AM I FOLLOWING MY HEART? - 5 in English Fiction Stories by Krima Patel books and stories PDF | AM I FOLLOWING MY HEART? - 5

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I gave a half crooked smile to her and started walking towards her.

"Are you okay.." I repeated. "You actually can speak in a kind way, STRANGE!" I clapped and giggled.

And further said, 'Just kidding, miss! don't take it seriously and I'm fine and my family too. You won't leave me, right! because you need help, I know..., Don't you worry I'll drop you home, l know it's raining heavily, won't leave you. Relax! Also I'll not talk to you, I'll put finger on my lips and I don't even look at you and you were correct I must not utter a word, I must understand you are the least interested person in dates and I assure you I'll behave as you want all the way to your home, don't worry. Relax! I know you.'

'You are speaking too much now, don't you think so! And you know me. Really! You think so, anyways, Don't forget until and unless I permit you, you can't even breathe…’ she further exclaimed, ‘Just kidding, Relax! I know you! By the way You smell humorous.’


‘Look, I wanna talk to you, can I ?’ she asked

I still stood there putting finger on my lips .

She laughed, 'you're so kiddie-kid, don't you think, by the way, you can node.' I nodded and then I hold her hand and put my coat on her right hand.

I further added, 'There's no umbrella madam, you see! So you can reach to my car with this coat as a substitute of umbrella and I’ll manage myself.'

'I know! But we both can manage to reach your car beneath your coat, can't we?'

'ya, we can may be'

'you sound unsure and diffident too'

'may be'

She laughed out loud and said, 'you are so shy, there's nothing to think too much on such silly topic. It's not even topic, really! I mean! Ok! Don't worry, we'll manage beneath the coat, you can close your eyes, if you feel awkward with a girl.’

She still laughing at my diffidence.

I told her, ‘Excuse me! I'm not diffident, I pretend to be unsure because I thought you might feel awkward. And what happened to you suddenly out of nowhere, you're expressing yourself like this heavy rain.’

She said, ‘Actually when you made me laugh, I realised that I can be happy and these moment of seconds helped me to find lost me, YOU SEE! Thanks a lot kiddie-kid.’

I answered ,"Of course, I know! , YOU SEE!" She blushed.

We both reached to the car beneath a coat whose one end held by me and the other by her. After our hard trials too, finally we both suddenly together burst out into a loud laughter.

I said to her, ‘You remember when we were kids we used to dance when it's raining but that kid lost in the race of becoming mature, but you said I'm a kid so this kid wanna dance right now.'

She blushed and said, 'you're really a kiddiekid, well! I don't know dancing so how can we do, tell me! Wait! I'll sing for you and you dance on it.'

I said, 'wow! Thanks but I'll teach you dance someday, sounds amazing isn't it?' 'may be'
She paused and think for a minute. And then started singing, a song from her favourite famous singer playlist.

And after singing she said, 'Your flavour of song can make our tune-dish better, so, tell me! which song is your favourite?' I replied my favourite song.

She said, ‘May be.’

We both started dancing together beneath the roof shelter of a big banyan tree, some freestyle dance and some couple dance moves, we both looked cute together, may be. In all we were laughing, trying to dance together but somehow we screwed up for many a times and then burst into laughter, again! It was like we’ve been drunken, but any of the way we both were enjoying our accompany.

Further I told her, ‘life is in this moments either Live it or Loose it.’

Suddenly, a strong heavy wind blown such that we stand by each other with holding our hands tight to balance ourselves and her hair covered her face and I hesitantly moved my fingers on her soft face to move her hair from her face, she too then settle her hair behind her ears and then she hold my hand tight and her eyes can't hold tear for too long.

I had frown on my forehead and my face expression was such that I was telling her that she need not to drop tears from her eyes. Further, with nervousness, I hold her face with my hand, I knew it’s too much yet with my fingers I wept her tears from her cheeks.
We both stand there lost in each other's eyes for that moment.

And then she said.....