I was feeling epic - (Part 5) in English Fiction Stories by dhruvi shah books and stories PDF | I was feeling epic - (Part 5)

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I was feeling epic - (Part 5)

It is something that runs inside of me , something that lies beneath ....it feels as if all the answers lie beneath I just need the key .

After returning home:
Dear diary today was wonderful minus the pendant experience . I know I ain't supposed to find but somehow my subconscious always reminds me I need to find the answers for whatever's happening around me . I feel the urge to look out for people I care . Somehow every event goes back to 2010 ,the day since dad went missing even though it's just an assumption and I don't have any theory for it . But I will because I could.....and I should ....

Packing her things up she goes to continue her search in her dad's book, scrolling through amidst some torn pages and some blur letters. After a few pages she finds the exact same pendant and find the uses that says
"Thou shall keep the legend going ,be compassionate , have justice and it will keep protecting thou
With death comes peace but pain is the cost of living
The day thou loose thy control it won't beseech and will keep seeking the justice, blood for blood will be shed
It's passed down through generations and will be passed ahead.
Time will come and you'll get your answers till then protect your powers of.."
"Wait,that's it where's the ahead lines and why are the pages vanished as if deliberately someone didn't want it to be read" ,confused amidst the ongoing chaos she decides to seek peace for her soul and mind ....she decides to seek solace by the sleeping- a thing most people would prefer, but her mind reminds her even sleep is a mystery now with all those nightmares . She decided this isn't the time for seeking solace , she feels the need to complete the words and suddenly she is reminded of aunt Freya " Maybe she was right, maybe she knows something about this missing pages , I'll go ask her

Ringing the doorbell ,made her feel guilty for what she did last time , gathering all the courage she decided to finally move forward . The look on her face suggested Alaska that she knew that she'll come back . Gesturing with hand and a smile she asked her to sit. " I'm sorry for whatever happened last time . I didn't mean it ,I was just ..it was just too much to handle then"
" It's okay my child I understand been through" the assurance on her face and the positive vibes she gave made Alaska to open up even the smallest details of past events to her , after all she is family.
"You know what I'm talking about?"
"Well I assume I know but I still want to hear it from you just to make sure I ain't missing out something"
Without wasting any time Alaska told her everything right from the start and all the way she heard her patiently as if she herself was experiencing it .
"So the pendant's activated"
"What do you mean be actived?"
"Well it's complex but some information for a start . Answer me! Do u believe in supernatural?"
"Depends unicorns yes, ghosts nope"
With a more firm look she asked again this time Alaska knew she was serious and lightening the mood didn't help .
"Well, I don't know about it yet but give the past events maybe a yes"
"Good so what I'm going to tell you is something huge for you , and I need you to handle it well and listen carefully , okay?"
"So all the things happening to you are not only because of the family pendant you're wearing but because of the power inside you, the magic inside you".
"What kind of magic?" She asked as if she knew somehow that her aunt was right.
"A magic to make choice, to maintain justice , to protect the Greenville , our small country"
" How's this all related to me?"
"It passed from heredity. It's inside the blood of our line , not everyone but the one it chooses . I do have the magic but not as strong as you . Your magic is what power is , it's strong ,it's unique, it defines you , who we are and what are our destiny"
"What do you mean by who were are, we aren't witches right , with all that magic stuff?"
"No you ain't but my magic makes me a one but yours is different" .
"You said same magic runs inside us so why are we different then?"
"We are different because of the choice we make, I am the protected of the legend , the power though has chose you it lies inside you and I'm the protecter that's why the necklace hasn't harm you yet "
"What do you mean by that"
"You'll come to know gradually once you are to make your choice , the definition of you will be and what will define you" "I am not supposed to give any more answers but....."

Authors note: What do you think aunt Freya said and who knows what Alaska is , is she a supernatural or a protector like her aunt , is she antagonist or protagonist you'll surely find out soon....so....... stay tuned