THE LADY COOK - 8 in English Fiction Stories by Uplifted books and stories PDF | THE LADY COOK - 8

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Request the readers to read the earlier Chapters 1 to 7, to better comprehend the continuity of the story...

The Lady Cook - Part 8

I was relaxing in my bedroom sifting through my mobile phone checking my facebook page. The dinner was quite delicious. I must admit that Uma was a much accomplished cook than her daughter Geeta. Till sometime back, I could hear the sound of Uma washing the utensils in the kitchen sink. Now it was quite silent outside. I thought that she must have gone off to sleep in the makeshift bed I had made her in the living room. Since this was her first day in my house, I just went to check whether she had closed the main door properly.

The room was dimly lit, with all the main lights put off, except the tablelamp kept on. Uma was not in her bed. She was standing by the window on the wall opposite to the bed, looking outside. I went and silently stood beside her. As always, I could not but revel at her magnificent figure even at this age of 55. Standing tall at 5 feet 9 inches, with a well toned body; her thick bone structure defining a solid strong figure. Like both her daughters Sita and Geeta, Uma's complexion was also dusky, which accentuated her beauty. Standing beside her with my small frame, my head not even reaching her nose level with my 5 feet 3 inches height, I felt myself so small in her comparison. Uma looked down at me by her side and smiled. "Not going to sleep?" I asked.
"No, it's only 9.30 pm now. I sleep late. You go to bed, have office tomorrow." She replied, still smiling.
"I also don't sleep so early, I laze around in bed going through my mobile. You seem to like this window a lot," I replied, returning her smile.

She nodded. Then turned, facing me directly. Bending her head down to meet my eyes, she said, "Sir, you promised to let me pick you up again. Can I lift you up in my arms now, please ?"
"But why ? What is this craziness Uma ?"
"Sir, I'll tell you the reason for this craziness of mine. But for now, please don't say no."
The look on her face was so pleading, I couldn't refuse her. "Ok fine, if that pleases you, go ahead...", I said.

She bent down, placed her left hand under the bend of both my knees. She then put her right hand under my back and straightened up. She stood there cradling me high up in her arms like a baby, smiling down at me. The suddenness with which I went from standing vertically to lying horizontally in her arms, startled me. On an impulse my arms went around her neck, lest I fall down. Seeing my startled reaction, Uma started laughing. "Don't worry Sir, I'll not let you fall. You are so light and small. Look, you are just like a baby in my arms. I can carry you all day like this. So just relax." She continued laughing.
I said, "Don't laugh Uma. I'm a full grown middle aged man of 40...and you are an almost old woman of 55....and here you are carrying me effortlessly in your arms like a baby. For me this is so embarrassing. I feel so weak and helpless being carried in your arms and physically surrendered to the strength of an old woman ."

She tried to console me, "Why are you looking at it that way Sir? See, If I was a man of 55 and you a woman of 40, you wouldn't feel embarrassed being lifted by me."

I said, "That's precisely it, you are doing a role reversal with me. You being an old woman, are rocking me, a grown up man, in your ams like a baby. I'm lucky that there's no one else in the room witnessing my helplessness against your strength."
Uma laughed again, "Sir, I'm so much bigger and taller and heavier than you. So, there's no reason for you to feel embarrassed. Forget that I'm a woman and you are a man. Just lie in my arms, rest your head on my breasts and enjoy your ride in my godi (lap), Sir."

This time I laughed out loud. "You are carrying me on your breasts like your baby and calling me Sir ? Don't you think, that it was better that I call you Aunty and you address me as Beta (son)?"

Uma didn't agree. "No, no, not Aunty...Ok if you feel awkward to call me by my name, you can call me Bhabhi (elder sister-in-law)."
I said, "Ok, I'll call you Bhabhi. But you can't call me Sir anymore. You address me by my name."
She said, "No, not your name... I'll think of something else when I need to address you."
I said, "Ok, enough of this. Now you tell me Bhabhi, why are you so obsessed in lifting me up in your arms and carrying me around ?"

Till now Uma was standing by the window, looking down on my face, while I was lying in her arms high up near her breasts, my head near her right shoulders and my arms around her neck for support. All the while she was talking to me, she was very gently moving her body from side to side. I felt as if she was purposely rocking me in her arms like a baby. This made me feel all the more helpless and totally under the power of this 55 year old woman.
Now while answering my question, she started walking with me in her arms, very slowly all around the room.

She began, "See, as I told you earlier, you are the exact size of my husband, height, weight, body structure, except only your face and voice...."
I stopped her, "But Bhabhi, I also reminded you that your husband expired seven years back. But I am already forty years old. That means, I can never be a reincarnation of your husband."

