When We Met - 59 in English Fiction Stories by Aisha Kapadia books and stories PDF | When We Met - EP - 59 (Friendship And Some Golden Promises - Part I)

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When We Met - EP - 59 (Friendship And Some Golden Promises - Part I)

Emily's Pov:

My phone almost fell off my hand, hearing such words from Mia while Rose just scooted more closer to the phone, ready to hear more from Mia.

Hesitating, I adjusted the phone in my hand. "Are you sure that you're pregnant?"

"Yes. I am. I checked it in a pregnancy kit-"

"Mia, those results can be wrong as well-"

"I got full checkup from the hospital, Emily. They told me I am one month pregnant, and they also asked me to come for regular appointments for better care and development of a baby."

My mouth opened in awe. "When did all of this happen!?"

"Go easy." Rose whispered to me.

"I was caught off guard when Jake initated-" Mia started but I cut her off.

"He initiated all this!? What did that excuse of a burned potato did to you!?"

"Well he was heavily drunk that day and he didn't know what he was doing-"

"Did he force himself on you then!?" I snapped at Mia, anger boiling up inside me.

"No. He didn't 'cause I equally wanted him as much he wanted me, then I couldn't help but remember all those times when he didn't notice me-"

"So he didn't notice you that's why you went and slept with him!?" I said to her, tasting bitterness of my own words in my tongue.

Mia started to cry. "I didn't mean to, Emily. I really didn't mean to but everything happened so fast that before I could think what's wrong and what's not, we were already doing evrything forbidden!"

"But he was fucking drunk for God's sake, Mia! Don't you know he doesn't remember things he does when he is drunk!? Did you seriously forgot all those drunk encounters we had with him, where he would forget everything the very next day we would meet him!?"

"I knew it. And I tried to convince him, with all my might that we shouldn't do it, but when he started to touch me, I forgot everything, never thinking of the consequences that may follow after."

"Mia, you should've done better than that! I mean what the hell did he even do to start all this, to which you lost all your self control and went along with his pace!?"

"He fucking kissed me, Emily! What should I have done to stop him, tell me! A girl can only endure her feelings for so long until the guy stops to give any signs of ever reciprocating her feelings! But he touched me the way I wanted him to and I.." Mia stifled a sob, inhaling deeply and I could imagine her tired condition, with her flushed cheeks and red swollen eyes. "I felt loved that day. Truly and undeniably loved for the first time in my life. That's why I didn't stop him. It seemed too good to be true and I didn't have any courage to betray my heart anymore."

I sighed in defeat. "But still, you could've been precautious enough in these aspects! It's not that you don't know anything about sex and it's consequences."

"I admit that it's my fault but-"

"It's not about admitting your fault, Mia! You have the results of your mistake and now-"

"Mistake!? You think what we did that night was a mistake!? Why is that 'cause the last time I checked, you always wanted me to end up with Jake, howsoever it may happen!"

"Yes I wanted that and I still want it, I will always want you to be happy, Mia but this time he used you-"

"He didn't use me! I wanted him-"

"But he didn't want you the way you wanted him though! It's called using someone!"

"Oh and you never, even for a single moment thought that Jake might actually like me a bit, right!? Some friend you are for sure, Emily when all this time I gave you my full support for your love for Edward! I never said to you that 'Edward doesn't love you 'cause he will love Lara no matter whatever sacrifices you would do for him! I never said to you that Edward used you all this time! All this time when you were considering his happiness over yours, he was busy fucking his girlfriend senseless in her house! I never said to you that Edward doesn't need you! He will never need you 'cause he is a selfish best friend you met purely by your bad luck!"

Rose turned to look at my face, her own face betraying any hints of nonchalancy as she took a deep long breath to see tears falling from my eyes. Gripping the nearby chair silently, I sat on it, feeling Mia's words slowly crushing my already broken heart.

Averting my gaze towards the ceiling, I titled my head slightly backwards, as mositure pooling in my eyes now trailed down my cheeks and fell silently on my side.

Rose narrowed her eyebrows in concern, as she mouthed sympathetic words to molify me and I nodded slowly at her, raising my hand to tell her I was fine.

Which indeed I was.

I mean I had to get over Edward.

But if I couldn't endure such harsh words of truth from my own friend, then it was almost impossible that I would ever be able to forget him in any given time.

"I am sorry, Emily. I shouldn't have said that to you. You were always a good friend to me and I'll never want to hurt you intentionally-"

"It's alright, Mia. I don't mind." I whispered briefly to her.

"But I was rude to you when you always supported me-"

"You just spoke the truth. There is nothing wrong in it-"

"I really behaved like a bitch to you, Emily. What I said doesn't hold any truth at all. I am sure that Edward will stop being a jerk to you-"

"We shouldn't be sure about the ending, Mia. It doesn't always go the way we want it to."

"But I will continue to hope for the best. After all, you have been his best friend for twenty years already. If he still didn't fall in love with you, then I really doubt if he was even a man to begin all this with. I mean any guy would fall head over heels in love with such a cute, caring, loving, hot and sexy wife like you-"

"Edward doesn't think I am hot and sexy." I said, laughing bitterly at her choice of words. My eyes pricked with the remnant of moisture as I wiped the corner of my eyes with the back of my hand.

"Did he tell you that himself?"

I hesitated."No. He didn't but I know what he thinks about me. He doesn't have to tell me everything, you know."

