That One Day - 2 in English Motivational Stories by Shiva Avssy books and stories PDF | That One Day - 2

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That One Day - 2

That One Day 2
Yes, I am an IAS officer, but I was among those people who didnt had any interest in life.
contd from That One Day 1
Yes, that was a bad day. But some number of bad days and multiple failures doesn't frame my whole life a failure. Lack of confidence, belief, and maturity made me receive failures.
I have a big dream to achieve. I want to become an IAS officer, but, I'm not turning any single stone to achieve my goal. I know that it's useless to dream about such a huge respectable position without putting effort. Nobody will spoon-feed me.
I should change the way I'm living. If things don't go well for me, I should make things go well. I know that things are not going well for me but I should make things to go well.
Getting up early ,starting the day early gives a long day to spend. I can do many things in the provided long day. A fresh morning gives a good confidence to take up the things pre decided. So for that I have to get up early in the morning.
Other thing is attending lectures. Actually attending lectures are more beneficial than self study........ In my school days I used to attend all the classes ofcourse it is Mandatory and I used to attend all the classes. Everyday when I sit for studies after school it was very easy for me to connect to the topic and I used to score well in the exams ......same thing I have to implement from tomorrow. Whatever may happen I should never miss any lecture and should spend atleast 2 to 3 hours in the evening to revise and make notes of topics taught in the lectures.
From tomorrow I should get up by 6:30am. Get ready and finish my breakfast by 8:00am. Reach library by 8:30am .I can spend a valuable time with books in the library till 11:00. And then go for lecture. From tomorrow my books are my best friends. Whatever I study is not going to be wasted one or the other way it's useful.
And the most important resolution is to reduce the usage of mobile phone . Should completely stop playing games in the mobile . No sooner I get up tomorrow morning Im going to delete all the games that are there in the mobile and instead I will download some news apps so that I can improve my G.K. my feelings and my mind is fully towards the resolutions that I made today. I may not be an extrovert, I may not express my feelings out i might not have good friends to spend some time with, there will be some shine at the corner of my life where I can concentrate and bring success at that level.
i may be a lazy fellow till now and it's not permanent . anything can be changed if I want to . tomorrow onwards i will be active person rather than a lazy boy. "I'm completely boosted and it's like no body can destruct me . and I'm going to change my life with that resolutions. i felt like I don't need anything i will get success with my education rather than any other qualification.'' after all this it's 2'o' clock and I stopped thinking and decided to sleep.i closed my eyes.....
No sooner i opened my eyes in the next morning i turned towards the clock and i just cant believe that its already 10 'o' clock. Im completely disappointed. And even i still feel sleepy. And slept again.. And in my dream some one was knocking my door. The knocking sound was very loud, i came out of sleep and its my mom who is knocking the door of my room and its real not a dream.. With the sleepy mood i went and opened the door, mom saw me and shouted that''its already 11:30 and u still didnt get ready''. After all, iam very nurvous. I thought of doing something and i did something.. I felt very bad for that but some excuses made be to be strong that i slept very late and so i woke up late. I felt like it dosent matter if i shatter my morning plan because i have valid reason. But im strong enough that I will strictly follow it from next day. I got ready, had my breakfast at the lunch and started to collage by 12:30 thinking like to attend at least the remaining classes in the day...
Yes finally i reached colllege . that day i straight away went to the class. i was very confident and enthusiastic to attend the class. i sat in the 2nd bench in the class . after few minutes teacher came to the class and starting teaching some random topic from the syllabus. even while i was listening to class I was fully motivated.
In some or the other day or with regarding any other situation you really feel ultra boosted, and that boost is same as we see in the video games, a short period of time mostly a few seconds, to be specific very short. the same thing happened to me too. That boost didn't last more than a week.
After again I started being lazy. same mental stress and irritation occupied my mind. i felt lonely again. but in some corner of my mind i felt like if i want to put some effects i can do that. however 90 percent of my mind said I cant but that 10 percent gave me some confidence.
i started motivating myself each and every moment when i felt down. but motivation didnt last long, that too vanished after few days. i was really dissaponted, I was aware that I was not on a right path, i agree and accept it but i didn't put efforts to improve my self.
THAT ONE DAY which brought some changes in me, were not enough and i need a higher dose of motivation. Its not always you get motivated after watching bunch of inspirational videos. Things will happen by its own when time comes. We generally observe a common dialogue in movies that is "if i get a single chance i will prove what iam" here we can consider anything that we are chasing for. in my case, i was waiting for that one great moment where I could realize and put effort in achieving my goals.
I was hoping that i will get that changing momemt where i get some motivation from my inner heart, and i expect that to last longer...
That One Day 3--- coming soon
thank you