She stopped walking. Lifted me bodily up a little, so that my face came closer to hers...she looked straight in my eyes..And said, "But holding you up in my arms like this ; as you say, so weak and helpless and totally in my control, I am having the same feeling as I used to have with my husband in my arms like this, totally surrendered to my strength and loving every moment of his captivity in my arms."

I was speechless....just looked at her face, now a hint of tears swelling up her eyes. She continued to walk slowly, still holding me up tightly on her breasts. "Yes...we used to spend hours together like this. I used to carry him in my arms like a baby ; on my back ; straddled from the front with his legs wrapped around my waist ; or just sitting on the chair or bed with him cuddled on my lap. And he used to love to be in my physical control. This was his best relaxation after a hard day's work. And when he used to be worried or was sad, I used to carry him like I'm carrying you now as a baby in my arms. He used to bury his face in my neck or breasts and just lie there. I used to rock him in my arms and slowly walk around the room. This soothed his nerves and he used to even fall asleep while roaming in my arms.
I miss all that since he had left me. Now that I have found you, I couldn't resist re-living those loving moments of my past.
Now, you understand, why I am so crazy about picking you up and carrying you around in my arms ?"

I just nodded. I said, "Yes, your younger daughter Geeta had shown me your picture with your husband, where I was surprised to find you to be so much taller and heavier than him. Geeta narrated how you were married at only 10 years of age, when your husband was 18. At that time, you were much shorter than him. But as you grew up, you ended up being 5 feet 9 inches tall, which was 6 inches taller than your husband. Geeta told me that since you were married at such an early age, your bonding during your growing up years, never made either of you take your height and size difference seriously.
But, one thing intrigues me. How did you find out that you loved to lift him up and he also enjoyed being carried around in your arms?"

Uma chuckled.."That's another story.....wait let me sit down for some time, I'm not as strong as I was, when I was your age."

Uma was walking with me in her arms, all this time. I really was overwhelmed at the magnificent strength of this woman even at the age of 55. Now she sat down on the single seater sofa, but did not put me down. She held me cradled on her lap, the same way as she was carrying me. I was now sitting sideways across her lap with my head resting on her shoulders, my face looking up to her. She was looking down at me smiling, as she pulled my legs up on her lap, with her other arm and held me tightly on her lap.

Uma continued with her story...
"It so happened, that when I was about 15-16, I was already much bigger and taller than my husband. He was around 23-24 then, but he never grew more than his 5 feet 3 inches. One day, he returned from his work in the rice field, being carried by his friends. He had had a bad fall and had broken his leg. He was unable to walk and was totally bedridden for one and a half month. Initially, I used to support him while he limped to the bathroom. He walked so slowly and in pain. On one of those days, I just bent down and picked him up in my arms and took him to the bathroom. I thought he would get angry at me, but surprisingly he found it very funny. That started it and it became a regular feature. So much so, that when he had to go the hospital for check-ups, I used to pick him up and make him sit on my hips and carried him to the hospital and back."

I was surprised at this. "But didn't he feel ashamed when you carried him on your hips, down the road where everyone could see him ?"
Uma said, " our area, people are poor.. it is quite common that if someone was very sick and unable to walk, he or she is carried physically to the hospital. The men carry their old father, mother or wife to the hospital or doctors. Even the women, if they do not have any able bodied male family member, carry their sick son or husband the same way. Nobody bothers... But it was very easy for me to carry him, since he was so much smaller in size.
This is how it all started. By the time his leg recovered, this had become a fun game between us, which we both enjoyed. So we continued this as our daily ritual when we were alonetogether. But obviously not in front of seniours and others in the family, but only within our closed door."

I remarked, "It really is a very unusual form of romance, a totally role reversal between husband and wife. But since you both enjoyed the same thing, it worked well for you."

She said, "You have been asking me a lot of questions.. Now let me ask you some."
I smiled back..."Ok, go ahead..."

Uma adjusted me properly in her arms and then stood up from the sofa, still cradling me up on her breasts. She started to walk slowly in the room, looking down at my face which was upturned towards her, with me lying in her arms.
"Tell me one thing frankly.... does my daughter Geeta also lift you up and carry you around ?"

This question was so unexpected, I was baffled on what to answer. Geeta didn't inform me whether she had told her mother, that she was in the habit of lifting me up in her arms and carrying me, much the same way her mother is now carrying me. Geeta had told me however, that she had informed her mother, that she had told me the story of her mother being so much taller and bigger in size than her father. But this part about Geeta's habit of picking me up in her arms playfully whenever she felt like, when she came to cook at my flat, I didn't know whether to disclose this to her mother.

"Why do you ask this question ?" I asked. "Did Geeta tell you this? "

" No, Geeta did not mention this, but I am getting such a feeling because of certain reasons."

