Yellow Rose - 18 in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose - Part 18

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Yellow Rose - Part 18

I am Archfiend's Yellow Rose

In that jiff I unearthed the hope and the peace that were now my anchors that me will hold on to. His embrace is where I belong. I suppose he was raged at the hour when I and Mike first came here just liken I was but both of us can't help it. When eyes collide our anger reforms itself to something I yet cannot provide a suitable moniker.

When his enfold slackened a bit at my waist and my orbs enthralled his, we can't acknowledge what took over us. We never had time to think straight, we just didn't have the time to think at all. His lips landed on mine and there is no way I could deny the desires my inner self had for him. And that feels like the soft, white snow touching the earth for the first time. His lips lingered on mine even after he pulled off, I guess he just didn't want to let go of this feeling. Even I wanted this moment to continue for the next eon but it wasn't under my power or control. I wanted to feel him all like it was my only chance to be this close to him and I didn't know what was going to come next dawn. He was light and peaceful in the start but it was so certain that this starving beast within him can't be tamed with a soft kiss.

I let him and my instincts drive me. My fingers found their way in his hair at the back of his head and his fold around me tightened as a natural instinct. The time and the spell of cold was dominating over everything we both had faced in the past few days. It was so clear that we were dying to have each other. None of us had the audacity to decline that from the very first minute we saw each other we were hoping that this day comes soon.

Just then our lungs reminded us that we also got to breath and we pulled apart. Our eyes were still too stubborn to leave each other and we weren't concealing our dark desires. Soon the snow started falling harder and heavier. It was going to wrap the whole continent in a white sheet of mystery and peace tomorrow morning. "Tula, I can't hold myself back after this, I need you My Yellow Rose." His deep voice was so much more than enough to turn me on and lose control. "Then don't hold yourself back." And after these words I knew there really isn't any going back.

In this whole of the chaos this was my only escape and relief and thus after knowing all the facts I took it. Call it a mistake or clep it as a thoughtless action, but for me it was the sunshine of hope in the dark skies of sorrow. This night wasn't going to get any colder for here I had Evan to make me feel warm just by looking at me.

Amour don't play with that skin, it's been burning in desire of thee for an era. Be the saint in the day, this frame needs you to be the Archfiend at the rise of moon and fall of shadows. Set on the fire right under the frost.

In the following sunrise my eyes opened to sleeping Evan's face and found myself in his arms. It's not that I lack awareness about the events that took course last night but I still can't believe that it happened. No, I don't regret it but I don't know if it was the right thing to do. I mean Evan is still engaged to Kristina…… My Lord forgive this sin but thank you for this, this is the best I had from you after I woke up from that seven years of sleep.

"Good Morning My Yellow Rose.'' Every time I hear him say that my heart skips a beat and my gut twists within me. His austere bed smile was warmer than the sun outside. He looked so calm and composed. Damn yes, I want to tell him that I am Archfiend's Yellow Rose. "Good morning Jerry." His forehead made the questioning arch and I continued. "I don't why but after last night I feel like calling you Jerry it suits you more than Evan. Ain't I allowed to give names if you are going to call me Yellow Rose?" He laughed with a puff and traced the outline of my face and gave me a quick peck on my lips. "You can call me anything you like. As long as I get to call you My Yellow Rose."

We watched the snow kiss the window for a while and I ended up digging myself deeper in his embrace. The way his fingers were moving to forbidden places on my body I didn't see us getting out of bed anytime soon.
