AM I FOLLOWING MY HEART? - 6 in English Fiction Stories by Krima Patel books and stories PDF | AM I FOLLOWING MY HEART? - 6

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She hold my hand to emancipate her face from my hand.

I still stood there lost in her eyes.

She said "leave my waist."
She said again ,"leave my waist" and again tears watered her eyes and she sat inside the car and putting the heater mode-on.

I still stood there observing weather with no idea in my mind, My first love is this nature, so I can’t resist being with nature and feeling full of human emotion.

After some couple of minutes she honk the car's horn and I looked at her for a second and then I sat in the car.

I told her, "This day is so special, you know! my heart is beating ten times faster still I'm so at peace..... Isn't it strange?"

She told him, 'You know what I'm very afraid to again fall in love with because I don't want those dark nights of my past to repeat it again, I don't want to write a second new love story in my life, anyways you are a good person to meet, I think we should drive to our homes now and from tomorrow back to normal lives.'
I said, 'Ya..! But tell me what happened in your relationship, why you've given divorce?'

She paused for some time and then started narrating her story with watery eyes, 'It was Saturday evening, the clock turns eight thirty and I was about to leave my office and at that time my boss called me in his cabin, I submitted my daily reports and there he stand by, offered me an envelope and I opened it , it was written that I've been promoted by the company and I was so freaking happy until I read the very next line to that, there it was written that I was transferred to U.S. for two years too, I was still happy for my deeds but a bit insecure to say 'yes' to this offer so I demanded a day to think over and I left my office. On the way to home, my mind kept thinking about it.'

If I would go then what about the family, would shivang and in-laws allow me but whatever it takes, by hook or crook I don't wanna miss this extraordinary opportunity which really comes rarely.

It's 9 PM and I entered home.

Shivang : ‘Hey, sweetheart look today I am earlier at home unlike you.’

I gave him fake smile as my mind is overthinking about the promotion by which I had an opportunity of being at CEO's position.

Shivang : ‘By the way, today it was my half day at office, how do you forgot, it's Saturday! Ok! tell me how's your day at office?’

While he chats with me, I was busy putting my guchi at it's place, rushed into the kitchen, washed my hands and face with water at sink wiped the same by dabbing it with my blue embroidered dress, put the vegetables in basket, filled it up with water and a bit of salt which I've just bought them on the way.
Finally put a cooker on stove to boil the rajma and then told him to let me first prepare dinner and then to talk and he moved to watch television.

I knot my hair into a bun, prepare whole dinner meal and when the meal is ready, my mother in law started setting up the dinner dish for all. By that time, I was washing the veggies carefully so that no dust particles remained on it.

At the dinner table, the four of us eating, I told the untold story of that envelope and further explained, 'Actually, I know that I need to take care of family here but this opportunity won't come that frequently and I really wanna achieve my dream position since so long and in fact I had a plan, in one year I'll settle home and finance and we all would live there and may things work out well then we can settle there forever and shivang, you have an engineering degree, you can easily get a job there, isn't it?'

'Wow! Dear you've planned everything than what's need of all of us' He uttered in a louder pitch, 'Forget this opportunity and stop this nonsense.'
He shouted suddenly, 'Go! Right now, your dreams are waiting to hug you in U.S.'

Silent pause for some seconds such that the sound of clock arm clearly heard by one's ears. I was in complete despair at that point of time.

'If it seems so simple and easy for you to do all these then do! Who's stopping you Mrs. Mehta.'

I frowned and said, 'Really! How can you think that I can be selfish, I thought you'll understand me better and please! we are just talking don't shout at me like this.'

'Wow! Cuddle, you realized where you were going wrong. Congrats! Right now you are gripped with selfishness, Sorry to say but you know what I think, you must brush your teeth and clean your tongue and then come to talk to me, don't you think so?'

'Shivu! Please, calm down baby!' shivang's mom exclaimed and further added, ' I've told you that she doesn't care about this home and us. And now I think her dream has taken your place, She is such a dumb women that can't even understand simplest fact that first responsibility of a married women is to take care of her family first, dreams must not be her first priority and I hope she understood this soon or else would regret later on"

'Enough, it's her choice, can you both stop overreacting!' shivang's father exclaimed.