"What reasons ?"

Uma gave my body a tight squeeze and smiled down at me. "My cute little Manager sa'ab, you might be a big boss in your Company, but remember I am 15 years older to you and mother of two grown up girls. I also know what my daughters like more than anybody else. Can you deny that on the day you spoke to me over the phone a few days back, you were speaking either sitting on Geeta's lap or being carried around in her arms?"

"And what makes you get this idea, my big tall Bhabhiji ?" I replied in her same tone, smilingly.

Uma laughed at my reply. "I'll tell you why.... I could hear Geeta's whisperings to you, when you were talking to me."

I said, "Ohh that ! That is because I had kept the mobile speaker on while talking to you."

She said, "So what ? Her whispers came loud and clear, as if her face was very close to the phone. She is so much taller than you, that is only possible if you were sitting on her lap; or she was carrying you on her hips or from the front."

I laughed out loud, "You know Bhabhi, you should have been in the police. Anyway, what other reasons do you have for thinking this way ?"

She smiled mischievously. "Ok, the other reasons are... that before dinner, when I lifted you up from the front, you immediately wrapped you legs around my waist, without my telling you to do so. Also just a little while back, when I picked you up in my arms, your hands automatically went around my neck...."

I stopped her midway. "Arrey Bhabhi, that is because on both occasions, you lifted me so high up on your body and with such force, I was nervous that I would fall down. That is why I held on to you tightly."

She laughed mockingly this time. "Don't give me that crap dear... The way you wrapped your legs around my waist, it was done so instinctively, as if you do that quite often. And the way you are holding on to me right now, it is obvious that you are quite used to hang on to a big woman's neck like this.
Also I've already seen how much you pamper Geeta. I also know that Geeta has also this crazy fantasy like me. So, I am very certain that she must have fulfilled her fantasy by picking you up in her arms. I also very well know that you cannot say "No" to her.
Now you tell me if I'm correct or not."

I wasn't sure how to reply. "Bhabhi, this is not fair. Why are you asking me this question ? You should have asked your daughter. Look Bhabhi, Geeta is a married girl. Why should she fulfill her fantasy with me ? She has her husband."

Uma understood that the question has become awkward for me. She stopped in her walk. Then turned and went over to her bed. She set me down, making me stand on the bed. Then picked me up again, this time from the front, placing both her hands under my thighs, so that my face was now right in front of hers. I had to rest my hands on her shoulders. My legs went around her hips wrapping around her waist. I exclaimed, "What are you doing, Bhabhi ?"

She looked me straight in the eyes and said, "I needed to look at your face, so this is the best position to hold you. It seems you got flustered with my question. I know you are trying to protect Geeta. You may be thinking that I will not like it if you tell me that Geeta had been carrying you all these days. Let me assure you that I'm not upset with Geeta. I already know that she had tried to fulfill her fantasy by lifting her husband, but he did not like the idea and was angry on her.
From my own experience, I can say that it was impossible for me to resist myself from picking you up in my arms, since you are so small and light. I know how weird this fantasy is and it is almost impossible to find a man, who will not object to being lifted and carried by a woman. Since Geeta has the same craziness, I fully empathise with her that she could not resist herself when she met you. And since you did not object to her madness, she could fulfill her fantasy. In fact, I should thank her that she has already prepared you to mentally and physically accept this torture of being lifted and carried by a bigger woman. Otherwise, you might have objected and refused to let me carry you in my arms.
So, are you relieved now that I am not upset with Geeta lifting you ?"

I said, "Yes, it is true that I was worried how you would react if you found out that Geeta had been fulfilling her weird fantasy with me. But now I'm worried what is going to happen from now onwards ?"

Uma laughed, "Don't worry, I'll talk it out with Geeta tomorrow when she comes in the morning and explain everything to her. We both can now have our fantasies fulfilled."

I also gave a laugh. "I have a feeling that although I am the object of both of yours' fantasy, I do not have any say on the matter."

Uma pressed my head so that it rested on her shouder with my face pressed inside her big neck..and said, "No, from now on you are just a toy in the hands of two giantesses, mother and daughter.
I also want to tell you that I now know, that you quite enjoy being carried by a big and tall woman."

I laughed, "I do not have any options otherwise. Do I have any chance of physically resisting any of you two giantesses? Now Bhabhi, it is quite late, I need to have my sleep, so that I'm not late to office tomorrow morning."

Uma was suddenly very concerned, "Oh sorry, sorry ! I totally forgot that you have office tomorrow morning. Come let me put you to bed."

She then carried me to my bedroom and laid me down delicately on my bed. She said Goodnight and went out of my room, shutting the door behind her.

( To be continued in next chapter...)