SECRETS TO A GLOWING SKIN in English Health by Subbu books and stories PDF | SECRETS TO A GLOWING SKIN

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Whether it is the Australian bush fires or the jam packed roads of Whitefield in Bangalore, Pollution is breaking new records every day. And with growing pollution, our skins are the most visibly affected. These days dry, dull and flaky skin is the most common problems people tend to visit a dermatologist for. Cosmetic companies are launching brand new products dealing with these problems almost every day. And as such every beauty influencer on the social media is trying to promote a new beauty trend for glowing skin.

1. Stay hydrated

Models swear by it, and so do celebrities. It is the most cheap trick in the beauty book and yet the most effective. Proper hydration ensures improves your body’s overall health and can get you that glowing skin. Air-conditioned rooms suck the moisture out of your skin and can make it look dull and lifeless. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water will ensure the flawless and glowing skin you have always wanted.

2. Anti oxidant rich food

Our ancestors have long said this and now even the scientists are backing up this claim. What you eat will have an effect on your skin. Now it is up to you, what you decide will be good for you. Foods rich in anti-oxidant like berries and nuts are rich in polyphenols. These antioxidants help combat the skin against sun damage and hyper pigmentation. Foods such as strawberry, grapes, gooseberries, walnuts and pecans have abundant antioxidants that can help you get that glowing skin.

3. Coffee scrub

Exfoliating your face with coffee scrub will help you get the flawless skin. The caffeine present in coffee will helps to remove dead cells and revitalize the damaged cells. Exfoliating is anyway good for your skin and dermatologists and beauty gurus cannot emphasize this enough. You will have to look for the change yourself once you start including it in your routine regularly.

4. Use sunscreen

Using sunscreen regularly will help you avoid the sun damage. Harsh UV rays can make your skin dull and lifeless. Not to forget the hyper pigmentation and rapidly aging skin problems that is associated with the sun’s harmful rays. Using a sunscreen with atleast SPF30 in the tropical regions will save you from rapid aging of the skin. It should also not be forgotten that skin cancer is also attributed to not using enough sunscreen

5. Follow the golden rule

You should never sleep with your makeup. Makeup artists and beauty gurus tell it to everyone who wants to listen. Makeup can make a person look beautiful and worse at the same time. Makeup clogs pores. This is the truth, eternal. The skin needs time to refresh and rejuvenate. If you don’t clean your makeup, the products will clog your pores with every ounce of grime there is. It can also lead to breakout problems like acne, pimples and blackheads and whiteheads.

Remembering these tips and tricks and will help you get that radiant skin and they are cheap as well. So why don’t you give them a try.