To The Deep End - 4 - Answers or Questions? in English Fiction Stories by Yash Bansal books and stories PDF | To The Deep End - 4 - Answers or Questions?

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To The Deep End - 4 - Answers or Questions?

"Everything will be fine"

Kyzo woke up with tears in his eyes as he remembers the event that took place, holding his chest he cries without making a noise and questions himself about why is he so helpless and what did he do wrong he continues crying until he hears the sound of water being poured into the glass and then he looks around to find where the noise is coming from but the person appears in front of him offering him water to drink.

"Were you blaming your fate just now?" The person asked

"Who are you?" Kyzo asked

"What do you think?,I am the one who saved you and by the way we are not in hospital" The person replied

Hearing this Kyzo makes a failed attempt in getting from the bed.

"Take it easy,Your wound is not deep but still it requires to be healed properly" The person said

"If it's not hospital where are we" Kyzo asked

"You are in the department of private bureau for investigation,My name is Ray Suzuki and I am the incharge for the entire branch" The person replied

"Why have I been kept here" Kyzo asked

"You have so many questions why don't u take rest for few days and we will talk when you can move" Ray replied as he walked out of the room

Although Kyzo wound was not deep ray provided him a walking rehabilitation just for extra safety as the wound was near to the spinal cord,after a few days of proper rest and few days of rehabilitation Kyzo was in a proper shape.

"Ready to move out?" Ray asked as he visits Kyzo 

"Yup" Kyzo replied

Ray and Kyzo headed out together with ray leading and giving him a tour for the entire branch from control room to the storage ray made sure he has covered each of the floors.

"Okay our last destination is my working cabinet and there you will meet four of my friends who are having authority equal to mine" Ray said

"But whats the purpose of all this" Kyzo asked

"Patience is the key" Ray replied and pressed the button for calling the elevator.

Both of them stepped into the elevator and a jolty expression was visible on the face of Kyzo as he saw ray pressing a button -4 in the elevator control panel.

"Don't be surprised it's safe and secure and that's how the things work here" Ray said

Upon reaching the cabin Kyzo saw four unknown faces sitting in their respective chairs.

"Let me introduce each of them one by one"
Ray said

"Starting from the right meet Tetsuya,surveillance investigator
Next to him is Midori,linguist
Next to her is Hajime,intelligence analyst
And the last one is Hana,special agent" Ray continued

Both Kyzo and rest four greeted each other.

"Before we tell you the real reason for summoning you between us we all need you to take a test,it's all upto you though we won't force you in any way if you decide to take the test and succeeds in it we will tell you the real reason and if you fail or decides not to take the test we will drop you at your home safely and will not make any contact with you in future" Ray said

"I will take the test" Kyzo replied

Ray smiles gently and starts explaining the details of the test,he describes the four interconnected room and the puzzle that every room will contain,he starts from the mystery to be solved for room number one stating the room to be locked while hundred keys lay on the floor of the respective room but only one capable of unlocking the door.

Ray then describes the mystery of second room stating the room as the room with a hidden door and so the need to find the door in order to enter room number three,he states room number three with no puzzle to be solved but in order to cross it one have to overcome the challenges that his mind will throw.

Ray further continues describing the last room.

"If you will manage to overcome the challenges of all the three rooms you will have to play a chess match with computer and win it in order to obtain the password for the last door,if you loose the match you can try again as many times as you want within the time limit I will be providing and the total time you will have for unlocking all the four doors is thirty minutes,if you can unlock all the four doors you can get the key to the answers you seek from us" 

"Okay" Kyzo replied following the footsteps of Hana leading to the first room

Solving and unlocking all the four rooms in twenty eight minutes and fifty six seconds Kyzo approached ray and other four of his companions in his cabinet.

