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Learning is not inherent and requires coaching. It means learning itself needs to be learned. Everybody today is short on time and so is the case of students. Research studies show that ordinary studying techniques employed by students are mostly ineffective. In fact most of the techniques taught to us in schools are wrong and can even harm our mental health. Quite a few research studies have been undertaken on the topic of learning techniques and in this article we will provide you with some tips and tricks that are backed by science and will help you to learn better and more efficiently.

Take regular breaks between your study hours: Studying regularly for a long time is actually more harmful than it sounds. When you study for long hours, the brain struggles to retain information and you start forgetting your lessons, even before you have completed your study for the day. This is often the reason that school kids cannot remember anything from their school lessons when they sit to study in the evening. Using POMODORO technique can help to take regular breaks and give your brain enough time to retain the studied information better. Therefore, it is better to study in small chunks, it will help to improve your concentration as well.

Explain and describe the topics: Only remembering the headings of the topics is not enough to remember the topics. Open ended questions are an easy way to remember the topics better. This means that you practice your topics in detail and check your understanding better. When teacher go for detailed discussions, the students get time to repeat their lessons which enforce learning and boosts memory. They also help the students to better analyze the topics and make detailed analysis.

Switch subjects: It is recommended that when you study, you should change your subjects frequently and should not study only one topic for a long time. For example when you are solving problems on mensuration, you should interchange problems such as mixing problems on triangles, squares and cones. It will make the process of learning harder and force your brain to put in more efforts. Doing so will help your brain to form better neural networks and force it to make critical analysis. It will enforce positive learnings. Teachers should make papers likewise to help learning.

Combine words and visual: Visuals are always considered a better mode of learning. When you learn through watching, it stays in your memory for a long time because of the involvement of sensory functions. Similarly, when you hear something you tend to remember it better. When you combine both of the aspects in learning, you get a better result. When students are in habits of combining audio and visual presentation of the information, regularly they can memorise the subject at hand better. It aids learning and reinforces the concepts of the lesson. That is the reason we can remember a song and its dance steps better than what we study in schools. Use this trick to aid your learning and learn better.