Yellow Rose - 16 in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose - Part 16

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Yellow Rose - Part 16

Not Mine

My quondam ability to distinguish between truth and lie perished. What shall myself put my faith in now? What lores of yore about us you acknowledge and me don't, Evan Wilson? Were we together? What should I comprehend from that painting?

I abandoned Jordan's room with that file he gave me. The celerity I carried with myself forged interest in me of the house staff. Mia was there, she looked worried and lacked certainty of whether she should ask me or not. Brood and dubiety in her demeanor was not hidden from the frame of my vision.

My room had me back in itself. Banging the file on the table I flaked out on plans of being hard-wearing and fell into pieces in one chair incapable of taking it anymore. I was discombobulated. Nothing in front of me is capable of showcasing to have a ring of truth in it.

My emotions were taking over my senses again. I lost my marbles, the sense of touch and auditory ability was gone. I felt numb soon. My eyes shut themselves and I didn't possess the strength to restrain my body from palpitating and gave in the pain when Mia brought forth her warmth and held on to me. I weeped in her arms for a minute but crying didn't hit to be a way out on this hour. "It's gonna be okay, Tula. You will be fine, everything will be fine. Just don't give up. Stay with me, stay here." Mia tried to console me.

She pitched in to get me into bed and lit the fireplace, in no time warmth rolled all over the freezy room. But my heart was still captured in a cold dungeon of lies. I went through the file Jordan gave me. It contained the details of business my father and Evan had together but there was no trace of any loss. My father never was in arrears to Evan.

Evan was always economical with the truth. Oh!!! My Lord!! What in hell and heaven are this man's hankering from me? They had a humongous business together. Why is Evan doing this to me? I asked Mia to bestow solitude to me and propelled the file out of my sight by sending it to the other side of the bed. Then drove my conscious straight into the darkness that took the residence in the space under my sheets and allowed myself to be taken by the sorrow and grief. Bye-byes crept up my palace of thoughts and conquered my cognitive base. I lost myself to the darkness once again.

When morning shimmers touched my puffy eyes, I couldn't help but depart myself from my rest. Leaving my setting of comfort I came back to the factual world which was actually darker than my darkness under those sheets. Maybe Evan had a good cause for what he did. Maybe there is another side of this story. It has to be there. I should talk to Evan once, before cementing my belief on anything. Yes that's what the correct way is to attend this Gordian knot.

I literally jumped out of my bed not giving a damn about the injuries I got yesterday. Dressed as soon as I could and sent the word for Mia. It was still early 6 in the morning and when Mia came to my room, I was already dressed. "Are we going anywhere?" She asked with a surprised filled up voice.

"No, I am going to hospital to see Evan and I called you to thank you for everything you did. Mia I owe you a big time. Thank you so much. But now I can carry myself well. You can go back to your usual life. I am fine. And…..I don't know what else to say." She was stunned and her expression showed that she didn't see this coming. With this short period of time she really had made a place in my heart. She is the best person I have met after coming back to life. I hugged her tightly to express my gratitude which I failed to express by my words. She hugged me back and gave me her cell phone number if I ever need her for anything ever again. "You can call me a friend."

We both waved to each other with warm goodbyes and I went straight to a driver asking him to take me to the hospital where Evan was. I had a last hope still left and I had to give it a try. I had to talk to Evan for once and clear things up with him. The driver drove me but with hesitation.

The journey to my destination was killing me slowly, I couldn't wait more to see Evan and talk to him. I threw myself out of the car when my wheels came to rest at the hospital. Making my way in through all, my feet took me up to reception and I asked for Evan. The information Me was given said, Evan was shifted to another room and was in better condition. I took the directions to Evan's room and flew towards it.

But what I saw next was not what I was expecting to encounter. On the spur of the moment everything garbled and my last hope left me all unchaperoned in this battle to be on my own. There was a lady who ensconced herself outside the room of Evan with flowers, waiting for him to rise up from the bed, I put him into. I led myself to solicit a talk and she gave a disgusting look.

"Why the hell are you still alive? You are supposed to be dead. You did this to my Evan. Why don't you leave us both alone?"

What was she talking about? "Who are you?" I asked out of surprise. But her answer took away my breath. "Really you don't know? I am his wife. I am Evan's wife, Tula. I am the one to whom he belongs and I am the one who is supposed to be with him, by his side, not you who is even barely breathing. You are a cursed soul, you cause destruction wherever you go. Just get the hell out of our lives. Will you?"

What did she just say? Wife? I don't think I now am even authorised to know that other part of the story. Evan doesn't have to explain anything to me anymore. Who am I now to question him?

I thought he didn't tell me anything because of my bad health, I thought that was an immortal moment we shared that day standing at the doorstep of death. I thought we had a history of something called love. I thought he was mine, I thought he cared for me and loved me and thus took a bullet for me. I thought I belonged to him and wasn't a no one. He was someone on whom I had my rights on and he had on me. I thought I was not a homeless beggar who didn't have any family to care for and without any memories as far as I have Evan. But now I know I never had him.

Evan is not Mine. And I am not his, not anymore.

"What you gained my love when you slayed my heart? Was it enlivening to hear your name in the whispers of the sound made by my blood when it hits the tile?"