You are my life - episode 20 in English Fiction Stories by Vizhi Malar books and stories PDF | You are my life - episode 20

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You are my life - episode 20

Days were passing quickly by then. Daily routines of Ramya and adhira was going smoothly, Ramya going office, adhira attending school.

Life was peaceful enough until Ramya received a call from Adhira's school on that afternoon. She shuddered and was shocked to the core, when she received the news, her baby, her only lifeline, fell down from the staircase and got admitted to the hospital. Ramya's heart stopped working, she almost felt giddy. Adhira's teacher through phone continued that, adhira had her right leg fractured, and the doctors told nothing to worry, she will be alright soon.

Ramya gripped the chair for support and slowly seated on it. The teacher also said, doctors decided to operate on her, and eventually she handed her phone to adhira. Adhira said, " don't worry mommy, I am alright except the pain over the leg, nurse aunty gave some injections after which I feel better, they also did dressing on the injury with some support". Ramya felt somewhat relieved only after hearing her baby's voice. Still the word "operation" bothered her most. Ramya's colleagues supported her and reassured her a lot, even then she couldn't pacify herself.

She wanted to go to the hospital immediately to see her baby. But before that, Krishnan sir advised, she may need to pay some amount in hospital, as bigger amounts can't be dropped from ATM, she rushed to the bank first to drop the money. She gathered all her strength and proceeded further because it's the time, she has to be courageous to look after her baby.

After finishing the bank formalities as quickly as possible, she rushed to the city and reached the hospital, by the time it became evening, they shifted the baby to the operation theater. Worn out, She dropped to the chair, outside in the corridor. Adhira's class miss, sat next to her and explained everything in a concerned voice.

On hearing the lunch break bell, all students came out of the class enthusiastically and got down via the staircase, while getting down, adhira somehow slipped and fell down. Teachers took her immediately to the hospital here. Doctors said that, because of rolling down, her both bones in the leg got fractured, one of the sharp edge of the fractured bone pierced the soft tissues and caused the bleeding wound outside, It's necessary to fix it by surgery, otherwise the bleeding won't stop. So we agreed and they have proceeded. They assured, there won't be any problem in her walking in future, so no need to worry.

Along with class miss there are some other male teachers also, they all conveyed their regret to Ramya and also reassured her. Ramya thanked them all for their timely help and taking care of her baby until she arrived. The surgery went on more than 2 hrs. The teachers, One by one left after reassuring Ramya, as it's getting late.

While waiting alone outside the operation theater, Ramya remembered about the payment. It was such a big private hospital, like Krishnan sir told, definitely we need to pay some advance cash before starting any treatment, she thought. So she asked one of the staffs in the nurse station where to go and pay the amount. When she approached the cash counter and asked the lady sitting there, how much she needs to pay now. The lady in uniform asked the patient details and checked with her computer, eventually said the amount was paid already.

Ramya was confused on hearing it, she said, "how come it's possible?!! I am the mother of the child, she has no one else other than me, who is going to come and pay for us, so please check it properly...". The lady inside the counter looked at her colleague, both of them exchanged a smile between each other, and she turned to Ramya, "cool down mam, it's a routine here, if nobody is there from the patient side to pay the bill means then Karthik sir will pay the amount, like that he already transferred the amount from his account for your daughter also".

Ramya was surprised, "who's that man, who paid money instead of her?!! Is people are there like him in this era also?! She wanted to know who is he and where he is, to thank him and also to return the amount he paid for her". They said he might be in theater now, after that they started talking with each other as no one is there in queue after Ramya. First lady said, most of his salary is going like this, how come it's possible a man be like this. It's obvious she's admiring him a lot. The next one replied, "single guys can do anything, if a wife comes then she will automatically raise questions about all these". The brightness in her face revealed she is also one of his fan. The first one said, "don't know who's that luckiest girl....." , both of them sighed heavily as though they are dying to marry him.

Ramya returned to her place to the corridor in front of operation theater. But the staff told, surgery got over and her baby shifted to the post operative ward which is one floor downstair. Ramya rushed there, it's looked like more of an ICU and they allowed her inside to see her baby. Ramya's heart welled up and she felt a lump choking her throat, making her breathing difficult when she looked at her baby lying down in that hospital bed in theater dress with eyes closed. Her right leg completely dressed up in white bandage kept raised up on a pillow, a monitor ticking by her side, an iv line dripping saline in her left hand. Ramya tried her level best to control herself, even then tears pooled in her eyes. She caressed her baby's head gently and held her hand softly. A staff nurse came nearby and checked the baby's pulse and told her, they sedated the baby for the relief of pain during the night, to provide adequate sleep and rest, she will wake up only by morning, so nothing to worry. She also added that Ramya can wait outside, as there are so many other patients in that post operative unit, the baby will be shifted to the individual room tomorrow.

Ramya came out of the post op unit slowly after taking one last look of her girl who's sleeping comfortably and she stood there out side reclined to the wall. There were many chairs placed outside for waiting, since it's night time nobody is there except Ramya. She closed her eyes and started praying God for the success of the surgery and her baby's speedy recovery.


When he entered in that corridor area, he saw Ramya was standing alone, leaning against the wall, eyes closed. She looked aghast, he stopped short automatically on seeing her.

"After a long time....."

He felt a heaviness in his chest. On looking at her much worried face, he felt heartbroken and distressed. He just wanted to hug her gently saying, "No worries, I am always there to take care of you both, so don't...."

As he couldn't do that right now, he just passed her quietly, in half heartedly without disturbing her meditative state. He entered inside the post operative unit and gone straight to Adhira's cot. His eyes
became tender, warm and kind when he looked at the baby's retired sleeping face. He took the stethoscope which is lying around his neck, checked her chest by using it and also looking at the monitor. Staff nurse just now noticed him, got surprised and quickly approached him, thinking that this is not the time for rounds, then why 'Karthik sir' is here.

She greeted him with a smile, "what doctor sir, you are suppose to be in theater now, they said it's totally 3 cases posted today, have you finished all?! Staff nurse, an middle aged lady in her forties asked him wickedly.

"No staff, we are going to start the next one, in between I just came to check her on, how is she?!" He asked in a solicitude voice.

"She is doing good", says the staff conveying all the vital parameters of adhira just now checked by her, and also handed him the case sheet. While he was writing the notes and instructions, she also gave him the drug indent register, he checked it quickly and eventually signed it followed by writing his full name in capital letters inside the bracket as

with his register number. Before leaving he said, " kindly take care of her staffy" and got a satisfied reply, "oh sure.. doctor" .

To be continued.......