To The Deep End - 7 - To The Deep End? in English Fiction Stories by Yash Bansal books and stories PDF | To The Deep End - 7 - To The Deep End?

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To The Deep End - 7 - To The Deep End?

After few hours of the tragic demise of Ray Suzuki's crew,Ray and Kyzo were in the branch office.Ray was sitting beside the bodies of his crew members where as Kyzo was staring at the sky as he stood on the terrace,One had rage in his eyes and intense acrimony and other adrift with a cold impassive face.

A while later Ray joined Kyzo on the terrace and in a somber tone he started describing his point of view on life and humans.He told Kyzo that humans are fragile creatures and even with an huge extent of souls living together if anyone unknown has to visit our world he will say it's desolate.

Further continuing he said how his mother used to say that son it maybe true that life may have no meaning at all but what alluring about life is that it's upto us to give it any kind of meaning we want but he always wondered that to be a speculation as whenever the rich wages war due to the conflict in the opinions or due to avarice everytime the poor are the ones who die and so how can someone give a meaning they want to their own life when their life is not in their own hands.

Perchance if it was only a war against the nobles controlling the world and commoners watching them there may have been probability of turning the world around but dismally that is not true,perseverance for feeling we exist and always wailing to be felt loved and happy has also took this war between commoners,he said.

Only someone between this circle or in the spot as of the same of a unknown visitor will know what he meant,he continued.

"Do you think god is proud of the world he created?" Kyzo asked with an impassive face

"Who knows,Maybe our world is not the only world he created there can be loads and no one knows if we are creation of some other human civilization" Ray replied

                     TO THE DEEP END


All the words that Ray spoke and all the things that happened persuaded Kyzo to make one more attempt in order to put end to the things once and for all and so to pursuit that goal he asked Ray for the next course of action.

"Suicide" Ray Replied

"What do you mean" Kyzo asked

Responding to Kyzo's query he told him to think on how did his father knew the fact that he was not dead and how did he knew about his whereabouts,It was just because someone was following their trails all the time and the only one who had the knowledge of this plan was him and his crew and his friends Haruto and Ryuki and as he is already aware all his crew is no more besides him and so the only possible reason he can deduce here is someone from haruto or Ryuki didn't left the room and hid somewhere within it waiting for the right moment to follow him.Further he said a father is a father so he can understand why he wants kyzo and yuma to live and also the probability of giving them a fake explanation so he can make up to the sins he is about to commit and can also get them both on his side.

"But what did you meant by suicide" Kyzo asked

"First I would like to know what do you believe it's Haruto or Ryuki" Ray asked

"I don't want to answer that" Kyzo replied

"On tracing their cells Ryuki is in clear but Haruto had talked many a times to an unknown unregistered number,I am an extra piece of the game your father has started and I was probably only left alive in order to challenge him one more time because he thinks I can never win in this game and so he can have some fun alongside and when I loose he will probably start giving you an explanation so all I have to do is remove myself from this game and play it in the shadows in which he can never see and so for that I will have to stage a fake suicide" Ray said

"What after that how will it help us?" Kyzo asked

"Your father may know the probability of this thing being fake and staged but he also know that you won't lie to your circle of three friends because they mean everything to you and so all you have to do is pay them an unexpected visit,they will gather someday or the other somewhere and my sources will notify me and so when they do that, I will notify you as well,Your aim of visiting them is to make Haruto confirm that I have really suffered a tragic death and when it's confirmed on his end he will sway that information to your father and then he will try to contact you the next day or the one after that in someway if that will happen our suspicion of Haruto being involved will come true and then you have to call me to ask for the next steps from the extra new cell phone I am going to provide you,Are you ready?" Ray replied

"I am but by the way you forgot something" Kyzo said

"And that is" Ray asked

"Never call him my father" Kyzo replied

                     TO THE DEEP END


In the present,At a secret meeting place

Kyzo walked down on a narrow staircase leading to a small room at the end of the passage.

On opening the door of the room Kyzo is greeted by a familiar voice

"Welcome" Ray said

"I have got this letter from him" Kyzo said while sliding the letter to Ray on the table

"As expected" Ray murmured and opened the letter

Dear Son,

If u have received all the four letters
Dial 2:6:22:21 for knowing the truth

-------Your Father----------

"I don't know what he meant" Kyzo said

"I guess I do" Ray Replied

Sliding the drawer of the table Ray took out the copies of the particular letters that was sent to each one of them,Upon watching this Kyzo confused on what was ray trying to pull out from those letters stared at them with keened sight.Ray noticed that and explained what he was trying to do saving the trouble for kyzo in figuring it out.

"You never received four letters neither any else of your friend,everyone received one letter and so it makes the count to four,Now there's no such number like he mentioned and they are not coordinates of some place either so you might be wondering what is it then,well it is the sequential order of the words in each letter and so there is one for each letter.

Let's start we have 2:6:22:21

From first letter our second word is 'To'
From second letter our sixth word is 'The'
From third letter our twenty second word is 'Deep'
From the fourth letter our twenty first word is 'End'

On combining them we get

To The Deep End? "

To be continued