HAND EMBROIDERY TIPS in English Anything by Subbu books and stories PDF | HAND EMBROIDERY TIPS

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Embroidery is a great skill to possess, especially if you have creative tendencies and a penchant for showing your talent. Even if you are not one for the artistic talent but if you love to call your home a cozy place, embroidery might just be the art you are looking for. And if you think it is a tough art to master and too time consuming, let the entire world decorated by the beauty of embroidered handicrafts, change your mind. This article is for all the newbie who want to pursue this art or even some of the older ones who might want to look for some tips and tricks to improve upon their art.

Embroidery fabric

People usually don’t agree with me when I say that the quality of the fabric is of utmost importance, but hear me out. If you plan to spend a wholesome amount of your time and money into anything, it is imperative that you get the entire benefit out of it. If the fabric is not made to last, even if you use best quality threads, it will wither away sooner than later and all your efforts will turn to naught. Also, cheap quality fabric won’t give you quality results and your end product will look flimsy in the end. So, please choose the fabric keeping in mind its quality and the outcome.

Set the lighting

The ambience is a very important factor for any activity. Given that this art requires a keen eye, it is imperative that you choose the best lighting condition for your stitching projects. Good lighting will not only help you improve upon the stitching but it will also preserve your eye and give you less eye strain, so that you can enjoy the activity better.

Hoop of frame

Usually you will find a number of debates on this topic. Experienced artists clawing at each other for the choice of frame they like to do the embroidery upon. I recommend the beginners to buy an embroidery hoop initially as it is cheap and more flexible. It is very mobile so new artists can get a taste of using a hoop on a large surface and attain better control. However, if you are seasoned or would like t work with larger surface areas, they may be uncomfortable to hold and handle. Plus, if you are anything like me and hate the ring marks (although removable by washing), especially if the hoops are too flimsy may damage the fabric, you would like to steer clear of them. Frames on the other hand provide good tension and maintain it to the very end and leaves my both hands free for a better control for two handed stitching. Although they are bulky than hoops, they provide the sort of control that doesn’t get in my way if I stitch for a long time at once. There are also scroll frames but they do not have as good tension and they have too much hardware to handle.

I hope these basics will help you to become better at the art of embroidery and may you truly enjoy this amazing art. Enjoy!