PICKLES in English Cooking Recipe by Subbu books and stories PDF | PICKLES

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Pickles are tasty, tangy treats and undoubtedly everybody’s favourite. It has the ability to turn any dull and boring meal into delicious meals. Our mothers and grandmothers have kept this tradition going on since time immemorial. The western world looks at this art of preservation with awe but it is more than just an art of preservation and fermentation for us. The tradition has a rich heritage and cultural significance. The unique accompaniment can be made from any ingredient- be it the evergreen green mangoes, carrot, cauliflowers, jackfruits, or spices like garlic or ginger or even chilli or onions. In this article, we will talk about the vast world of pickles.

Over the recent years, we have seen a sharp decline in the art of handmade pickles as commercially available options have become more popular. There are some tips and tricks that will help you in preparing any kind of pickle.

Sterilised jar

No matter what kind of pickle you are making, or how you are making it. But it needs storage and good storage for that matter, the kind that will help you to preserve it for longer periods of time. Always use a sterilised glass jar or container. It should be as large as the quantity you want to prepare and has an air tight lid. Prefer a glass jar over stainless steel or plastic as it will keep the pickle fresher longer. Fresh pickle means crunchier pickle and more refreshing taste. Also, the longer it is crunchier the longer it would go without spoiling.


Salt plays a very significant role in the art of pickle making. Do not forego it. And the preparation starts with salt itself. When you soak the veggies or fruit in salt, do not hesitate at all. The salt will draw out the extra moisture and preserve it for a longer time. Also, a lot of taste comes through the salt absorbed in the pickle as it balances the sugars and acid.


If you are planning on use vinegar, experiment by using different flavoured vinegar, which will add an extra flavour in your pickle and give the taste another dimension.


Oil plays a definitive role in pickle making. Oils that stay stable over longer periods of time are the best candidates for this art. Mustard and sesame are the most preferred. They have anti-microbial properties that avoid spoilage. In events, if the pickle starts going bad, often new oil is added after taking out old oil to refresh the pickle and save it from going bad.

Moisture is the enemy

Pickle hates moisture. Even a small amount of moisture will make your pickle go bad. Take caution when handling the pickle and do not use wet spoons or ladle to scoop or mix it as it will introduce moisture into the jar. Also, make sure to close the lid tightly once you finish you business with the jar.

These are some of the most elementary tips in the process of pickle making but important nevertheless. So, keep in mind these tricks next time you are making the tasty accompaniments.