I was feeling epic - (Part 2) in English Fiction Stories by dhruvi shah books and stories PDF | I was feeling epic - (Part 2)

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I was feeling epic - (Part 2)

(much to my horror ..the epitaph read Alaska Young- 2010 ) and then I snapped back to reality trying to recap what I just saw. "Maybe I'm day dreaming and perhaps it's all because I'm tired of this whole journey ". Trying to keep my attention Diverted I took a look at the house where probably I'll spend my next years. It was magnificent wooden house with a scenic beauty. It had a lake on its backside and was surrounded by lush green grasses and huge trees . It even had a garden outside and was guarded by fence . With strength enough to enter my new life I stepped inside the house following mom ....it looked like the ancient houses you see in some movies but was comfortable and cozy . Taking a look at the house I did thought giving a second chance to this place I mean who wouldn't after viewing it. I was strolling in the house when I entered the basement and something strange happened ... though there weren't any windows to pass the air I felt a wave of breeze as if someone was trying to reach me rather call me . The basement was just namesake it was rather a huge library with just lots of knowledgeable stuffs . I was viewing the cover pages of the books but when I touched one of the book my necklace again glew... enough to provide some light except the rays coming through a lamp. I touched it and saw (blood.....heart........war..... written on the mirror of a room) snapping back , I decided that it's enough of this hallucination things I'm just going to mom to give me a painkiller to stop the headache by this . Just going upstairs I felt a little dizzy ......"Alaska what happened honey ? what's that look on your face?" "Nothing ma ..I" I was about to complete the sentence but I blacked out "Wake up honey! Alaska this isn't prank time ..wake up !! CHRIST you are scaring me ,wake up!!"

"Mrs Katherine she's fine . No need to worry I've prescribed some medicine take care she takes on time and even takes a considerable amount of rest."
"Thank you,doc"

"Ma! What's happening ! When did I came on bed ...the last I remembered I was taking to you in the hall" she could read the worry on my face and told me "Alaska later ! You sleep for some time now "
"But ma!"
"Sleep I said"
"Fine I'll "
"Before I go tell me what was wrong when you came to me down at hall?"
"It was just I needed to tell you about ..."
And then I dozzed off deep into my Dreamworld hugging my Missy .
"About? I guess she slept I'll bring some beverage for her in case she wakes and I'll wait on the couch until she wakes"

Alaska's ma's point of view:
"This book never fails me ! 'Autobiography of Abraham Lincoln ' such a great men was he "
I think I'll check her temperature in case if it's high. It's normal thank lord . I was about to leave and I saw every nerve on her body as if it's highlighting itself. Strange! I thought . I know this town's danger for you my angel but I couldn't resist because...........

To be continued...............