To The Deep End - 9 - Dream? in English Fiction Stories by Yash Bansal books and stories PDF | To The Deep End - 9 - Dream?

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To The Deep End - 9 - Dream?

"Kyzo...Kyzo...Kyzo"  unknown voice

Panting Kyzo opened his eyes wide with confusion and a vortex of black mist within them.

"Kyzo what happened you were panting so heavily,do you had a bad dream my little baby" unknown voice

"" Kyzo said

"Yes little baby it's your mom why are u so surprised" she said smiling

"Get up soon dad is taking us on a trip to countryside" she continued

"Dad?" Kyzo said

"Now you have forgotten your dad as well" She laughed

"I will prepare some food for the trip till then prepare yourself and you can wear any of your favourite clothes from the wardrobe" She continued

Getting down from his bed,Kyzo sauntered into the room.

"It feels like I am at my home" Kyzo murmured

"Because it's your home stupid" unknown voice

Hearing a familiar voice Kyzo turned around and stood in bewilderment.

"Yu...Ma" Kyzo said 

Walking close to Yuma,Kyzo touched her nose,rubbed her hairs,pulled her cheeks and tongue,squeezed her lips,caressed her forehead and eyebrows.

"You are real" Kyzo said

"Of course I am" Yuma said while making a funny scowl face

Weeping tears of joy Kyzo hugged Yuma embracing and cherishing that very moment.

"You are acting strange but I don't mind if you can give me something delicious to eat" Yuma said

"Yes I will just don't leave me ever I will always bring something to you I promise....I promise " Kyzo said while crying tears of joy

"Then I am gonna stick to you like a glue hehehe" Yuma said 

"Yuma,Kyzo we should head out now" Unknown voice

Tightening his fists, Kyzo turned around.

"Dad....." Kyzo said

But Kyzo noticed something was strange as whenever he tried to look upon his father face,he would suffer a heavy head pain strong enough to drive him to the edge of 

A resolute refusal to these circumstances,Kyzo strengthened his will to fight this barrier and successfully broked it.

And this time he was able to stretch his range of vision to his face.

But his face was missing.


                    TO THE DEEP END


"Whats going on" Kyzo thought

Having a sense of realisation that moving ahead is the only way he can figure out the things going around him,Kyzo decided to follow the trip ignoring his hatred towards his dad for a while.

And so their trip began.

"Mommy this car is really good" Yuma said while jumping on the backseat

"I know little angel" She replied

"Kyzo are you alright you usually get offended when I say her a little angel" She continued while laughing

"Everything is alright mom I just thought I should be a responsible big brother" Kyzo said

"Yeah now I remember I always wanted mom to call me a little prince instead of a little baby " Kyzo thought with a fake smile

"What do everyone wants to eat today,you can eat till your stomach is full enough to explode like a bomb" Kyzo's father said while laughing and kissing kyzo's mom forehead

"Bomb....Bomb.....I guess I was having a memory lapse but now I remember everything,I was hit with something from behind and then when I opened my eyes I was stucked in this dream that I thought was real.....but even if it's a dream....even if it's a feels good to be here when nothing was messed up" Kyzo thought

"Kyzo today I am going to show you a place you should always remember,you will enjoy visiting it when you grow older" he said

"Okay dad" Kyzo replied

After a while Kyzo and family reached the country side,it felt like the layer covering atmosphere had an aura of brightness and the light flickered through it and reached the surface of countryside,making it a bit scorching.The birds were soaring high with so much zeal and zest that could bring courage to even a derelict for the search of betterment in his life and with all these lovely surroundings the half day excursion at country side began.

It started with the family playing football in a nearby field,the game started by tossing of the ball by Kyzo's father from the centre of field,as the ball went up in the air everyone stared at the ball and while they were doing so they also embraced the panoramic view around them.As the ball came down, Kyzo's father passed it to her mother who could not move around and run much due to the lung cancer she's been suffering from.The ball passed from the tall grass field causing them to be undulated, receiving the ball she passed it to Yuma and Yuma to Kyzo and hence the little play continued for a little while until it left the family worn out.

It continued with family eating at the one and only restaurant in the area,small scaled but fascinating.

"What do you want to eat you can order yourself" He said

"I am going to order first hehe" Yuma replied

"Yes little angel go ahead" She said

"Ok so one apple pie and a hamburger" Yuma said

"What about you Kyzo" She asked

"A barbecue" Kyzo replied

The meal was tasty,appetising, delightful and delectable.

The day almost came to an end and the family was ready to leave but before leaving Kyzo's father had one more place that he wanted Kyzo to visit.

"Kyzo now I would show you the place I talked to you about earlier in the day" He said

"What's that place dad" Kyzo asked

"I call it a deep end" He replied


                    TO THE DEEP END


Upon hearing the words from his dad about the place named deep end Kyzo was at a loss of words.

"It's the place that was mentioned in the letter,I now remember dad talked to me about it one day and it was this day but I still cannot remember it" Kyzo thought

Taking some narrow cuts and turns from within the field both Kyzo and his father reached the entrance of an enormous dark cave.

"Why did not you bring mother and Yuma along" Kyzo asked

"Because I want to keep this place a secret from them" He said while smiling gently

"I can see his lips now,strange" Kyzo murmured

Entering the cave,the surroundings suddenly turned cold making Kyzo shiver.

"You kids these days are weak you can't face just a little bit of cold" He said while laughing

Kyzo who relived a full day with his father now was challenged by the waves of uncertainity , a person so dependable and reliable to trust,a person so caring and generous,a person with such an angelic and divine aura,how can such a person want to blow different parts of the country,how can such a person want people to fall in despair.

"This is it Kyzo" He said

"This is it?" Kyzo asked

"Yes,At the end of this cave lies the answer to everything you seek" He said

"The answers you need in future,in the future where you hate me" He continued while he smiles gently

The whole world of Kyzo's past starts to dissolve,the rocks behind and the floor beneath slowly disappears.

"You...You know everything..?" Kyzo asked with his voice quavered

"It's time to say goodbye my lovely son" He said

With that last statement the whole world of imagination suddenly disappeared and Kyzo came back to his senses in the present real world.

"Kyzo...Kyzo...Kyzo"  Ray said

Panting Kyzo opened his eyes wide with confusion and a vortex of black mist within them.

"Kyzo what happened you were panting so heavily,do you had a bad dream? Ray asked