Yellow Rose - Part 17 in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose - Part 17

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Yellow Rose - Part 17

Tula, Mike and Evan

No enjoining was vital now from my brain. My plates of meat swivelled on their own and schlepped me with dignity to the parking lot whilst my tears mugged that dignity from me by kissing my cheeks for someone like Evan Wilson. A traitor, a fibster, a cheat….. Why am I crying? For the love of My Lord stop, please stop my much loved orbs Evan is unfit for it. But it seems like they were unaffiliated. My orbs yearned to desolate themselves and spewed all the emotions and woe out. My vocal cords want to yawp in agony that my heart is forbearing at this moment.

I well-nigh had a nervous breakdown when Mr. Richardson saw me. "Tula, what are you doing here? What happened? And that was a pretty good trick you played on me yesterday huhh!! You are so viscous and still notorious like old days. Nothing has changed really!" - "Richardson, have we known each other for a long time? How did we know each other? Please tell me the truth, I am dying now, I can't take it anymore, tell me what I am to Evan. Am I anything to anyone at all?

My frame gave a sniveling me to his arms. He got me out of harm's way, holding me in his embrace trying to protect me from this wholly universe. His enfold was succouring and soothing and amicable too. In the fullness of time he said, still keeping me in arms. "Tula I don't know what happened and why you are crying but it's hurting too much to see you cry like this. Please give me one chance to make you smile. I won't force you to talk till you are comfortable to and I promise to answer all your questions that I can. Just come with me. Also please call me Mike."

I don't comprehend why I swallowed his words but I just did. And let an unknown guy take me with him in his car to somewhere I haven't ever been before or maybe I have but I don't recall. Myself alighted in his wheels with the engine and he drove away liken the car was a bullet just fired from a gun. In a few bat of an eye the residential area was forsaken by us and fields were now seated on both the sides of the road. We drove in silence for quite a long time. He didn't say anything and neither did me take any initiative to start the talk.

I mustered up myself, opening the window glass of the car, as the fresh, non polluted air hit me. "I saw Evan's wife there in hospital." That's all that I was able to utter. " You met Kristina? Oh god, that lady!! She is trouble. Anyway she is no wife of Evan. But she goes around the place telling everyone that she is Evan's wife. Evan refused to marry her when you came back to life. Yes they were engaged because of coercive measures of Evan's family. Evan never liked her much. He was remitting the wedding for months, now suddenly he just demurred to marry her, that's why she is mad. Don't take anything personally if she said something wrong to you."

"What do you mean by Evan refused to marry her when I came back to life?" - "I am afraid I can't actually explain that to you, you should ask that to Evan." Natheless I had umpteen questions and I was gonna find all the answers today, I was a bit sure that not all the answers were gonna be pleasing. "Do we know each other?" - "Yes, we do Tula. You are one of my very good friends and like a baby sister to me. I have known you since school days just like Amelia and Evan and Jordan too. We all studied together before you went to Finland for further studies. In Fact Thea is our classmate too. She is my wife, we are going to meet her and my baby. I have a daughter now, Tula and damn she is so much like you. You were the most notorious of all of us. Sofia always reminds me about you."

This was something I didn't see coming at all. Like all these people are my school friends? Seriously? "What about my step brother and all these attempts to kill me? Why is he behind me? Who is he? How did my father die? Who was that guy who kidnapped me? And why did he do that?" - "Tula Evan's words say to me he wants to talk to you about this himself and I am not supposed to give you any word on it. Actually I wasn't supposed to tell anything that I just did. But I couldn't resist when I saw you almost breaking down there. I just want you to know that you are not alone, we are here with you, we have been through a lot together and we will be over this too, together. Hoping this would give you something to hold on. Maybe Evan was waiting to tell you everything after you have attained your physical health back." Well I am too confused. What now?

"Richard...Mike, where is my mother?" He let out a heavy sigh before answering me which was a signal that what he was gonna say next wasn't pleasant. "Your mother died when we all were kids." So I know these people right from my childhood, that's why Amelia referred to my childhood again and again when she came to see me for the first time in the hospital. I had many more questions but I wasn't sure if I would be able to take in the answers, I would get, thus kept quiet on the entire ride after that. I was processing all the information I just learnt.

