I Wish I Could... - 15 in English Love Stories by Shada books and stories PDF | I Wish I Could... - 15

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I Wish I Could... - 15

Finally , I am going home. It has been 3 months since Didi 's marriage. And I am visiting home after almost 1 and a half months. We had a Mega Musical Fest and was very busy regarding it. We were decorating the whole place all by ourselves. We had spent a lot of tiring days. And was finally happy as we got a chance to display our band to everyone out there. And what not, eveyone appreciated us and especially me for singing. I had quite a good taste in singing which was only known by my close ones. But now everyone is aware of it. I thought to visit home after the fest. But alas, our exam timetable arrived which indicated that we have got just little time more. We are going to get graduated within a couple of months. That means I should start working as an intern within a month and that made me happy.

Mom has been complaining a lot lately as I have not been able to visit them. But Fai comforted us by saying that I must work hard now in order to enjoy the fruits of my success. He is right, just a struggle for a couple of months and I would be able to achieve my goals.

There is an another reason too for which I am so excited. I am finally meeting Amaan. It was on the day when he came with us to drop me in the airport that I saw him lately. That was about 3 months earlier. When I went home, they were on a family trip. Rehan uncle (Amaan's dad) promised to go on a trip together with only we 2 families. And it is now when I am visiting again. Fai told me that all of them were there (that is Rehan uncle and family) except me. And that made me more than excited.

I had been thinking quite a lot about us lately. We were getting closer. He had been messaging me but there was no news of him since 2 weeks. He maybe busy with his works. Deep inside I wished that he would be feeling the same as I felt for him.

The flight landed at 6:30 pm. Mehak came to receive me.
"My girl is back finally. You know how much I missed you crap?"
I giggled at her and said, "Of course, I missed you too. So what's up with Ayaan? So when did he go to London? He informed me that he would be going someday. But he didn't confirmed it to me."
"And the same goes here. Ma told me that he just booked tickets yesterday and was in a hurry. It was quite unexpected."
I nodded in response. Within a while we reached home.

Fai opened the door and hugged me. "My Munchkin is back. Everyone is waiting for you. Mehak come in." We entered inside to hear Mom and Aunty giggling. They greeted me and Mom was literally giving me a bone crushing hug. She missed me a lot. Even me too. Papa and Uncle came down. But I noticed a glint of sadness in Uncle's face even though he tried to plaster it with a smile.

All the while I checked for Amaan. Ashi came and sat beside me but he was nowhere to be seen. And that worried me. I asked them bluntly where he was. Uncle just sighed and said, "He is there in the terrace. He is not willing to talk to either of us. He has been behaving weirdly since he came back from Delhi. At first we thought it may be due to work load. But it has been three days since he talked. He is shoving us off whenever we tried to ask him."

Uncle was very sad infact Aunty too. Why is he behaving like a lunatic and hurting them? Is he going through a big issue?
I was about to speak when Fai said, "I know what you are thinking. We spoke with Navi. Even he doesn't know the reason behind this."
Yeah I was thinking to ask him. But there is no way out to know the problem.

We went to have dinner. Ashi went upstairs to give him dinner as we all know when he is stressed out, he refuses to eat with everyone.

After having dinner I decided to check him. But Fai denied saying that he is in no mood and that he would literally be angry with me. So I decided to go to my room. Even though I was tired and exhausted, my mind was wandering. What could have happened? Why is he distancing himself away from everyone?
I was sad as all my happiness were short lived. I didn't even get a chance to meet him. I decided to meet him tomorrow no matter what the consequences may be.

