HOW TO LOSE BELLY FAT in English Health by Subbu books and stories PDF | HOW TO LOSE BELLY FAT

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Can you guess what the number one googled question about losing weight is? How to lose belly fat? Yes the stubborn fat that sits around your abs and is extremely difficult to lose. Normally, the organs require a cushioning and fats are present there to safeguard the organs. But having too much visceral fat can be a harrowing experience that can slow down your fitness progress. The deeper fat is called visceral fat and it is the fat that is causing you all the problems. Too much belly fat can increase your chances of getting high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases and many type of cancer including colon and breast cancer. With so much information on the net regarding how to lose your fat, here is a simple guide that will help you definitely

Exercise: It is believed that at least thirty minutes of exercise five days a week is very necessary to keep your body healthy. It doesn’t have to be in a gym but it should make your body work vigorously. You can do bodyweight exercises at home without equipment. These exercises can be focussed at reducing your belly fat or fat from your entire body. You can even take up jogging, running or play with your kids for half an hour; even taking up your household chores like raking up leaves or mowing the garden counts.

Diet: Diet is the key to maintain your body healthy. It doesn’t mean that there is a magic diet out there that will solve all your weight problems. In fact, no diet will ever cleanse your body, melt your fat or make you lean. They are fake diets. What you need to do is follow a well balanced diet that will help you reduce the fat and build muscles overtime. It cannot happen in a day or in a week but taking a well balanced diet will definitely help you. Avoid foods that are rich in sugar. Sugar is extremely addictive and slows down cognitive functioning. Lowering your carbohydrates intake will also control your sugar intake. Fats lost by cutting down on carbohydrates help lose harmful fats. Also eating fibre rich foods can help you lose that stubborn belly fat. The type of fibre you eat is also important. Soluble and viscous fibre can dissolve the stubborn fat easily. There is evidence that soluble fibre can lead to reduced amounts of belly fat. It increases metabolic rate and reduce risk of various heart diseases.

Sleep: Getting the normal recommended sleep of minimum six to seven hours can help you gain less visceral fat. The metabolism stays on track and your body is able to function properly. As such you see a reduced amount of fat around your midsection. People who do not sleep for the normal recommended hours or have a bad sleeping schedule tend to gain weight on their midsection and have more belly fat. Studies have shown getting enough sleep makes it easier to lose the stubborn fat.