One Girl story in English Short Stories by AKSHU books and stories PDF | One Girl story

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One Girl story

IS PLAYING WITH TEADY BEAR. THAT GIRL NAME IS AKSHARAA.S. SHE WAS STUDYING 7TH STANDER. SHE WAS good in all day she got 100 out of 100 in revision test in maths. she was vey happy. her parents also very happy. her parents got gift for her. one day she was sleeing. studenly one noise was coming. That sound is one girl voice ha,ha,ha,ha,ha . She was going out side and see.but nobody was there. She was in confussion . Now she was going to bed.she was not sleeping.she was fully in that mind. after2’0 clock she was sleeping. studenly in morning her mom say wake up fast,wake up fast aksharaa ike that her mom was saying. she was eating break fast . She was saying to mom and dad,mom and dad night I am was sleeping .studenly one girls laughing sound was come. studenly I go and see out side but nobody was there .but the sound was come ha,ha,ha,ha,ha. Her parents no your in dream world .no mom and dad this is not dream.her mom and dad saing don’t joke her mom say go school.aksharaa was in confusion .

aksharaa.s was going to school . that time her teacher was teaching lesson . that time teacher was asking one question to aksharaa . she was in confusion teacher was asking question but not able to tell question.teacher was saying what happened to you aksharaa . you only good in all subject. today what happened aksharaa. you are in confusion. aksharaa no mam i am not in confussion sorry mam .no you have some promblems. .what you have some promblems tell me .

finally that sound is one ghost sound.aksharaa was shocking that she was telling her parents.her parents say aksharaa don’t joke to much. finally that ghost was come front of her. aksharaa was saying why you are doing like this.because for me no friends . You have no friends means why you are troubling can friend ship with me .how can I friend ship with ghost .

ghost was saying , I am always good friends with you. How can I belive with can belive me aksharaa .okay if you fell I am good friend lesson m friends go out of me.don’t come with me hear after.that ghost crying at going AKSHARAA was saying here afte no promblem for I can sleep well

on day aksharaa had some promblem.what means? One day she was playing in ground and falldown . Nobody was seeing her. everybody busy with their own works Aksharaa’s leg was so blood . that time the ghost was coming and doing all first aid for aksharaa . Aksharaa was crying . And image that girl felt very bad for that word used that day. She was crying and telling sory ghost because that day I said that words .

by aksharaa.s