Yellow Rose - Part 19 in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose - Part 19

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Yellow Rose - Part 19

A 30's Vintage Car

I don't know what enchants Evan enacted with his bewitching beam to lure me towards him. Maybe it's the way his coarse fingers move on my visage, his touch is so gentle. Each and every inch of my skin feels it. The way his lips imbibe mine like they are substance and he is addicted to them. My heart rate elevates every time we forge contact. Or maybe it's just the way he eyes me. It seems like he has been looking at me for eons. Our intimacy does something mystical to me. My whole frame blooms when he lays hands on me.

I had a cursory shower after that morning with Jerry. I really have no good enough explanatory concept why, but I just feel like 'Jerry' suits more than 'Evan' to him. It's just a name but 'Jerry' feels more personal. And hell yes!! I want to get personal with him. An easy on the eye pink floral dress was biding its time for me, resting on my bed with amour propre when I set my feet out of the shower. The note along its side read, "I wanna show you something special, A7 Parking lot. My Yellow Rose." Ohh!! For the love of my lord this man needs to stop calling me his yellow rose, I feel the current running in my entire system when I hear or read that.

I arrested my time to get dressed not because I wanted to do something special to my looks but because I purposely wanted to make him wait a bit more to see me in his chosen dress. The soft, smooth silk of the cloth hugged me lovingly and showed the best of my body curves. Its pink colour matched my natural lips' colour. The Yellow Rose prints on it were so adorable and suited my taste.

This cosmos web of mine was intruded by a sound of the knock on the door. "Come in!" It was Amelia. She was beautiful as always. "Ahh!! I see my brother is taking a lot of time of yours that you don't really have time to talk to me." Wow!! She made me feel embarrassed and blush at the same time. Her impish smile advocated she wasn't offended with me not giving her much time. "I…..umm….I…….and Jerry….umm….Evan….." Damn why am I fumbling? She guffawed with all her heart. "It's okay, it's fine, I just came to see you and see if you are dressed or not, my brother is really getting anxious now down there. I am so glad to see you both together again." That's all she said and a smile was all I could reply to her with. We both directed our feet downstairs and then said our goodbyes. My heart rate was already leaving its normal pace.

The minute Jerry came into the frame of my vision this globe stopped revolving for me. He was in a white tee and faded blue jeans with a black jacket. His hair was done decently and I so abysmally wanted to undo them in sundry different ways. His posture leaned back to a vintage car maybe from the 30's and his eyes traveled down on me. The way he looks at me sets me on fire. My inner self was feeling way more exhilarating than me and that was discernible in the form of red on my cheeks. His gaze on me always manages to light a fire under my cheeks. He walked to me and his each step towards me elevated my heartbeat a beat up. He was about to touch my hair when I stopped him. "Jerry stop please, I feel like I will have a cardiac arrest right here." He smiled a frolicsome smile that literally stopped my heart for a few seconds.

"Don't worry My Yellow Rose, you will be fine, I won't let anyone in hell and heaven take you away from me now." His words flowed giving twists to my gut while his fingers traced the outline of my face and then brushed my hair. He planted a quick peck on my forehead and took my hand. We drove through some roads who I guess didn't have many visitors. Our surroundings were still sleeping under the sheets of snow.

There was light but the sun wasn't that bright today. It was like he was too shy to come out today. Just like I was to come out of the arms of Jerry and face the world after our shared night. But the surroundings were really pleasant. It was quiet around with the little music added in the air by the morning warblers. Side glances that I received from Jerry made me more warm than my woollen warmer did.

His hand brushed with mine and he held it before I could even process his actions. Leading me to jump a bit in my seat. Evan only chuckled at this. "How is your hand now?" He asked with his all charming voice and manner pointing to my non-functional left hand. "It's good, not much sensation there but it's good. Doesn't hurt much now." I wanted to tell him that I felt it every time he touched me. Yes, it's very mystifying but my left arm really has no sensation at all except when Evan touches me.

"What about Kristina?" I don't even know why I asked him this to blemish such a fantabulous moment but it just slithered out of my mouth. "I told her I can't marry her." Ohh!! That was way too direct I guess. "But why?" - "Really? You don't know 'Why' Yellow Rose? Because I like you, not her." Okay!!! It's not like I didn't know this and I didn't see this coming but hearing this aloud from Evan made me shiver a bit. He stopped the car and turned to me, cupped my face with his both hands, looked right in my eyes and asked me in a way that it was paradoxical for me to word any falsehood. "Do you like me Yellow Rose? Would you let me make you mine, only mine? Do you want it to be us?" I didn't have any escape, "Yes!" With an intense red colour on my cheeks was all I could utter. He pulled me in a passionate long kiss.

Oh Love, don't eye me liken that. Prithee, have mercy a bit. Amour take me wherever you please but promise me that you shall be there with me in every breath of ours, be it heaven or hell.


This is the last chap of Yellow Rose for this month. The story is on hold till May month of 2021 due to my board exams. Thanks for reading it till so far. I hope you will be patient enough for my return.
