LAUGHTER THERAPY in English Health by Subbu books and stories PDF | LAUGHTER THERAPY

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You must have heard people say, Laughter is the best medicine. But truly, you got to ask sometime, is it? A Psychiatrist at the Stanford University, California must have had the same question in front of him, when he started to research upon the physiological effects of laughter. Today, he is known as the Father of Gelotology or the science of Laughter. Dr. William F Fry began to examine the science behind laughter way back in the 1960s and it was him that proved that laughter promoted production of Endorphins in our body. But what is laughter therapy exactly? Let us find out!

Laughter therapy is the use of humour to relieve pain and help distress a person to improve upon their quality of life. It is often used as a coping mechanism in cases of serious or chronic diseases such as cancer. It is a type of complementary therapy also widely known as humour therapy. This therapy is conducted in form of various exercises such as laughter exercises, clown and comedy movies and books or even games and puzzles.

In today’s hard and fast world it is very often observed that people are a part of rat race. As such the mental health takes a huge toll and the person often suffers from a range of conditions that becomes a hurdle in improving that very quality of life that they are struggling to forego. Laughter has been found to relax the entire body, boost the immunity, encourages the release of endorphins in the body, lightens anger’s load, protects the heart and maintains it, live a longer life and even shed those extra calories. The ones that I mentioned are just the physical and mental benefits, whereas this therapy also targets to improve upon your social well being. Laughter is known to improve and strengthen your relationships. Laughter is often used as an ice breaker, thereby creating new relationships. It also enhances teamwork and diffuses conflicts. Often team exercises include some sort of laughter exercises, which is known to promote team bonding and encourages a sense of harmony.

But what about moments when you really cannot find anything “funny”? Try to do this exercise when you are sad or frustrated or whenever you need a little push into happiness. Try to simulate laughter. With a few tries, you are bound to get it right and if you check it within yourself. You will instantly feel a lot lighter and better. Research says these simulated laughter sessions can also help you to improve your well being a lot.

To try your hands at laughter therapy, search for laughter yoga or laugh therapy groups. If you cannot find such groups in India, walk into your nearest park early in the morning and you will most probably come across a group of older adults laughing their wits off together. These groups are functioning at very core belief of laughter therapy.

So next time you are stressed just laugh it away! It is the best therapy you can give it to yourself.