INSOMNIA- CAUSES AND CURE in English Health by Subbu books and stories PDF | INSOMNIA: CAUSES AND CURE

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Do you watch the clock at night as it ticks by unable to sleep? Or do you wake up in the middle unable to fall back asleep? Even if you do sleep, you do very poorly and don’t feel refreshed at all? These are the prime symptoms of insomnia. Insomnia is known to be a silent killer which slowly but steadily degrades your quality of life and can cause extremely serious health conditions. It can either be short term (acute) or long term (chronic). Acute insomnia has a span of a night to a few weeks whereas in Chronic Insomnia you experience the causes at least three nights a week to few months or more. In the case of Primary insomnia your sleep issues are usually due to any other health condition or mental state. The other kind of insomnia i.e. secondary insomnia serious health condition such as cancer, depression, or arthritis keep you awake at night. It can also be due to undue consumption of substance such as alcohol as well. Some causes and cure for insomnia are discussed in the below article.

Causes of primary insomnia are usually stress related or events that have a huge impact in your life like the sudden death of your loved ones, divorce or job change. Excessive light or noise at bedtime or sudden change in your sleeping schedule for example night shift jobs or jet lag can also be the cause to primary insomnia.

The causes of secondary insomnia include serious mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression. High dose of pain and allergen medication, unregulated intake of caffeine, tobacco or alcohol can also cause secondary insomnia, Endocrine issues like hyperthyroidism or sleep disorders like sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome can also be cause to secondary insomnia.

Fight insomnia with a cosy environment.

Though it may sound childish to some ears but hear me out. When you give your body the best environment to unwind, it does so by sleeping. Make your bedroom dark, quiet and cool. A cool room helps your body to sleep easier and sooner and the quietness aids to it. You can use black out curtains or eye mask to ensure a perfect dark room. When you stick to a regular sleeping schedule your body adapts itself and puts the body in a regular pattern. Avoid harmful activities like late night gadget use and vigorous exercises. You can listen to soft music and read books under warm yellow lamps to help your body relax better.

You can use dietary supplements like melatonin and valerian to aid your sleep. You can also drink chamomile tea to help you calm down; it is a well known muscle relaxant. There are several therapies that can help you sleep better, decrease mental stress and flush out negative thoughts from your mind such as the CBT therapy. You can also connect with a doctor if your symptoms are getting serious and all home remedies have failed you. The doctor will prescribe appropriate medicine and help you better.