KINDERGARTEN TEACHING in English Anything by Subbu books and stories PDF | KINDERGARTEN TEACHING

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Kids are cute. With their big eyes and innocent faces, kids are everybody’s favourite. But the same gift from the gods can tire you out than most and test your patience to the last limit. Teaching kindergarten kids seems like a very easy profession but in reality controlling several kids trying to walk in several hundred directions at once is not easy at all. You need to learn the best balance between politeness and strictness and appear calm at all times, even if you are hanging by the last straw. In this article we will discuss some tips to teach kindergarten kids in a better way.


Make a routine and stick to it. When you maintain a routine, it is definitely hard work but it sure pays off. Routine structures kids mind and make it easy for you to take control. Once they are accustomed to it, they will know what comes after and act accordingly. It will familiarise them with their surroundings and help them cope better with the new environment.

Play games

What feels like contradiction? Playing games regularly can solve so many of your problems. Your games need to have a specific objective like that of class management, regulating bathroom and drinking breaks, or learning to make friendlier connections.

Do not assume

Do never assume yourself. You never know what the kid knows or doesn’t. If you start from the beginning, your students will be able to learn together at the same pace and develop together. Remember you are teaching kindergarten kids so you need to teach them basics as well. For example, teach them to say hello, teach them to make friends, teach them the correct way to knock on the door. These are the foundational years of your student and the better job you do will make their life indefinitely better.


To make sure your kids are engaged, plan lots of activities. It will help you manage the handful better. You can plan art and crafts lessons or activity based learning like enacting poems. You can also role play with the kids on a story. Plan the activities such that they are moving around for a better part of their day. Also keep them planned in advance; you never know when the tides may turn for the worse.

Use read aloud stories

Read aloud stories are really good way of going about a lesson with younger kids. It helps them to work on their concentration level and develop better communication skills. You can use it to foster a group learning experience better.

Make multiple objective lessons

Your lessons should always be inclusive and needs to have more than just one objective. It will help the kids to learn better. For example, drawing numbers will entertain the kids, reinforce the mathematics lesson and keep them cheerful all at once.

Last but not the least; the kids need to have a good time and yourself too. Kids are often said to be the clay which the teachers need to mould into the best shapes of their life. As such kindergarten is a very significant point in their life and we need to nurture it carefully. Have fun and enjoy.