To The Deep End - 6 - Hope? in English Fiction Stories by Yash Bansal books and stories PDF | To The Deep End - 6 - Hope?

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To The Deep End - 6 - Hope?

Breaking News: It is with our deepest sorrow that we inform you of the death of Mr.Ray Suzuki,the founder and incharge of the famous private bureau for investigation.

Breaking News: With great sadness, we announce the loss of Mr.Ray Suzuki,this day will leave wounds that will probably be hard to recover from.

Breaking News: In loving memory of Mr.Ray Suzuki, we are saddened to announce their passing today.

Breaking News: Ray Suzuki,The founder of private bureau for investigation passed away reportedly as he commited suicide by jumping from his fourteenth floor high residence.




Everyone love cakes,from strong flavours like red velvet,German chocolate and carrot to sweet and sour like pineapple,vanilla and strawberry but guess no one knew the art enthusiastic yuzuki also had a hobby of cooking alongside. Probably she hid that fact from the readers because not once she had managed to bake a proper cake.

Well then if readers are aware of this fact now,then she might have a baked a proper cake today right?

Sorry to disappoint you but that day is not today.

Frequently opening the oven in excitement and taking the cake out of oven too soon yuzuki failed in baking a cake yet once again as she stood near the oven in frustration.

"Ryuki and Haruto will laugh on me hmpf" Yuzuki said

"No worries I have to pick Ryuki and so I will buy something in the midway, though I wonder why she had become so isolated"
Yuzuki murmured

I am going to pick Ryuki,So wait for me in my room
-----Yuzuki Yu----

"Okay I dropped the message to Haruto now I can head out" Yuzuki said

Icy cold brisk wind were blowing around as the winter was approaching in its end stages, entire city was covered in cloth of snow and amidst all these yuzuki was looking around for ryuki. It was just after a little while when she found ryuki standing close to a vending machine near a convenience store.

Jacket,hat,scarves, gloves,boots and any other additional accessory you can imagine, Ryuki was fully prepared for the war against winter.Yuzuki waved to her from a distance and she noticed she wasn't in her full spirits.

"Maybe she's unwell" Yuzuki thought

Yuzuki poked Ryuki and both headed towards Yuzuki's home.

"Guess what I have bought today from your favourite bakery" Yuzuki asked

Yuzuki seemed excited but Ryuki didn't seemed to pay attention to her words and so she believed her suspicion of something being not right as true.

"You don't seem so well today is everything alright?" Yuzuki asked

"Ya..don't worry... everything is alright I was just feeling a little weak" Ryuki replied

No one knows much about Ryuki except for her love for hot grilled sandwiches,Maybe because she was just a sweet and ordinary girl with nothing special to know about but everyone has things they love right?

Don't worry I won't disappoint you this time and will tell you about it in detail.

Ryuki loves karuta,the game is only well known in Japan and not in any other country existing in the world but even within japan it never have gotten much attention.

Ryuki wanted to promote this game to other countries as well so she started by forming a club around her.

(In America)

For those who don't know about this game,worry not I will explain it to you.
In this game there are two players competing against each other and one reciter,The game starts with a bow and finishes with a bow,it's played on a tatami mat as a tradition,you can use other mats or yoga mat as well that is enough to cover your knees,There are two types of cards,Reading cards(with written information on them) and grabbing cards(with pictures and/or written language on them) and each reading card has a corresponding grabbing card,There are hundred reading cards and hundred grabbing cards,50 grabbing cards are randomly selected from the total of 100; the 50 cards that are not selected are excluded from the game and are known as dead cards or ghost cards. Each player then randomly takes 25 of the 50 selected cards and places them face-up in his or her territory.Players are then given fifteen minutes to memorize all the cards in place, and during the final two minutes they are allowed to practice their strike at the cards but are not allowed to touch them.

The player with more cards in the end win,Cards are poetry cards so in order to play one should learn hundred poems by heart and the game requires good mental and physical skill.

Ryuki club didn't have the mat as a necessity to play,She did that in order to attract more people to join the club in this modern era.

Well I was explaining you the game here and in meanwhile Yuzuki and Ryuki reached Yuzuki's home.

(They ignored me and kept walking,sad)

"We are back,sorry to keep you waiting Haruto" Yuzuki said

"It's alright" Haruto replied

Upon reaching the room where haruto was waiting for them both,Ryuki was scared and took her few steps backward where as Yuzuki ran inside the room in excitement.

Kyzo paid an unexpected visit.




"Kyzo where were you I missed you so much,people were saying you left the town and your cell was out of reach I was so worried" Yuzuki said with tears welled up in her in eyes

"Well it's a long story,right Haruto and Ryuki?" Kyzo replied

Ryuki collapsed to the floor and started sobbing

"I" Ryuki said as she sobbed

Confused of the current scenario Yuzuki asked the matter not knowing what she was about to hear.

Kyzo and Haruto took the responsibility and explained the whole situation,Later Kyzo also explained everything that happened afterwards of meeting Ray Suzuki.

With every word Yuzuki heard being speechless was obvious but what unexpected was she was not angry on why did no one told her anything,she hugged Kyzo,Haruto and Ryuki together.

"We all are here for each other" Yuzuki said while tears streamed down her face

Everyone ate together and cherished the moments like they used to,Ryuki was still not able to involve her much with Kyzo as she was feeling guilty but Kyzo ensured her that everything is okay and not to worry.

"I need to go now" Kyzo said

"Where to?" Rest asked

"At the funeral of Mr.Ray Suzuki" Kyzo replied

Next day,Kyzo received yet one more letter from his father but something was strange as Kyzo smiled on watching the arrival of that letter, Picking his cell Kyzo dialed a number

"Haruto is involved,Shall we move on to our next step...Mr.Ray Suzuki"

To be continued