HONEY- PROS AND CONS in English Health by Subbu books and stories PDF | HONEY- PROS AND CONS

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Honey is an old delicacy. Archaeologists have found traces of honey in some clay pots in Georgia that dates back to fifty five hundred years and more. A cave painting in Valencia, Spain depicts the art of honey collection; the paintings date back at least eight thousand years. According to the ancient Greek religion, honey was considered to be the food of Gods and was presented in the form of nectar and ambrosia. It is clear that honey played quite a significant role in the ancient food system of the Greeks and Egyptians. But would you believe that Honey is the only form of food that never goes bad and as per scientists, some of the old traces found are even edible today. Amazing, isn’t it?

With its never spoiling property, honey also has so many benefits that it is considered a super food, medicine, food, taste enhancer and so many things. In this article, we will talk about the amazing properties of honey.

Honey is rich in antioxidants. Since honey is made out of natural plant compounds, it hosts so many anti oxidants in it that protect our body from free radical damage. Polyphenols, a type of antioxidants found in abundance in honey is known to prevent heart disease. These anti oxidants also help to protect our body from the ill effects of aging and chronic diseases.

Wound healing. A type of honey called Manuka honey has been found to heal wounds through its unique properties. It aids in rapid generation of new tissues and kill bacteria and germs effectively. Research shows it helps the wound to keep sterile for an extended period of time, thereby making it effective and important to the field of medical science. However, do not use the commercially available honey to treat wounds, it can have counter affects.

Digestive issues. Honey is a potent prebiotic. As such it is good for the gut bacteria present in our intestines and helps treat several digestive issues such as diarrhoea. It is also found to be extremely effective in treating stomach ulcers.

Cholesterol control. Studies find that honey can help reduce bad cholesterol and improve the level of good cholesterol in our blood. High level of LDL cholesterol can increase the risk of heart diseases such as heart attack and other disease of similar nature. It can lead to build up in the arteries and cause stroke. Those who consume honey regularly experience a higher level of good cholesterol in their blood and reduced the bad cholesterol than the people who do not.

Diabetes friendly? Research suggests it is better than the ordinary white sugar used widely. It is definitely not the best but a tad bit better than normal sugar. As it is known to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, it also increases blood sugar levels but not of the same quantum as of normal sugar. However, commercially available honey is normally adulterated with syrup or sugar water. So, one should take caution in choosing the best available honey.