And then I slept at 4 ensuring to make things right tomorrow.
The next day I woke up determined to solve it. After freshing up I went to the terrace all the while self motivating me as my heart was thumping loudly. I saw him at a distance. He was looking so worn out. His eyes had become puffy and had dark circles due to lack of sleep. His hair all ruffled up. His eyes were looking somewhere as if he was lost. He didn't even notice me. I tapped him on his shoulder. He looked at me. His eyes burning of fury. "What do you want?"
"Amaan, you look so worn out. What happened? Everyone is worried about you. We can talk and sort things out."
"Just stay out of this Zarah. I don't want to talk right now. Just leave me alone."
"How much longer are you going to stay here like? Why don't you make things easier?"
"Zarah, you are testing my patience. Why don't you understand? Can you JUST GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE. He almost yelled at me. I was shaken up. I turned around and ran towards my room. I broke into tears. Why is he being so hard? Why don't he confess what is disturbing him?
I cried till eternity. After sometime I heard a knock, it was Fai. He tried to console me but it was of no use. "Why is he being hard in himself Bhaiyya?"
"Don't worry my girl. Everything will get all right eventually." Even though he consoled me I was in distraught. When I came down I noticed that Amaan had already left. Grumpy head, he is arrogant no matter what. I felt so bad for everyone as a good weekend was spoiled by him. Amaan, you will have to pay dearly for this. Sparing no time I booked my tickets for tomorrow even though I can leave after tomorrow, as I was very angry on him.

Back in Punjab I cried my heart out. How dare he to yell at me? Who is he to me and why am I bothering about him? I was angry at myself too.

The next day I was sitting in the terrace eating chocolates when Sasha came to me and scolded, "Could you please stop? You Are binge eating. I know you are depressed but this could harm you."
"Can't I even eat? Why is everyone yelling at me. You know wha,t these chocolate sooth me while others fails to do so."
I was every angry and the fun fact was that no matter if I was sad, depressed, angry or upset I show only anger. And it was to this reason Papa calls me a fierce girl.
Sasha said, "He would have had his own reasons Zarah. Just take a chill pill yaar."
"And was he dumb? How many times did I ask him and afterall he was disappointing everyone. Can you pass me that please......"
I said pointing towards a galaxy chocolate lying on the table.

She said, "No way you are going to get it. Now get ready let's go to the court."

In order to vent out my anger I decided to agree to go to the badminton court as the game soothed me and helped me forget problems. After having two rounds of game I finally went to have some rest. I was literally smashing each of them to subside my anger. I went to take water and gulped down the whole bottle down. Sasha was very worried about me. She sat near me and said, " Zarah, that's it for today. Let's go home. We can come back tomorrow. Besides Isha will be reaching in an hour or so." Even though I was reluctant at first I finally let it. We went to take our phones from the desk when I saw 11 missed calls from Amaan. He called again, I declined and blocked his number. And then I got a call from an unknown number. I clearly knew it was him.

Venting out his anger at me and then calling to apologise. I am not going to fall into your trap. The way he made everyone worried was enough for my anger to be justified.
But Sasha asked me to take the call just once and to hear what he has got to say. To hear his side. Even though I was mad at him I thought it was right to hear him too. I picked at the call.

"Zarah, why are you not picking up my calls? Are you okay?"

"Sorry sir, this is hell and it would be difficult for you. Don't you want to stay away from hell?"

"Zarah , seriously can you keep your jokes apart."

"No way. Hell is like this if you don't want to suffocate you can cut the call or else I am going to."

"Zarah you are testing my patient. You have already blocked me and don't you dare cut it."

"You are testing mine too."

"I need to talk you."

"But I am not. There are many others willing to talk with hell."

"And I am going to rip them apart if they dare to."

"No matter matter whatever you say I am not willing to see you. You are very arrogant. Sorry. I mean Grumpy head."

Saying this I cut the call on him.

Sasha looked at me startled. "You could have already given him a chance to explain."

"You don't know the pain he inflicted on Uncle."

"Whatever" she replied.

We were walking towards the main gate when I heard, "Can you please stop for God's sake, Zarah."

So what do you think guys. Will Zarah forgive him that easily. Do comment and share your reviews. You can also share your suggestions....😊😄