To The Deep End - 2 - Walking on thin ice? in English Fiction Stories by Yash Bansal books and stories PDF | To The Deep End - 2 - Walking on thin ice?

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To The Deep End - 2 - Walking on thin ice?

One year has passed to the tragic event that took place,Ryuki, Haruto and Yuzuki after hearing Kyzo will finally show up at school, decided to pick Kyzo and cheer things up for him. On the way to the Kyzo household they talk about how Kyzo rarely picked their calls and when they used to go to meet him at his home he would never open the door no matter how many times they rang the doorbell.

"I used to cook food for him and used to leave the lunchbox at his door but i realised he stopped going out from his home" Ryuki said

"I sent him the invitations of top ice skating academies after six months of what had happened,I thought it would give him the courage to step out of home atleast but he never came" Haruto said

"We only can be there for him to help him out in the end we are not the one who suffered the things we can't fully realise what is he going through,maybe he needs more time"
Yuzuki said

About to reach Kyzo's household they noticed from a near distance that the door is slightly open

"Maybe he already left" Ryuki said

"We need to check out though" Haruto replied

The three friends entered Kyzo's household from the already opened door though upon entering they were shocked from the condition the house was in,Broken glasses and plates in the kitchen with food from months laying on the kitchen floor creating a stinking smell all over the house. In bedroom all clothes and bedsheets were spread wide while the two walls were covering the cabinets the other two were in a pretty bad condition, one of them just had cross signs drawn all over from a red marker where as the other had partially broken plaster covering.

"I will clean the house you guys should go over to the school" Yuzuki insisted

Not knowing what to say and understanding the situation Ryuki and Haruto headed towards the school, On reaching school they find Kyzo sitting in the classroom and again having no idea of what exact words they should say they both waved at Kyzo who waved at them back but with pretty much no expression on his face.

Even if Kyzo only had three friends many in the school were talking about how he has changed to completely opposite of what he used to be, those who tried to comfort him and promised to help him whenever he wanted he replied:

"Situations like this happens with everyone once in a life,I am fine now don't worry and thank you"

And those who talked on how sorry they were and prayed "I pray to God may this not happen to anyone else"

Kyzo replied:

"Death is inevitable and praying to something that doesn't exist is useless"

Mr. Wooler who was watching Kyzo from a distance knew that if even on the surface Kyzo was showing he already has learned life and he is ready and aware of all the situations life has to throw on him inside he seek the answer, the answer to why the god he believed in above anything else betrayed his trust and faith, what had he probably got from it.

Several days passed Kyzo would eat quietly with rest of his friends, talked only when necessary, going to ice skating with Haruto and even cleaning his room to not cause Yuzuki any more trouble somehow Haruto,Ryuki and Yuzuki had accepted the new Kyzo but they were still being alert and checking on Kyzo without making him feel that they are still worried about him.

On Friday evening, all three received a message from Kyzo

Mail. Friday 5:27pm

If u guys are free can you come at my home?I won't mind if u are busy


Yuzuki called Haruto and Ryuki to decide a fixed time, On the time decided earlier all three reached Kyzo's home while Kyzo prepared some snacks for the three. No one asked why did Kyzo invited them to the house because they felt it would feel like they are in a hurry so they were being more careful with every words they were saying, After a while Kyzo reveals why he invited them over to his house.

"I got this package delivered today by someone I don't know" Kyzo said

"What's inside of it" Haruto asked

"Some cookies and a letter" Kyzo replied

"What's does the letter says" Ryuki and Yuzuki asked

"Travel to the shibozawa foods and co."

Upon researching more and discussing on the matter they decided to pay it a visit, they made the preparations for heading out on Saturday afternoon and also packed the letter along to ask more about it from shibozawa group itself.

After escorting his friends Kyzo did his daily routines and prepared his bed and laid down to sleep, after a while he felt he saw a bright shadow passing through his room in order to check out he stood up and looked around until he noticed that it was just the light from a car passing by and so he went to his bed again.

"Just who did I expected to come" Kyzo murmured and slept.

The next day after the school came to an end all the four as decided headed towards shibozawa foods, a place 16 Km afar from the Ashcroft academy though the day was very lovely with cool winds breezing and air that seemed so fresh while breathing, the same was not with the destination they planned to reach. On reaching shibozawa one could feel the gloomy and despondent vibes spread all over the place with no working staff visible as far as a human eye is capable to see and despite calling out to the contacts mentioned to reach the reception,the manager and the president there was no response.

"Coming to here was a waste I guess" Haruto said

"But if someone sent Kyzo a letter to visitit must be for a reason"
Yuzuki replied

Kyzo was in a deep thinking standing near the rest until a loud sound similar to a blast frozed his entire mind and body, hearing the sound took his mind to a series of flashbacks and a flustered expression was visible on his face as he found himself standing again in front of a car he never wished to see again burning in flames while the officials were holding him back, confused and panicked Kyzo looked around and saw a glimpse of a man fully covered in black standing in the park near the three way junction.

