You are my life - episode 24 in English Fiction Stories by Vizhi Malar books and stories PDF | You are my life - episode 24

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You are my life - episode 24

"Once I asked for something
Which you were having in ur hand
U outstretched both ur hands in front of me
Like ' take everything'
It hideously said ' including me'
# Cloudnine moment..."

Ramya was standing like a perfectly carved stone statue on seeing his lovely smile,
He was thoroughly enjoying her cute mesmerized face sip by sip, after all these years he got a brief chance..they both didn't aware how much time has passed like that...

At the same time, the door has swung open, Gokul entered inside asking, " hey Karthik what are you doing here man?! I was searching for you there, Shall we.... He stopped short on seeing both of them and trailed off his sentence by looking at them suspiciously, even though Ramya at once lowered her head and turned out to window side, Karthik immediately turned to see his friend.

Gokul raised an eyebrow towards his dude like, ' what's happening here....?!!!'

" Come let's go..." Karthik put his arm around Gokul's shoulder and nearly thrusted him out of the room.


"You saw her"

There's silence for sometime inside the car , until it reached the road from the hospital parking lot. Karthik behind the wheel and Gokul by his side. Gokul was thinking about something seriously, while looking at his face, Karthik said that word.

"Yeah... finally....." Gokul sighed.

Karthik laughed while changing the gear, Gokul asked, " what's the fun?!"

"You said it's final..." Karthik seemed much happy as he got green signal from his friend. In the process of love, the toughest part is convincing everyone. And he also knew, the biggest part convincing his girl is yet to come.

" what to do then?! I know you won't leave me until I accept it.." Gokul said and fell in silence once again. Now his problem is how to convince Karthik's uncle.

After a while, to broke his friend's serious thinking Karthik wanted to tease him, "bros should know manners at times", referring Gokul's interference in his brief cloud nine moment.

"Aww.... otherwise what you expect to happen?!!... would she run towards you, hugging you tightly saying, "oh my dear darling, I miss you so much in all these years.." like that a movie scene?! Because of my entry you missed the romance, didn't you?!" Gokul retreated him.

Karthik literally laughed at the imagination.

"Note my point, it will happen only in your imagination till the end.." Gokul scoffed.

"That's what make her more special..." Karthik said in fully satisfied manner. "I told you already she took the decision of getting away from me even after knowing that I was attracted to her, I doubted even that emphasized her decision of parting".

(Gokul couldn't control his curiosity, he called him yesterday evening itself after allowing his friend to take rest the whole day in his day off, and dug out the complete story from him)

"Made for each other..." Gokul murmured.


"I said she's your type.... happy?!!!!" Gokul muttered.

Karthik chuckled in response.

After a pause, Karthik said, "it seems to be tough more than what I thought..." in a bothered tone.

Gokul placed his hand over Karthik's shoulder as though in reassurance. He understood his friend has to convince his girl to agree and accept him. "It may be tough but it's not impossible...." he said. He also added "I saw the sparkle in her eyes, it's love only...".

"I know...." Karthik tried to control his blush.

"Oho.... somebody come and rewrite the history by adding the eighth wonder of world.... our 'saint dude' is finally blushing....." Gokul whistled happily and announced for which he got a heavy punch from his friend.


That night was 'shivrathri' for both Ramya and Karthik. They both didn't sleep a bit. Ramya passed rest of the day with awestruck mind. She was in a state of dumbfoundedness as she didn't expect, after all these years she could come across the same wonderful moment that has occurred earlier in her life which she couldn't forget in her lifetime at all...

It's continuously stupifying her mind....How grossly he changed!!! His nicely sculptured face became even more handsome... his chubbiness was gone, instead he attained a well maintained masculine body... his complexion also became specialized from reddish pink to pale lemon yellow.... more attractive... looking marvellous...

Ramya smiled herself blushing in the darkness, lying on her couch in that hospital room. "You shameless fellow...after all these years, didn't learn how to control yourself... standing like a statue on seeing him... oh.... that smile, that was an extraordinary one... I could live my whole life without anything just by looking at his smiling face...." while her thought process going on,

"Mom, who is that doctor sir? Did we know him before hand?" Suddenly Ramya remembered the conversation took place in that afternoon between her and adhira.

It took place just after Gokul and Karthik left the place, adhira got up from her nap because of the noice.

Ramya couldn't come out of the shock and surprise, she couldn't think and doesn't know what to tell, instead she asked "wh..what.. wh... Why baby?!..."

Adhira with knitted brows on seeing her stuttering mother, continued, "He is taking care of me like a well known person, he is behaving so sweet and showing much concern towards me, nurse aunty told he is always like that, but for me it looks so special, did you know he came to check me even during his holiday, on that day he asked about you, he said he was my child hood friend, is it so?!" Adhira was so excited while talking about him.

"Yes, it's true". Ramya told her about the past except their meeting at terrace. Of course she carefully avoided the reason for which she left Chennai.

"Oh...." Adhira expressed her astonishment loudly. Then she kept quiet as though in deep thinking.

"What?!.. Ramya asked her girl.

With hesitation Adhira said, " I don't know why, but I like him very much mommy..."

Ramya smiled at her baby. 'That's what makes him more special, he attracts almost everyone' she thought inside but didn't utter out side.

Ramya remembered that right now and she quivered, now she felt much ashamed about her behavior in front of him as well as her thought process. "Ouch... Ramya you are a mother of ten year old girl, keep that in your mind.. don't act like a teenager... just dumb all your desires deep down in your heart and seal it tightly, never ever try to open and get embarrassed in front of your baby..


it's not good for him also...he deserves better and bright future. Girls are dying to marry him. For his personality, a girl like 'a fairy ' will come from somewhere else. You both have different paths, don't try to merge it. Just leave him alone.." her rational mind made it clear. The thought about him with another girl produces tearing pain in her heart, a wound that could never be healed. 'That's what my fate', Ramya wiped the tear drops escaping on her cheek silently with back of her hand.


Karthik was in elated mood for the rest of the day. He couldn't just settle with his routine bedtime Insta, WhatsApp, Twitter matters.... even though his body was feeling much tired, his mind was so fresh, couldn't get into sleep at all.... And also a soft smile was appearing at the corner of his lips then and there without any reason.....

After all these years of waiting, he just had a look of his 'love of his life'....

"those eyes!!! It seems I could live rest of my life by just looking at those eyes, nothing needed more than that", he thought.

"Oh my gosh.... it's killing.... the feeling!!!! " He really doesn't know how to handle this totally new delightful sensation...He blushed on his own reaction...he couldn't control that and get into he just let it go... the free flow of thoughts about Ramya filled his mind completely and dragged him into a new world where only two of them existed, he slowly drifted into sleep with colourful dreams.

To be continued........