HOW TO OVERCOME DEPRESSION in English Anything by Subbu books and stories PDF | HOW TO OVERCOME DEPRESSION

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Depression is a serious mental condition. It drains the person off drive, energy, hope and happiness. It makes a person feel low and robs them off the virtue of happiness. Unlike small bouts of sadness and happiness that can affect a person anytime due to different circumstances, a depressed person experiences sadness, hopelessness or feels upset for an extended period of time on a regular basis. It is extremely significant to understand the difference between feeling sad and being depressed. Being diagnosed doesn’t equate immediate cure and it is a work in progress. There are techniques that can actually help you to cope with the mental monster. In this article, we discuss some of these techniques that can prove extremely supportive in fighting depression.

Rethink your thoughts

Whenever you are feeling down and negative thoughts take precedence in your mind, ask yourself what is it that you have not taken into consideration or what needs to change in my perspective to make it feel positive. When you closely look around an extremely familiar room, you will find things that originally you never took a notice of, like a showpiece that never seems to sit right. You need to implement this in your thought and take a different perspective to find the positives that you never seem to find.

Do things you enjoy

When you do things you enjoy, it makes your inner being happy. It could be either a walk around a park, an old hobby, an art class or cooking your favourite food. Doing what you love will feel so natural and exhilarating, that you will be able to push out the negative thoughts. It can help you life your mood subtly. You will feel more powerful with happy emotions.

Get moving

When getting up from the bed seems like a complicated enough tasks, even small achievements will bring about a feeling of accomplishments. Doing small tasks like walking around or taking a quick walk to your neighbourhood park will lift your mood enormously. Exercise releases the feel good hormone endorphins in your body that will help you reduce stress, improve your sleep, boost your self esteem and ward off anxiety.

Remember your happy memory

When you purposefully revisit sad memories, your body emulates the sad happenings and feelings and you can be overwhelmed with all the dark feelings associated to it. In order to break the chain and push the darkness out, think of the happy memories; the memories that are capable of bringing a smile to your face and can lift your spirits. The moment you feel being pulled down by your dark thoughts think of this memory and take a deep breath. You will feel much better almost immediately.

Get your daily dose of sun

Sun is the harbinger of hope and happiness. Make sure to spend some time daily in natural sunlight by going out during daylight hours and get a minimum of 15 minutes of sun every day. It will help you increase serotonin level in your body and boost your mood.