To The Deep End - 5 - God? in English Fiction Stories by Yash Bansal books and stories PDF | To The Deep End - 5 - God?

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To The Deep End - 5 - God?

"He is also responsible for the demise of your sister" Ray said

Kyzo sat on a nearby chair with his head down as tears welled up in his eyes,It seemed like his soul was ripped apart and he had lost the path he should walk upon though former being true same could not have been said for the latter.

"If the letters were to be burned how did you managed to secure both of the letters" Kyzo asked

"I was aware of the steps your father would had probably taken so I kept following his trails and having enough connections we were able to copy the letters before their departure from the respective branch" Ray replied

"If you knew about it why did not you stopped this" Kyzo asked

"If we had stopped the letters midway your father would have been on alert about the situation and our goal of making you seem like you are dead in the public view would not have been accomplished,we were all the time in room number 201 and right after the moments you were stabbed and your friends left the room we took you with us and hence ensured your survival, knowing obviously that the thing of ensuring your survival by him was nothing more then a lie" Ray replied

"So you wanted me to be dead in public view so I can be safe from him huh?"Kyzo asked

"Yes" Ray replied

"But why do he wants me to be dead and why did he killed Yuma" Kyzo asked

"Because you both have the codes to deactivate the nuclear tragedy that is about to happen in near future" Ray said 


                     TO THE DEEP END

With a perturbed expression,Ray expressed his inability of figuring the motive behind why would someone want to nuke different parts of the country and stated the importance of taking a action on immediate basis.

"I am going to catch him and don't call him my father again" Kyzo said while tightening his fists

"Finding him and capturing him so that he cannot make any further moves will be our second priority,our first priority will be figuring out how you have the codes capable of deactivating the nuclear tragedy,we have all the locations all we need is the codes and then we have to manually put them in" Ray said

"Can you elaborate" Kyzo asked

"There are seven locations where the bomb have been installed but we have to deactivate only two of them by putting a code manually to stop the rest" Ray replied

"What will be our first steps" Kyzo asked

Things were going smooth or so it seemed to be until a loud beep sound was audible from Hajime's system forcing him to interrupt the on going conversation between Ray and Kyzo as he called everyone to gather near for having a look.

Yet once again as Kyzo took a step near,he suffered another wave of heavy dizziness but unlike the past events this time he did not saw anything or anyone but heard a voice saying "Everything will be fine" for a fraction of seconds.

"Are these some kind of warning signs" Kyzo murmured while maintaining his balance

Everyone gathered near Hajime and then he played the video he received from an anonymous sender.

On watching the video ray was taken aback as he took his steps backward where as Kyzo was standing befuddled and Hajime and others stared at ray in perplexity.

The video was sent by Kyzo's father who had his face covered and had some demands.

Yuma was alive.


                     TO THE DEEP END

"Yu...Ma....." Kyzo said as his voice quavered

The video demanded all of them to meet him at a particular location if they wanted Yuma alive.The details of the location were forwarded in the video.

Hajime,Hana and the crew insisted Ray to not accept it as it was probably a trap but ray didn't seemed to pay attention to any of them as he was still in a shock.

"I" Kyzo said with his voice still quavering

"I am coming with you" Ray replied

Having no other choice rest of the crew decided to support ray and hence everyone started making preparations for the visit.

On the decided time everyone reached the place mentioned in the video earlier.

The place was covered with purple mist with gloomy vibes.

"Welcome son and other visitors,it's glad to have you here with me now we can have a full fledged conversation" Kyzo's father voice  from hidden speakers

"Kyzo take 80 steps ahead and then a hall will be visible to you, come along with any one visitor,rest are not allowed to enter the hall" The voice continued

"I am going" Ray said

"Be safe" The crew replied

Upon taking eighty steps forward a hall was visible in sight to Kyzo and Ray,Both looked at each other and nodded giving a sign of approval to move inside.On reaching the entrance the gate opened automatically and both walked in and as ray expected the gate was locked upon them entering the hall and total darkness was spread over due to the absence of a source of light or so it seemed until the lights were visible on a stage like structure at a little far away distance from them both.

The man that Kyzo saw at shibozawa foods when in shock and again while suffering the wave of heavy dizziness afterwards was now standing on that stage fully covered in black with Yuma.

"YUMMAAAAA... YUMAAAAAAAA" Kyzo starts shouting

"Everything will be fine" Kyzo's father said and both him and Yuma disappeared

"YUMMAAAAAA" Kyzo shouted for one last time before the place became dark again and a ten minute timer appeared on the entrance gate.

Ray ran towards it and tried to open it with no successful attempt where as Kyzo was just standing on the spot.

"'s no time to stand there" Ray said

"What's the use even if we get out" Kyzo replied

Unable to figure something ray noticed the countdown completed but to his surprise nothing happened which also made Kyzo to make a slight reaction.

Ray comforted Kyzo and both walked to join their crew back 

Only to find them all dead.

To be continued