I Wish I Could... - 18 in English Love Stories by Shada books and stories PDF | I Wish I Could... - 18

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I Wish I Could... - 18

We walked together along the road side. A long walk with him was always a dream for me. As he explained all his problems, I began feeling sorry for him. Then I spoke out, "Amaan ,so what was your plan about the new one in Ahmedabad?

"I thought of making it a new branch of ours. But I don't think we will be able to do it anymore. Even the initial investment has been settled we need a huge amount for making it into a more advanced one."

"Okay I think I have an idea. Why don't we make it just a firm. What I mean is it won't cost much and there is no problem in starting from the beginning. As you have contacts all around it won't be difficult in recruiting."

"But will it succeed?"

"It is not succeeding or failing it is about trying. Why don't we give it a try? I know you are more than exhausted and wanted to make things clear. But I strongly believe that we can make a huge difference."

"Yeah I think you are right. So why don't you join me too? I mean you are actually searching to work as an intern, and it would be good if you help me."
I was speechless ,"no Zarah don't do it" my mind screamed . But I don't have any option. He needs me to help him and I cannot let this chance go. Working with him means a lot to me. But I would be able to learn quite a lot.

He looked at me for an answer and I nooded at him. He smiled and said, "So I will talk to Sameera about this plan. I hope it works. And don't worry about Uncle, I will talk to them." He looked delighted.

We continued walking then he asked if I needed more panipuris to which I politely declined. I was full. Then I realised that it was 1am. He was surprised as equally as me. We didn't know how time went by. We got in the car and reached my apartment within half an hour. I asked him to come along an have a coffee but he rejected saying he is full and it was late. I smiled at his retreating form. I was happy in having to get to spent a day with him. When I entered our house it seemed quite and still. It seemed that all them had slept. I tiptoed to my bedroom without making a sound. But suddenly the lights went on. I looked around to see Sasha and Isha looking at me as if I was their target. I smiled at them but didn't let me go.

Isha said, "You didn't even call me when I arrived. You took no care of me. I was worried all about you."
"You are not small child to be taken care of, right?"
Sasha was giggling at us, fighting.
I glared at her, "You cheated me. Don't ever talk to me. "

"But I made my cutie happy, isn't it? Look at her glooming. So all things are sorted out. I told a thousand time he must have a reason."

I chuckled at her and I explained to them his situation. Isha said, "Things will come to the right place again. Don't you worry and afterall Amaan won't let any circumstance to make him fall."

Yeah he knows well to tackle it. So we retired to our rooms as I felt very sleepy. As I making the bed a message notification popped. It was Amaan. I was smiled and opened the message.
"You are really a stress buster and advisor. I will call you tomorrow."
I was happy in having changed his mood. I don't what came over me but I thought it would make everything right. Then I soon drifted off to sleep.