IDEAS FOR MINIATURE GARDENS in English Anything by Subbu books and stories PDF | IDEAS FOR MINIATURE GARDENS

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Miniature gardens or fairy gardens as they are popularly called are beautiful, fun and easy to maintain. With the added advantage of less space requirement, miniature gardens have become invariably more popular in recent times. In fact a new trend can be seen where the mini garden is placed in the lawns, gardens and other nature friendly spaces; a garden within your garden. Miniature gardens use a lot of props as a basis for executing the ideas. Simple home equipments and things can be used to manifest the ideas of fairy gardens. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the easiest way you can create your own miniature garden.

For making a miniature garden you will need a flower pot, it can be anything of your choice, like a big flat bowl or a cake tin or a big container or even a teacup with saucer or a teapot. This will be the size of your garden so choose it in the size you want your garden to be. Next you will require plants for your mini garden. Succulents, moss, dwarf trees or small vine plants work the best for fairy gardens. They look beautiful too. You would need tiny plants too that you can place around the tiny ones which can use it for support or around the garden. Make sure to choose the plants that are hardy and require less care. Also you may need to replace them frequently in the case they are unable to get proper nourishment and may wither. Next you would need twigs to support the plants and make several structures. You would also require glue (either hot glue, super glue or craft glue will work), paper and scissors.

After assembling all the required materials, let us get to work. Make benches and tables from the twigs and put it together with the help of super glue. Also make fences out of the smaller twigs. Next make planters from the papers and secure it with adhesive tapes. You can use washing tapes to make it look vibrant or use the simple transparent ones. Put in soil and then the little plants. The planters look extremely cute with plants. You can make gardening tools with the help of a thicker paper like watering can or a bucket and a shovel. Secure everything with transparent tape. You can also colour them and then secure them with a transparent tape.

Once you have prepared the planters, benches, tables and gardening tools, you are good to start assembling. You can also use several accessories to help decorate your garden better.

The next step is assembling. Put soil in the flower pot and put in your plants. You can add pebbles around for decoration. Next put up the benches and tables and the fences that you have made out of the twig. Next add the tiny planters around. You can also put in a layer of moss on the soil before you put the planters. It will look much cooler. Add the gardening tools that you have created in your mini garden. Your mini garden is ready. If you wish you can add colourful beads, or make a house of the twigs or you can even make a river out of coloured beads or paper.

Your fairy garden is ready and you can choose however you wish to decorate it further. Let your imagination run wild! Enjoy!