One Night Stand - 10 in English Fiction Stories by Swati books and stories PDF | One Night Stand - 10

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One Night Stand - 10

Chapter- 10

Love! What nuisance are you talking about? says Alex in frustration. Just go and look yourself in mirror and you will realise that you have fallen in love with that girl. One-night stand has brought you the love of your life. Nyon says sharply. Alex reaches home seems perturbed by the day’s events, sits on the couch and thinks what Nyon said to him. He convinces himself that Nyon spoke everything in anger but when he closed his eyes, he saw Rumi standing, smiling and laughing. All of a sudden, he calls Rumi. She picks the call and he says, Hello! Rumi are you ok? Alex seems worried. Yes, I am fine. He is my good friend and may be because of hangover he behaved that way. I will talk to him Rumi replies.

No, in fact you should stay away from him. He is not good enough for you. I mean as a friend, says anxiously. Even if I want to stay away from him, I can’t because recently he has joined the company where I work. Rumi says quietly. What! but he was working with another company, Alex asks. Yes, but now he has joined my firm and appointed at a senior position. Therefore, I need to maintain professional relationship with him. My mother is calling me, I need to go, by the way thanks for calling, goodnight! Good night! Says Alex and feels relaxed after talking to her.

Next morning, Rumi reaches office and finds Olive as her boss sitting in front of her. Rumi, I am sorry for what happened last evening. We are very good friends but this is also true that I have feelings for you from the day, when I saw you for the first time. Presently, we both are doing well in our professional carrier and I wish to settle down with you for rest of my life. Olive speaks unhesitatingly and seeks for an answer in her eyes. Olive, I am sorry! if I ever gave you any wrong impression as you have always been a kind, sweet, and helpful friend nothing more than that. I don’t want to spend rest of my life whom I don’t love. I am really sorry and hope we will always remain friends and work like professionals Rumi replies to him. Alright, we are friends and now colleagues but please think about my proposal and if you can Rumi, pleads Olive.

Rumi’s boss Ray Benson calls everyone for a meeting in the conference room. I am fortunate that I have the most talented employees in my company and now would like to introduce Mr. Olive, head of creative team who will set new benchmark. As every organisation wants to be on top, so we decided to collaborate with another company which will help us to run our business smoothly in the market for that I have joined hands with one of the successful business men. Please welcome your new boss and our new business partner, Mr. Alexzander Bruke, owner of Bruke holdings. Alex enters and everyone in the room stands to welcome him. Rumi amazed and Olive was aghast to see him. When Rumi shakes hands with Alex, he speaks softly, I think we have no control over destiny and she smiles.