TIPS TO CRACK NEET in English Anything by Subbu books and stories PDF | TIPS TO CRACK NEET

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NEET is a cutthroat competition and the stakes are really higher here. You not only have to study the most extensive syllabus you would have ever come across, you also need to excel in it. Different from the earlier times where you only had to care about completing your syllabus portion well, these days just studying for the exam won’t save you the esteemed seat. In this aricle, we will discuss some tips and tricks that will help you crack the difficult exam and pursue your dream career in medical science.

Be familiar with the syllabus

You need to be extremely clear as to what is your syllabus and where would you find the particular topic. The syllabus is vast and often it can be confusing if you don’t know the topics beforehand. Also you should be well acquainted with the NCERT books and take all points of reference from the book.

Create a realistic timetable

We cannot emphasise on this enough, you need to set your timetable and please be as realistic as possible. Overestimating your capacity will do you no good and only pull you down if you are unable to stick by it. Your calendar should also be such that it could be easily modifiable for uncertainties.

Prepare excellent notes

Your notes are your holy bible. Make sure to prepare them well and detailed enough when you are learning your lessons. As we have said earlier, the syllabus is vast and you can easily get lost in the topics, your notes should be as detailed as possible and precise as well. Your notes need to cover every aspect of the syllabus from formulas, mechanisms and different equations. It will help you when you revise which you need to do often. This brings us to our next point.

Revise, revise and revise

Even if you have mastered a particular topic, chapter, segment or the entire syllabus, do never make the mistake of overconfidence. You need to revise regularly and often to keep everything fresh in your memory. Consistent revision is the key to your success and it can either make or break your future. Revision is extremely crucial for your preparation.

Take study breaks

Yes we are talking about studying but regular breaks are very important in between the tenacious schedule. Researchers say when you take regular breaks between your study or work, to develop better concentration and your mind is able to retain the learnings better. Long hours of work without breaks will decrease your concentration ability overtime.

Practice mock tests

NEET exam is difficult not only because of the extent of the syllabus but also due to the fact that you need to excel in your time management as well. You are required to attempt 180 questions in 180 minutes which gives you a minute at maximum for each question. You should attempt as mock tests as you can to maximize your confidence and also test your time management skills.

So, keep in mind all these tips when you prepare for NEET and may you be able to pursue your dream career successfully.