I was feeling epic - (Part 1) in English Fiction Stories by dhruvi shah books and stories PDF | I was feeling epic - (Part 1)

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I was feeling epic - (Part 1)

"Hurry up Alaska! we'll miss the train"
"Coming" I cried as I glanced at the house I've been living in for like 17 years ...to be precised since the day I was born ."Don't forget to grab your unicorn" " yes ma!!! FOR THE LAST TIME SHE'S NOT UNICORN SHE'S MISSY" I said as I locked the door of my abode for the very last time

"It's going to be okay", she looked tenderly into my almost watery eyes and sad ."No mom it's not and to be honest even you know that and nothing's okay since the day pa ...." I was about to complete the sentence but I couldn't ..it felt like every nerve of my body was trying so hard to make me feel okay until now but it gave up eventually. Isn't it hard when your heart says something and your mind says something and there are things around you making you feel as if nothing's ever going to be alright and then you give up..your mind and heart are at a fight against each other ...it does becomes tough sometimes. I tried very hard to complete the sentence but couldn't..I just couldn't and nothing helped to heal the old scars that were open again and honestly even she knew someday it would

(It was when I was 10 years I guess when dad left us ...if you're wondering no he's not dead neither my parents are divorced ....from the things I could remember he just left...said nothing , did nothing ...just left . We waited for him to come ,even lodged a complaint but nothing could explain the theory of him missing . Since then, we were living not happily but still living until yesterday the house owner came for rent and mom couldn't pay due to some financial problems so we had to leave the place and shift to our farmhouse back in Granville . For some reasons I didn't want to go there .I don't know why but I didn't want to go to a house your great great grandfather was awarded by some Englishman due to his loyalty)

I spent the whole ride from car to station in ma's embrace and trying to keep myself strong . We got into the train then and as Granville was arriving nearer my pendant began to glow precisely an ancient amber one consisting some herbs maybe which I don't know .. oval in shape . I remember asking my father once about it to which he replied " never remove it under any circumstances it's the only key to your heart and ...." Well I forgot what he said then and this vision barely a memory disappeared . For some reasons I was always wondering to solve the mystery behind this necklace and my father's word but couldn't solve it but I guess I'll know my answers now given that the mysterious pendant is glowing. I didn't tell ma anything about it because I didn't want to add more to her list of never ending worries...

We got off the train and reached our farmhouse via a cab .... everything on the road was different as if it's conspired to tell me a story. I kept wondering about the necklace and it glowed and a Vision appeared when I touched it
(It's all dark and blurry and there's a grave of someone and much to my horror I see.........)

To be continued.......