But looks like even Mike isn't au fait with the ulterior motive of Evan Wilson. I mean why tell me that my father owes him money and why tell me that my father ran away. Why didn't he give me the dinkum oil about my family?

Mike is very mim and honeyed, he charmed me with few of our memories that I don't have anymore. He narrated stories to me of our school days. "It makes me feel sad that I lost impressions of these commendable days of my life." I spoke with a bit of sorrow flowing smoothly in my voice. "It's okay Tula, we can always make more memories." His smile was full of zeal.

I spent an exquisite evening with Thea and Sofia. Thea robbed my resistance to her and caged me in her arms as soon as she got the sight of me. Her hug was so comforting and welcoming. She baked me some cupcakes and Sofia is such an adorable girl. We were playing unicorn cards when Mike came to me. "Tula I should take you back to 'Wilsons' now. Evan is already there. And he is not very happy about the fact that I brought you here. He wants you back there." Ahh!!! This man really has some pain in the neck with me being happy. And who in the hell and heaven is he to determine where I go and where I don't? But I didn't want Mike to suffer the wrath of Evan after everything he did for me. Sofia wasn't much in the favour of me leaving but Thea convinced her that I will be back soon. Wishing them Good night, I left with Mike.

My nervousness was on it's peak and thus there was no use of concealing it. Mike was well aware that I didn't want to go where he was taking me. I am in a catch-22 situation. Should I talk to Evan? Or just ask him to let me go? Make my life again. "You will be fine, Tula. Evan won't let anything happen to you." Mike's words didn't help, instead made my heart beat faster, sprightly. We arrived at 'Wilsons' around 1am I suppose. When our feet touched the first tile of the entrance of the house, an old lady welcomed us with a smile that says she acknowledges a lot more than I do. Of Course I remember her, she is Delphina. The most trusted of Evan! I filched passepartout from her room and did what Jordan asked me to do this morning before I left to see Evan. A deal is a deal after all. She took us to Evan's office where Evan was seated liken a vilified, flamboyant lion.

My heart skipped many beats seeing him in full control of his frame when he stood up from his seat with pride. And then Delphina finally voiced freeing me from deadly silence. "It's good to see you three altogether again in this room. Tula, Mike and Evan." And that's all, she left after that. Evan eyed me like he was inculpating me for something. NO….NO….NO!!!! After all the red herring you did to me you don't get to eye me like that Evan Wilson. He walked towards me and Mike and snubbed my presence in the room, started talking with Mike like I wasn't there, referring to me as a third person. Excuse me!!!

"Mike, I told you to keep her in the house. Why couldn't this house staff, this entire security of millions and you my pal failed to contain her?" His question boiled my blood. And I bellowed out before Mike could answer. "Because Mr. Wilson I am an independent human and I have rights to decide for myself." My words weren't what shook the furniture of the room, it was my suppressed anger and pain that hit the table and the lamp on it when my hands banged them with all the energy I ever possessed. "I should let you guys discuss this in private I guess. Night honourable lady. Take care Evan." With that Mike flew himself away from this moment of confrontation. Leaving me with this traitor alone in the room.

Evan's eyes riveted on me without a word and looking at him I couldn't help my anger turning into tears. That liquid was the product of my ire and despair. He came to me, foregathered me in his arms and kissed my forehead. Memories washed my brain when his full, soft and auburn lips kissed my forehead at the hospital when I woke up. His wet imprint on me soothed me and my injured form. He whispered, "I am so sorry, Tula. I am sorry for everything you had to learn from Kristina. I was supposed to be the one to tell you about that. I am sorry for keeping you in the darkness of lies. I really was only trying to protect you. I am sorry that you had to make a deal with Jordan. Forgive me."

Wait what?? He knows about it? My questioning look told him what I wanted him to speak further. "Yes, I know about that, Delphina is a sharp lady." Ohh!!! My Lord!! "It's okay, Tula. It's not your fault. It's okay, it will always be okay as far as I have you here in my arms, by my side, with me." For a moment I let myself drown in him. It felt so right. Like it was supposed to be like this.

Myself shall only breath in this air if it brings your scent with it, My Love.
