, that we will share each other's joys and sorrows.”

Grandma was speechless for a while. I could see her anger sitting on her nose, as if she was feeling defeated.
"If people desire to live together, they have to give and take promises. Why do you need a special day for that?"
Dad was confused.
"I agree with both of you."

"Radhika, what is left now?"
I hesitated to speak further. How do I talk to grandma and dad about Hug Day and Kiss Day? I sat next to grandma on the swing, wrapped my arms around her and kissed her on the cheeks.
"Then come the two days when the touch of our loved ones is equally important."

Grandma smiled, patting my hand.
"Hmm. And that's how we finally reach your Valentine's Day. What was so special about all this? ”

Dad came and sat next to us.
"Well.... Actually mom, these are just excuses to spend time together and be happy."
Grandma looked at dad and said,
"Yes son. But Rajesh, truth be told, why don't we live such that, every day becomes a Valentine?"

I hugged her again.
"Wow grandma, what a beautiful thought!"
She kissed my forehead and stood up.
“Enough of chit chat. Now come in the kitchen and help me to make your pure ghee sweets."

Shamim Merchant, Mumbai.