Do you love me? - Episode 22 Cry baby in English Love Stories by Pavan Naidu books and stories PDF | Do you love me? - Episode 22 Cry baby

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Do you love me? - Episode 22 Cry baby

At Priya's Home:
Priya's father: it's not the right time.
Priya: I know but I can do it, I am strong enough to face the consequences of my mistakes.
Priya's father: What if your uncle doesn't want to speak to you?
Priya: He will surely forgive me.
Priya's father: ok wait I will come with you.
Priya: No Dad, I can go.
Priya's father: But... You know he was angry.
Priya: it's ok. There is nothing to afraid of, that's the house where I lived most of my life and have to live in the future.
Before Priya's father could react she left the home and slammed the door in hurry.
Priya's father ( thinking): What did she mean by the future?

At Pavan's house
Watchman: Madam, young master ordered me not let you pass through the gate.
Priya ( with a glare): who is he to stop me? This is my house too. Just move aside from the gate if not I will make sure that you will get fired😠.
Because of her warning Watchman hesitantly moved aside from the gate and she went in.
She saw Pavan's Parents watching TV in the hall and knocked on the door before entering.
Pavan's father saw her and a wide smile come to his face.
Pavan's mom: Priya? why are you knocking on the door like an outsider?
Priya: it's just... Don't you know?
Pavan's mom: know what?
Pavan's father: These two kids again got into a fight with each other and our son insisted her to stop coming to our house.
Pavan's mom: How can he say something like that? It's her house too.
Priya: Aunty I want to buy some dresses, can we go shopping after lunch?
Pavan's mom: of course. What do you want for lunch?
Priya: Anything made by you is perfect aunty.
Pavan's mom: Haha you know how to give compliments better than an old man in this house. After saying that She went to the kitchen.

Pavan's father: let's go to the study room and talk.
Priya nodded and followed him. They sat in the chairs and silence take over for seconds.
Priya: I am... Sorry, uncle.
Pavan's father: I am not mad at you, But I will get mad if you don't have a proper reason for your actions 😈.
Priya: I thought that he... He is the reason for everything I missed.
Pavan's father ( in a rough tone): can you explain it?
Priya: I thought I missed my father's love and affection become of him, and.....( I mentioned the reason in episode 7 Alcoholic heart if you don't remember then check out that episode)
Pavan's father( Broken into lough): From when did you start seeing him as an enemy?
Priya: I don't remember, maybe from My second standard?
Pavan's dad: Haha ok So you think you are a victim here?
Priya: Am I not?
Pavan's dad: Do you remember the day when you first see you're grandfather?
Priya: At my mother death ceremony.
Pavan's dad: Then you should know the reason why you didn't saw him before that day.
Priya: My father loved my mom and wanted to marry her but GrandPa didn't agree to it, so my father married my mom against my grandfather will, it's made him angry and abandoned by Father.
Pavan's dad: So you know some parts of the story but I will tell you the remaining part, My father used to be one of the most powerful people in our state, he wanted to control the political's, for that As a first step he wanted to make his two trusted friends as an MLA and MP of our city, one was your grandfather and the other is your close friend Arjun's grandfather.

Priya got a shiver in her spine after hearing Arjun name and mentioning him as her close friend, she wanted to ask him how he knows about Arjun but stood in silence because he may also know about the panic attacks Pavan faced because of her strategies.

Priya: What happened next?
Pavan's dad: As we expected they both won in the elections, But unexpectedly clashes start between his two friends for the domination, To prevent this my father made a marriage arrangement between your father and Arjun's aunt ( Arjun's father sister). Then your father Admitted about his love. Because of the rejection of the marriage proposal, Arjun's grandfather felt humiliated and the situations turned worse than before. He wanted to take revenge on your grandfather but kept quiet until my father died. Arjun's family joined the opposite party and that 2 friends became rivals, As for the next generation, your uncle( Ram's father) and Arjun's father came to light, and they continued the rivalry.
Priya: But All my father wanted is to marry the person he loved, how can it be wrong?
Pavan's dad: I am not judging anyone, after marriage your father started a Pharmaceutical company with the support of your mother's parents and some other friends, you're parents worked hard for years to establish the company but then your mother died in the accident,
your father got depressed, he started ignored the company and stayed at home with you, in the meanwhile Arjun's father started to buy the shares from the board members with the influence and money. He brought around 50% of the shares.
Priya: then How my father got the company back?
Pavan's dad( replied with a sinister smile): It took some time for Arjun's father to understand that I am the boss here and I supported your father, so Arjun's father sold me those shares.
Priya: why he sold them to you?
Pavan's dad: Because He wanted to live. Every person has a good and bad side in them and he saw my bad side.
Priya understands what he means by that, she remembered her father mentioning Pavan's dad was someone we should never make as an enemy.
Priya: So after getting the company back my father started working hard and ignored me?
Pavan's dad: Your father lost trust in the people so he didn't have anyone who he can rely on in the company, He wanted to full fill your's mother dream and left you in my house hoping that you will be happy and safe in my wife care.
Priya: what is my mother's dream?
Pavan's dad: To make the company one of the best in our country, But eventually now Priya Pharmaceutical's was one of the best API producers, in Asia. He didn't go for second marriage because he cont imagine anyone in your mother's place.
Priya: But my father never cares about what I like and what I wanted to do.
Pavan's dad: when my son was young ( primary school) he wanted to learn volleyball but I joined him in the karate classes along with you become your father want to make you a strong girl who can defend herself.
He didn't agree to send you abroad, because He didn't want his only daughter to leave him alone, He didn't want to buy you a car because he was afraid that something may happen to you as it happened to your mother.
Priya: Then why he brought the car for him?
Pavan's dad: I am the one who brought the car for Pavan but I made your father gift it to my son so that I don't have any problem with your aunty.
Tears started rolling from Priya's eyes, she wanted to defend her statement that her father never cared about her but she cont find the words.

