Murder Mystery in English Crime Stories by Prathamesh Deore books and stories PDF | Murder Mystery

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Murder Mystery

Officer Prince Ronit Roy is a private detective who solved many cases. But every private detective facing same problem when they are new at their job.
When Prince started his profession, he couldn't got any cases. Not got help from police to find cases. He was solving small type of cases. But one day he got a mail from Mrs Madeline O'Malley. She is also a detective of Concordia, a city of Kansas, U. S.
She wrote that a young man found dead on Liberty Island of their city. Prince was very happy to listened that he got a murder case. He got visa also from Madeline. He suddenly reached there. Mrs Madeline O'Malley was on airport to received him.
"Welcome Officer Prince. Welcome to Concordia. " said Mrs Madeline.
" Thank you Mrs Madeline. Nice to meet you. "
" Let's go to the crime scene. "
" Ok. Let's go. "
They were went to the crime scene and started investigation. They found a victim's body and a murder weapon.
" The victim's name was Victoria Stanbury. We need to get her body for an autospy. And the bloody knife is our murder weapon!
After autospied victim's body, Richard wells said:
" I studied the wound on victim's neck, and I can tell you for sure that the killer is right handed. " said Arthur.
Prince tried to solve the mystery, suddenly there came Arthur Wright, a police chief.
" Officer, I am Arthur Wright - a police chief. According to the witness, the killer has a moustache. Go back to the Liberty island and inspect the park to find evidence we're missing. "
According to Arthur, Madeline and Prince went to the location to find clues. After investigating the park they found a torn jacket.
" Officer, this torn fabric is covered in blood. Let's piece it back together. " said Madeline.
They found a blazon on the torn fabric.
" This jacket has a blazon on it. This is a evidence we're missing! Officer, Let's arrest the killer now. " said Madeline.
According to the clues, Arthur found the killer.
" Officer, we've two suspects in this case. You must need to compare their profiles in order to find the killer. "
According to Arthur, they had suspect no. 1 was Harry Adams, he was Vagabond. And He was right handed and also had moustache.
The suspect no. 2 was Percy Stanbury. He was victim's husband. And he had moustache and he was also right handed. And he had a coat with blazon.
So Prince found that the killer was victim's husband. Arthur arrested him.
" So why are you kill your wife Mr Percy Stanbury ❓" Asked Officer Prince.
" Yeah. I killed her. I killed her. " Mr Percy shouted. " I killed her because she was flirting with some other. Every night she was going to sleep with some other and told me that she has a new job, but it's a night duty. I gave her permission. But one day when I followed her, I got truth. Now tell me what can I do ❓So I decided to kill her. But I exposed. " He was crying.
" You did crime. And you will deserve punishment by imprisonment for life. " said Officer Prince and the case was solved.
" Officer, you did well in this case. Are you want to take a holiday ❓" asked Arthur.
" I am always ready for the case. " said Officer Prince.

Writed by Prathamesh Deore