To The Deep End - 10 - Father? in English Fiction Stories by Yash Bansal books and stories PDF | To The Deep End - 10 - Father?

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To The Deep End - 10 - Father?

"We have to go" Kyzo said

"Where?" Ray asked

"To The Deep End" Kyzo replied

"I am sorry but I have still not been able to find what did that meant" Ray said

"I know where the place is" Kyzo replied

"What?" Ray said in befuddlement

"Yes so prepare the things please" Kyzo insisted

"But how do you got to know about it?" Ray asked

"It's a long story we don't have time for that right now,I will explain you the things later" Kyzo replied

"Okay" Ray said

Ray made the basic arrangements for the route to the countryside and the exact area that Kyzo circled with a black marker.

The route to the place that Kyzo circled was the only route to the countryside that was in a tattered and wrecked condition rest all the existing routes to the different parts of the country side were in a perfect shape.

"Makes sense for deep end to exist in a place like that" Ray thought

The initial road before reaching the main route to that specific location was in a battered state following a chipped bridge and any vehicle travelling the main route would easily have turned into a old clunker after fighting the army of potholes.

Overcoming this tough war and the roadblocks from fallen trunks and trees,Kyzo and Ray reached at the field where Kyzo once had played football with his family.

"I was 9 years old when we first visited here that means its after 8 years I am visiting it again" Kyzo thought

"I want to run away though" Kyzo murmured

"Lead the way" Ray said

A time period of eight years completely changed the looks and structure to the entrance of the cave,the path that used to be untrodden was now well trodden,the sharp and tight bends were no more to be found and the narrow path now was found to be broader.

Kyzo and Ray kept walking until they saw the cave.

And a rural human society .




"No way,why are people living around this cave" Kyzo said

"It's natural to live around any place that looks adaptable and there is no need to think about why people are living here our goal is that cave and then we can head back" Ray replied

"Yeah you are right" Kyzo said

Kyzo and Ray started walking down to the entrance of the cave,while walking they passed from between the children playing in contentment and elation,elders in readership and women's at the coalface rustling up food for everyone else along laving the clothes.

Upon reaching near the entrance of cave the whole area became quiesced,feeling very outlandish Kyzo turned around to see the cause for the same and saw people gawping at them.

"What happened" Kyzo said in a loud voice

But people did not responded to him and averted their eyes

"Why are you giving attention to such an issue,forget about it,let's get moving" Ray said

"You should not go inside the cave" A old man with a assistive cane approached the duo

"Why should not we" Kyzo asked

"Anyone who has ever entered this cave had not returned back" The Old man said

"I am sorry but I do not believe that,Let's keep going Kyzo" Ray said

Kyzo nodded and followed Ray but he turned back to take a last glance at the old man and saw him cracking a smile.

A countless hurdles challenged the duo before they were able to reach the end of the enormous deep cave.

Challenge Number One-The Battle with saw-scaled viper

-Won by Ray due to his extensive training as an agent and with the help of modern equipments that are mainly used at the battlefield.

Challenge Number Two- The Burning floor

-Won by Ray and Kyzo as they successfully escaped.

Challenge Number Three- Neverending Maze

-Won by Ray and Kyzo as they successfully escaped.

Challenge Number Four- Unlock the Door

-Won by Kyzo.

Challenge Number Five- The poisoned wall

-Won by Ray and Kyzo neither of them touched the poisoned walls and hence successfully escaped.

"It felt like you knew every puzzle this cave had to offer,you were also prepared with these tools" Kyzo said

"Yeah to be honest when I was preparing for our departure here an anonymous sender sent me this message in which he explained all the challenges this cave had and that was the reason I was so confident before entering here. Saw- scaled-vipers are notorious killers if we were to face a surprise attack from them we won't have survived and not to mention the poisoned walls" Ray replied

"Dad now I can finally see the end having the answers you talked about" Kyzo thought

Kyzo and Ray walked to the end of path and what they saw was a huge circular digital lock large enough to occupy the full wall.

With two fingerprint locks on left and right sides of the door simultaneously.




"Kyzo try your thumb on both left and right sides" Ray said

"It works on the right side" Kyzo replied after checking

"The other side can be unlocked by Yuma I guess but I don't know why I am having this feeling that it's not Yuma who can unlock this door" Ray said

"We have to head back for now" Ray continued

"Yeah" Kyzo said while tightening his fists

People were staggered when they saw someone coming alive out of the cave and Kyzo was thunderstruck because he wanted to meet the old man from earlier one last time but he was nowhere to be found and people denied of his existence.

Later Ray dropped Kyzo at his home while he covered his face as he was now in a urban area and was dead in public point of view.

Kyzo was yet once again at loss of words when he entered his house and saw Yuzuki,Haruto,Ryuki and Mr.Fuji Kane welcoming him by throwing a surprise party.

(Because dear readers today is Kyzo's Birthday,he finally turned seventeen.)

"You guys.....Thank You....Thank you so much" Kyzo said with tears welled up in his eyes

"I had baked this cake for you" Yuzuki said while showing the cake

"What you finally baked a cake?" Kyzo asked

"Yes" Yuzuki said being shy

"This is a gift from me" Ryuki said

"Thank you" Kyzo said smiling

"This is from me" Haruto said handing a pair of brand new expensive ice skates

"Thanks" Kyzo said with not so happy tone knowing he is involved with his father

"This party is organised by me thank you for your help in past" Fuji Kane said

"It was my pleasure sir,I hope everything is fine by now" Kyzo said

"Yes things are getting fine" He replied

The party was a success watching the fun everyone had,Yuzuki kissed Kyzo's cheeks and left his house leaving Kyzo blushing.


"You were the one who sent that message including the challenges and the map the cave had to I right?" Haruto asked

"Yes" Fuji Kane replied

"So everything is going according to the plan huh?" Haruto asked

"Surely" Fuji Kane replied

"When are you going to tell him that you are his father?" Haruto asked

To be continued