To The Deep End - 8 - Love? in English Fiction Stories by Yash Bansal books and stories PDF | To The Deep End - 8 - Love?

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To The Deep End - 8 - Love?

Love is a strong feeling but first love is the strongest feeling someone can ever experience.

It begins from cognizance and acceptance that you have fallen in love with someone else.

It continues by chasing the one you love, thinking about that one particular person day to day, thoughts enough becoming breathtaking and that person becoming more spectacular and magnificent with every passing second.

It's a road that is bound to get rough and so facing downfall is natural, performing your daily routines and hanging out with friends while being in a dejected state is also a part of the journey of love most of the times, though the reason of being in that dejected state is often silly due to being witless.

It ends with the only two possible outcomes,either being with that person that you have always adored or the contrary,if it's the former you are the luckiest person in this world even though you might not be aware of that because not everyone can experience  that kind of scenario but often that beautiful scenario is spoiled by covetous nature, begrudging behaviour,highly insecuritical and wobbly mindset and if it's the latter,not to worry you will get your chance if you have pure intentions after all heads or tails,life or death and any other significant things that exist all have a fifty fifty ratio.

Well then now can I answer your question that you might want to ask me but don't know how to because there's no way to do so.

Why am I talking about this all? Wasn't I supposed to talk about something else?

Not to worry,we will get onto that but for now Ray has taken all the responsibility on finding the clues about what did he meant by "To The Deep End?" on himself and have given Kyzo a break for few days and you know life is really so much strange.

Kyzo realised he had fallen in love with someone and the break that he got from Ray definitely gave him a new experience.

I witnessed everything that happened during that time and so I will share it all with you.

By the way that someone is none other then Yuzuki Yu.


                     TO THE DEEP END


Another day came to an end and students were moving out of the Ashcroft academy,the only difference that seemed to exist was the squads changed their expedition from ice cream to hot drinks.

But it was just after a moment I noticed one more difference,Kyzo standing at a distance near Ashcroft academy was staring Yuzuki Yu.

"She's pretty and so cheerful but why am I thinking this now,we have been good friends from so long" Kyzo thought

Yuzuki turned around to look for a particular someone but ended by exchanging looks with Kyzo.

Waving a hello Yuzuki ran towards Kyzo.

"Hey Kyzo,How are you here,I am surprised you visited the academy you rarely do that" Yuzuki said

"I was just passing by you know" Kyzo replied

Kyzo and Yuzuki talked about their ongoing days and how they have became eccentric to people around them.

"No one likes newfangled ideas" Yuzuki said

"Yeah right" Kyzo said

"You seem a little shy today" Yuzuki said while smirking

"'s nothing like that" Kyzo replied agitated

After a while that particular someone Yuzuki was looking for happened to arrive on the spot.

Akito Kihara, Strong physic, curly fringe hairs with high fade and somewhat above medium height along a commanding presence was Yuzuki's Yu football freestyle partner.

"I am sorry for being late we can head over to practice now" Akito said

"I have to get going now see you later Kyzo,Take care"Yuzuki said

Kyzo's agitated face suddenly had the blemish of despair as he saw Yuzuki walking away.

Several days passed Ray still had no update and so Kyzo's break continued,Every day he would stand near the Ashcroft academy whenever the day would come to an end and would talk with Yuzuki and will watch her go with Akito,But one day things took a turn of events

"Hi again" Kyzo said

"Hi how are you" Yuzuki said

"I am good, actually I want to ask you something if you don't mind me asking" Kyzo said

"Why would I mind,Go ahead" Yuzuki said while laughing

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Kyzo asked

Yuzuki was astonished it was very clear with her face and as a daily routine akito arrived on the spot to pick Yuzuki for the freestyle practice

"I am sorry Kyzo but I am not into these things, to go...for practice" Yuzuki said

Kyzo made a false smile and respected her decision in his heart and walked away.

Next day he didn't visited the academy.

So you may wonder where he went?

(Don't hate me,I know,I know it's my responsibility to tell you all this and I keep asking you may wonder? over and over again)

Kyzo was at his home waiting for Ray message for next update

"Just what I was doing" Kyzo murmured

"I hope Yuma is fine" Kyzo murmured again

It felt like Kyzo had gave up on everything.

Three days passed,Kyzo never stepped out of his home during those three days he would just eat, cry,play games and sleep.

Until one day he received a text from Yuzuki

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"


                     TO THE DEEP END


Kyzo and Yuzuki went to their first date.

Yuzuki brought Ryuki along.

Ryuki told Kyzo that Akito asked her on a date earlier but she denied it and asked you.

" shouldn't tell our secret stuff" Yuzuki whispered in her ears

All three had a good day together and Kyzo walked Yuzuki home.

"Yuma I am coming to get you" Kyzo murmured on his way back to his home

-----xx---Message from Ray Suzuki---xx-------

"Did Mr.Ray got a lead" Kyzo thought

Kyzo run!!
----Ray Suzuki----

"Run? But why" Kyzo thought

And next moment Kyzo fainted as something hit him from behind.

To be continued