Mia sighed, and I felt the slight frustration in her sudden intake of breath. "Emily, why do you keep on thinking of all the utter bullshits of life!? I just don't understand the reason. You really need to increase your opinion about yourself sooner or later. I mean you should have some self-respect-"

"Having self-respect doesn't actually change the reality, Mia."

"But it sure can make painful conditions tolerable in the toughest moments of your life!"

"I am not trying to make anything tolerable here, I just want peace of my mind-"

"Which you can easily get by listening to my advice." Mia cut me off, agitation evident in her words. "Properly"

"And that strikingly hyperactive life-changing advice would be?"

"It would simply be to get this all over with already."

"Care for a short elucidation?"

"I am simply asking you to confess your feelings to Edward."

I chuckled at her smooth words. It wasn't that it was the first time Mia had advised me to do something like this. In fact, if my memory serves me right, then she was the only person who had been drilling into my head this significant piece of advice for a long time and I, as a stubborn daughter of Hitler as I ever was, never paid any heed to her words.

Standing from the chair, I walked towards my window. With the corner of my eye, I saw Rose following me like a hawk, her ears planted firmly like a parasite on my phone. Cool but indifferently warm breeze engulfed my features in a tight hug as I leaned on the windowframe, admiring the peaceful weather.

"Are you understanding what I'm trying to say here?" Mia asked again, her voice coming out impatient.

"For someone who has a degraded brain of a human, I happen to understand english too well, don't you think!?"

"And somehow that degraded brain managed to get a hold of Degree of medicals all by itself!?"

"Well that was purely a matter of coincidence-"

"So why don't you ever apply your rare coincidences in the case of Edward!?"

"Mia, I am not trying to joke here-"

"Neither am I. If I must say, I am speaking only the truth here."

"You mean to say, normally you incorporate lies in between your sentences!?"

"Are we talking about normal things here!?"

"You're not going to let it go, right!?"

"Do I look like I'm that easy!?"

I sighed in defeat and Rose smirked in satisfaction at Mia's words, earning herself a glare from me.

"You know it's not going to change anything between us, right!?" I tried to convince Mia, knowing too well it's not gonna work on her.

"We're not going to know unless we try, Emily."

"You seem too confident in advising me when you're on the same boat as me-"

"I'll change that boat when the time comes."

"And when will your time come then?"

"Maybe after you confess to Edward?"

I raised a eyebrow at her words. "Is that a deal?"

"No. It's a challenge!"

"But why should I do it first though? Why not you!? That's unfair to me 'cause as far as I know, you also-

"Because you had a crush on Edward way before than I even met Jake, and so that makes you more eligible for confession-"

"Eligible? Are you seriously bringing all those painful tortured years of my life in considering my eligibility of this stupid deal of who-should-confess-first between us!? That's called cheating! It's illegal in terms of court and law-"

"It's my final verdict. Consider it or live in the hell forever!"

"Are we playing some sort of law and order here!?"

"No but still it's my-"

"Don't you think that you should confess first, Mia!?"

"Why should I do it? I told you I would do it only when you-"

A wicked grin spread on my face. "Think about it, Mia. Carefully. You're pregnant with Jake's child, after spending only-mighty-holy-God knows how many passionate hours of your night with him. You have a part of him growing slowly and slowly like a coconut-"

"Coconut?" Mia interrupted and I heard Rose snort beside me, before she scooted closer to the phone, ignoring my hot glares at her.

"Yes. Like a coconut. It's small at first-"

"Every growing being is small at first, Emily! Do you think you came straight from your mother's uterus-" Mia started to rant but I cut her off.

"Vagina" I filled in for her.

"It all goes inside and comes outside from down the gutter anyway." Rose muttered, rolling her eyes at my precision.

"Gutter?" I cocked my head to my side, pressing the word.

Rose pointed her index finger at the bottom of my jeans. I blinked twice at her and then at her finger which was raised erect, too proudly for being a mere human finger.

"That's not a gutter, Rose! It's an essential part of a female reproductive system-"

"You mean vital organ for getting fucked and for automatically shooting out babies like a bomb!?"

I gawked at her bold words. "Yes but that's not a corect term you should use-"

"It doesn't change the fact that it's still down there, right!?" Rose pointed her finger right at my abdomen and I flushed in embarrasment. Turning my head around quickly, I searched for Micheal to see if he was suddenly transformed into a bat to hear this humiliating conversation which I was being subjected to without my consent, and I sighed in relief seeing him using his phone and doing something on it.

If only his house be blown in a heavy tornado so that he might leave quickly from here-

"You don't listen to anyone, do you!?" I hissed at Rose, my lips pressed in a thin line.

"After all, I am your friend. I wonder who should I blame now?" Rose shrugged nonchalantly, tucking few strands of her scarlett hair behind her ear, playing all innocent and childish with me.

I cleared my throat deliberately, wishing to continue the flow of the previous conversation. "So as I was saying that something is growing slowly and slowly-"

"Are we talking about coconut again?" Mia interrupted in between making Rose chuckle behind me.

I smiled at her words. "Yes. And-"

"So can we now talk about my human baby who is far from being compared to any living form of an animal or worse, plants with an honorable mentions of trees and shrubs!?"

My lips curled up in a grin. "You mean you want to talk about foetus?"

"Sounds very logical to me." Mia said, her voice sounding relieved.

Many thoughts got shuffled in my brain as I wondered about the future of my friend. "What have you planned about it then?"

"About what?"

"Your pregnancy, Mia. What would you do about it?"


So how was the chapter!?