AM I FOLLOWING MY HEART? - 4 in English Fiction Stories by Krima Patel books and stories PDF | AM I FOLLOWING MY HEART? - 4

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There's heavily raining outside and the heavy wind is blowing too.

On the continued phone call with his sister.
He asked sriti, 'Are you feeling okay?’

Because her last spoken words: "No, dear but tragedy you see how do I tell you I'm feeling very stressful listening to" were stressful which made him anxious and scared as she was seven months pregnant so, he thought that she may need doctor.

And further he consult sriti not to worry he has been coming home.

But sriti interrupted him and said, "I'm absolutely fine Mr. Concerned brother and baby also demands you to calm down."
After her reassurance, he felt some relief and he took out his hanky and wiped off his sweat on his forehead.

Sriti further added, “I was actually telling you that the girl with whom you are on date today have gone through so much in life, she had been through pain of divorce by all her alone."

He exclaimed, “Oh shit! I've talked at high pitch to her and left the dinning hall, just before your call because she didn't showed her interest in dating so I frustrated as my time got wasted, since two hours of meet . Now, I need to say sorry to her, I'm feeling so ashamed, can't you tell me this early enough, Mrs. Latecomer.”

Sriti said, "oh, wait! Listen, I’m not latecomer, mom had called you thrice and even messaged you but you didn't check that out so mom told me to tell you, I'm very particular, unlike you Mr. Irresponsible brother, not my problem, over and out Mr."

She ended the call.

Finally he took a breathe of relief and stand observing rain.

He thought it would be strange if he would confess sorry to her as the meet ended, so finally he decided to leave that topic there and started heading to his car.

But as he took his first step, the voice of the girl whispered from behind. The boy paused hearing that softly spoken gentle voice.

She said, "I'm extremely sorry if I hurt you, but are you okay! I mean the way you descended the stairs, I thought something very serious happened to any family member, friend or relative of yours, is everything okay! I mean...Are you okay..."

He gave a half crooked smile to her and started walking towards her.

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The marvellous cover page of the story is designed by Isha Patel
You can follow her on instagram too@_ishaartgalaxy

And My Instagram Id :- @starry.realmy

Also, can’t thank enough to Divya gajjar and Birwa Gondaliya for helping me out in editing the story.

This book 'AM I FOLLOWING MY HEART?' by Krima Patel is subject to copyright act ©. It must not be printed or published in any sort of form without the permission of the author. If found in any other form strict action against it would be taken. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events and incidents are author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual person living or dead or actual event is purely coincidental.