Pavan's dad: your father won't get sleep if you are out of the home. ( Priya remembers the times When her father stayed awake until she gets back home)
Priya: So I am the one that has to be blamed by your son but instead of him I did that. Right.
Pavan's dad: We did what's we felt best for our children, you both don't have anything to do with it. Do you know why Pavan behaved rudely on that night?
Priya explained what happened at the parking lot,
Pavan's dad: you know after that incident appointed a spy to watch my son but last night, Spy sends some Pics (he showed her some pictures of Arjun hugging a girl in front of Pavan, Because of the shadow of the buses that pics were noisy)
Priya: That was not me, it's Nisha...

At the kitchen.
Pavan came down from his room and went to the kitchen to have some water, He saw his mother preparing lunch.
Pavan: Why you're in a hurry? It's just 10:40.
Mom: I am going out with Priya.
Pavan( Ranted): Did she came to our home? I ordered the watchman to stop her, How shameless she is?
Mom: Watch your language, you both are equal to me, you don't have any right to insist on her to stop coming to our home.
Pavan: So you like her more than me.
Mom: I never said that.
Pavan: you are not going out with her.
Mom: stop acting like a kid, She is your friend, not an enemy.
Pavan: Do you know How I got injured on that day?
Mom: By driving the car rashly.
Pavan: no it's not true, the truth is.........

At the lunch:
Priya along with Pavan's dad came to the dining room, Pavan stood up from the chair and leaving after seeing Priya.
Pavan's dad: Where are you going?
Pavan: Anu's birthday is on this week, I will go and buy her a gift.
Pavan's dad: Cont you go after lunch?
Pavan: I am not hungry.
Pavan's dad(commanded): Go After having lunch.
Pavan: I said I am not hungry.
Pavan's dad glared at him and He sat while mumbling something.
Pavan's mom served the lunch and Priya requested her to join them but she rejected softly.
They had lunch in silence, After that Priya tried to speak to him but he ignored her and said " You wouldn't have come" and went out.
Priya noticed Pavan's mom and gave a fake smile and said: it's ok aunty it's just some misunderstanding, we will sort it out, sit I will serve you.
Pavan's mom: I am not hungry, I will eat later.
Priya: ok I will help you with the dishes and After you ate lunch we will go out.
Pavan's mom: I am... I am not feeling well.
Priya( placed her hand gently on Pavan's Mom forehead to check the temperature): Do you want me to call the doctor?
Pavan's mom: Pavan told me everything about how he injured on that day.
Priya's heart started pounding as it will jump from the rib cage. Tears started rolling out voluntarily like they know what going to happen.
Priya ( tears blurring her vision): You don't hate me right?
Pavan's mom( quavering): I don't know, but if I said I am not angry with you then it will be a lie. Do you want me to lie?
Priya: I am so sorry aunty, please forgive me.
Pavan's mom: It will take some time for me to digest this, How can you do that to my son?
Priya( hugged her): I am sorry aunty, please forgive me, I will accept any punishment.
Pavan's mom( whipped tears on Priya's face): you are not going to come to our house until Pavan invites you back.
Priya's body started trembling, she is feeling a headache because of crying with hiccups.
Priya's father( came and saw Priya in the embrace of Pavan's mom): Is everything alright?
Pavan's mom: you came at the right time, Please take your daughter home, she wants some rest.
Priya hugged her tightly like she doesn't want to go.
Pavan's mom petted her and said: I am already in pain, you are making it hard for me.
Priya understood that it was Pavan who insists on doing this, she loosened her hug and walked out of the house with her father, after reaching the gate she turned back and saw Pavan's mom looking at her with watery eyes and waved her goodbye with a sensitive smile.

To be continued...
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