I. I
I. I. The man Kyzo spotted
I. I
I. I
I. I
I. I
I. I
I. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Point of accident
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I.Kyzo's location
I. I
I. I
I. I
I. I
I. I
I. I

After a second Kyzo hear the voices of his friends and comes back again in reality and find Haruto shaking him "Kyzo Kyzo you here what happened are you all right Kyzo Kyzo" He said

"Ye...yeah..I am... alright" Kyzo replied

"We should hurry we heard a blast from the back of the factory" Haruto insisted

Coming back to his senses Kyzo followed Haruto and others and rushed to the back of the shibozawa factory and saw huge amount of smoke flowing through a open window, knowing there is a need to inspect the situation all of them covered their mouths with a cloth and broke through the factory to reach the disaster point.

On reaching the point of disaster they helped out the person who was earlier operating the machine which malfunctioned and caused a blast on opposite side from where the person was operating causing smoke all over the floor.

"Open the windows" said Haruto

Everyone opened the windows and cleared out the smoke from the floor

"Thank you kids,I appreciate your help" said Fuji Kane, the president of shibozawa foods

Having a conversation started he firstly apologised for not picking the call as he was busy with the work and kept his cell some where else and forgot about it later he replied to the question Kyzo and his friends asked about why the place is hardly without any workers, to this he explained that their association had always produced quality food and had sold it around several cities at a price even affordable to those who cannot have food as a result their sales were reaching the sky and they gained attention from several other food manufacturers who despised them, as such a work needs a lot of sponsoring they were dependent on fundings from sources and as they had a lot of who despised them having connections all over the country their fundings were cut off from all of the branches they hold(Three).

"We were worried more about those who were dependent on us for their living so we continued carrying to sell the food products at the price we always had but in the end as expected we suffered a huge loss over and over again and at one point we had to stop our products from going in to market and had to cease all our work,I used all I had to pay the salary of my employees,I had enough that I could still live while fulfilling my basic needs there was not a need of filling a bankruptcy" Fuji Kane said

"What about the blast from earlier what were you doing" Kyzo asked

"Some of the business partners I have has agreed to help me out by collaborating with me and selling the food at a normal price till we have enough sponsors to shift back to our previous ways but they will only do that in case I can repair the damaged machines in all of the branches and I don't have any money for that I cannot take loans as I don't have a job and even if I take and do some other job alongside and then I end up in a serious debt I won't be able to help those who cannot afford food, so I was just trying to repair them myself I know it's stupid " Fuji Kane replied

Kyzo,Ryuki,Haruto and Yuzuki headed out towards their home while all of them had still the last words of Fuji Kane revolving in their minds

"I never believed greed can make humanity the enemy of humanity itself"

On way back to their homes,Haruto talked about his inability to figure what the letter sender was trying to do by sending Kyzo over there

"Who knows" said Kyzo while staring out of the car window they booked to get home

After reaching at front of the school each of them prepared to head their own way for going home

"Kyzo do you want me to prepare food for you" Asked Yuzuki

"I don't want to bother you by doing things for me" Kyzo replied and headed towards his home while Yuzuki sad from his response also turned back and went her own way.

"Who was that guy?" Kyzo thought as he walked towards his home

Monday morning had an unexpected beginning for Haruto,Ryuki and Yuzuki as they were delivered fruit baskets from Fuji Kane along with a message on top.

Happy Monday

Thank you for your help :)

:- Fuji Kane

Confused enough Haruto called Fuji Kane and from him he got to know that at Sunday evening Kyzo came to him to gave him enough money that can help in repairing of all the damaged machines which Kyzo stated was a collaboration by all four of them and was their extra and donated money by people living nearby. Later while attending the school they got to know another shocking news that Kyzo has left the school, on hearing it Yuzuki with a scared expression on her face left her desk and ran away from the class watching that Haruto and Ryuki looked at each other and nodded leaving the class and following Yuzuki.

All three ran to the Kyzo's household where they found him standing in front of his door while his furniture was being moved out. Yuzuki with a fierce expression on her face and tears in her eyes depicted her anger to Kyzo:

"Where are u going" she asked

"To a new house nearby" Kyzo replied while staring down at the ground

"And why did u leave the school" asked Yuzuki while folding her hands and her eyes directly confronting Kyzo who was still staring at the ground now with no response at all

"What is going on,I don't understand" Asked Ryuki

"Now I get it, Kyzo sold his house and used his most of personal assets to help Mr.Fuji Kane" Haruto replied

"You are putting yourself in a pretty serious situation" Haruto continued

"Like I care, selling a home from a father who left...." Kyzo replied but stops midway while tightening his fists

"Why don't you realise we all are here for you,you don't have to do anything alone" Yuzuki said her last words wailing and leaving the scene in a scurry.

Additional information

Explanation for the title: "Walking on a thin ice?" Here the title is questioning the readers as well as presenting author own doubts on do the decisions made by kyzo was the correct choice which will let him see a broader meaning of life or will those decisions will push him in a more darker pit.