"I am glad you were able to unlock all the four doors now I would like to know how did you do that" Ray asked

"First room was indeed very difficult for me to understand but on thinking I wondered why there was a wrong key left behind in the door lock,I checked the key and noticed 2 written on the key with a marker and I also remember the words you said of how unlocking the four doors will give me key to my answers,every key had a ' ' pattern design embedded in it and so I added four and two which gave me number six,there were hundred keys and each key had a different numeric value within that range with no numeric value repeated and so all I had to do was find and pick the number 6 key and open the door" Kyzo replied

Ray complimented Kyzo for figuring the solution and asked him for the solution of the second room

"I remember you telling me the room as the room with a hidden door but that very statement was a bluff for making any test taker find solutions only within the room and not out of it, searching the second room for around two minutes and not finding any clue to move on I wondered yet once again why did the previous room had two doors and I figured it was for some purpose I went back and tried to open it but the door was locked then I thought of the wrong key that had the number 2 written on it with a marker from previous task,that number two was not just for adding but also meant the key had two uses and one of it was to unlock the second door nearby and as expected it unlocked the second door and that room consisted of another already unlocked door which lead me to room number three" Kyzo replied

"But I have a question what if I had mistook the second door as the first one in the first task would not it had spoiled the task?" Kyzo asked

Ray explained that the doors were connected and if he had not unlocked the first door the second door would had always been locked.

"Room number three surprised and scared me as I had to balance myself on a narrow path and the only path in between the room while audio notes of Haruto and Ryuki were being played in the background along with sounds of blast at first I was not able to take a single step and thought of forfeiting the task but later I realised if you are aware of all the things I suffered then you know all the answers as well and room number three was the hint of what my answers would revolve around if I can complete the test which gave me strength and hence I crossed the narrow path" Kyzo said

"And what about the last room"Ray asked

"I suspected the condition of winning the match can be again a bluff if the match was not a blitz one,and it was not a blitz so I lost several matches intentionally and figured the very first move of the computer was always the pawn at h4 and that was the passcode for the electronic door of room number four" Kyzo replied 

"Very well I am really impressed by your presence of mind while performing the test,Now I will give you all the answers you seek from us and reason to summon you here" Ray said

"We need your assistance in catching a particular someone and that was the reason for summoning you here.Your friends did not betrayed you,all three of your friends received a letter the same type you received for visiting the shibozawa foods,here you can check these letters" Ray continued

Kyzo opened the first letter delivered to Yuzuki
Ask Kyzo to perform at the comedy hunt show,here are some cookies for you and ticket for him,it would definitely refresh his mood and do not tell him,he would feel good if you will ask him,I know him and would give him a surprise soon by visiting him so please keep it a secret
Your thankfully
A friend

                Letter delivered to Haruto

Contact Ryuki and share the content of your letter only with her but not the letter or else consequences can be deep.

Providing you the key for room number 202 from sun hotel,do follow what I say or the thing I mentioned in Ryuki's letter would turn true you can contact her but no one else, contacting anyone else would make things mentioned in Ryuki's letter true.

You had to be in the room from afternoon and carry your phone along with you,on recieving a text message from our side you had to do a video call to Kyzo and ask for his help while standing near the window.

Do not say anything else rather then asking for help and in the end when our second text message pops disconnect the call and shout your room number before disconnecting.

Burn the letter at the very moment after reading it outside the window or the person patrolling near your house would kill everyone currently in your home.

If you comply your safety is guaranteed.


                 Letter delivered to Ryuki

Contact Haruto and share the content of your letter only with him but not the letter or else everything will end for you.

Go with Haruto to the place mentioned in his letter and stab Kyzo in the back with the knife provided with this letter. Leave the knife in the same room.

Burn the letter at the very moment after reading it outside the window or the person patrolling near your house would kill everyone currently in your home.

Kyzo survival will be guaranteed and your safety will be ensured if you comply with us,if not I would kill Kyzo at the very moment.


Kyzo utterly speechless and shocked takes the support of the wall

"Who is this" Kyzo asked while still bewildered

"Your father" Ray replied taking gap

"He is also responsible for the demise of your sister"

To be continued