The Magic Pill - 9....Calling A Spade - A Spade in English Fiction Stories by KAMAL KANT LAL books and stories PDF | The Magic Pill - 9: Calling A Spade, A Spade

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The Magic Pill - 9: Calling A Spade, A Spade

Badal da walked past the biometric attendance machine. Shyamal babu called him from behind, “Hey Badol da, you forgot to make your attendance.”

Badal da did not reply and went inside the office. While marking his attendance, Shyamal babu watched Badal da intently. Nitai joined him. Shyamal babu said in astonishment, “What happened to Badol da? He did not make his attendance.”

Nitai said in a sad tone, "He must be upset. I have heard that management has forced VRS upon him like they did with me. Why does the Company doesn't understand that at this age, where will we find new jobs?"

"What are you saying? Have you also been asked to take VRS? When did it happen?" Shyamal babu was surprised to know this.

“I am also very disturbed. Don’t know how I will be able to manage my expenses. My son is in his third year of engineering course. I have to send him around fifteen thousand rupees every month. Then there are other household expenses,” Nitai was looking worried.

Shyamal babu sympathized with him, "I heard that Trilok Sir had been asked by the management to give voluntary retirement to two persons from his team forcibly. Swati madam had already opted, and Badol da was being hassled to take VRS. From where did your name appear?"

“I can’t say. Let’s see if our Employee’s Union can do anything for me,” Nitai started walking.

Shyamal babu walked along and said, "You were made junior officer only last year. I don’t think Employee’s Union can intervene in your matter.”

Nitai looked very sad.

Swati had seen Badal da enter the office. She watched his face. But he avoided looking at her.

Nivedita had already briefed her mother. Swati was trying to look for an opportunity to raise his spirits by giving him a warm smile. Yesterday when she rang him, he had answered reluctantly and disconnected after thanking her for the hospitality extended by her daughter and son-in-law. She could understand that he did not want to discuss his family matter. Yet he needed some emotional support, as was evident from his indifferent attitude.

Badal da quietly sat at his desk and turned on his computer. Anyone could read from his face that he had not slept well for many nights. Nirmal came and asked for the money to bring his breakfast from the canteen. He just shook his head to indicate he was not interested.

Swati asked him to start the conversation, "What did you have in the breakfast?"

He kept himself busy. Swati tried again, “Now I can understand. You must have been advised by your doctor not to take fried food from the canteen. Would you like to share my tasteless lunchbox?”

She smiled and gave a silly laugh to cheer him up.

He just said, “No, thank you,” and walked to Mr. Trilok’s chamber.

Before he could enter, Mr. Trilok came out and gave him a broad grin, "Oh, you have joined back? Good-good."

"Sir, I want the VRS application form," he said in a serious note.

"That won't be needed. You are not going. See, I am getting late for the Board Room Meeting. We will discuss your analysis and formulate a strategy to curb this tendency of our employees to give on hire the company quarter allotted to them. Be ready, I may call you in the meeting. Ok, bye,” Mr. Trilok brushed past him hurriedly to the board room.

“I am extending my leave,” Badal da called from behind.

Mr. Trilok smiled and waved at him, “Wait till I come back.”

Badal da stood there in bewilderment. He turned to the DGM’s chamber.

DGM's assistant, Ajay, greeted him, and before he could speak, the DGM came out of his cabin and walked out of the chamber.

Ajay asked him, "How are you, Badol da?"

“I am not well. Please give me the VRS application form,” he said with a sullen face.

"Badol da, you don't need to worry. Let me tell you the inside news. The list of people who are getting the VRS benefit has already been finalized.”

“How can it be? The last date for application is yet to be over,” Badal da shouted at him.

The assistant was taken aback, "Then you better talk to your HOD, Mr. Trilok…... And please Badol da; don't disclose what I told you just now. I have told you in good faith. If you spread this news, then I will be in trouble."

Badal da looked at him for a while and then turned and murmured before he left the chamber, “No, they cannot finalize without my name in the list.”

The assistant kept staring in disbelief at the slowly closing door behind Badal da.

Badal da came back to his desk and sat down with a grim face. Swati looked anxious. She coughed to attract his attention. Badal da opened his drawer and started looking for something inside. Swati asked him, “What are you looking for?”

“Where is the bunch of leave application?”

“Are you going on leave again? Please tell me what is in your mind. Won’t you? Please?” Swati pleaded.

Badal da softened a bit and started talking gloomily, “I am opting for VRS.”

"Hey, cheer up. That's good news. I have heard that my application will also be accepted."

Badal da looked at her gingerly. For the last week, she had been planning ways for him to avoid VRS. She knew how badly he wanted to continue in the office. And now she seems to be happy that he has agreed for the voluntary retirement. Maybe to cheer me up, he thought, she is pretending to be satisfied with his sudden change of decision.

"So what do you plan after retirement? Going on a world tour, I guess," Swati chirped.

“Provided they select me for the VRS.”

"Why? Why do you think that they will deny you the opportunity to become a free bird?"

"Boss told me to forget about VRS, and DGM's assistant also confirmed.”

“Oh, they should not have played like this with your emotions…… Anyway, you can always take leave and go on a world tour.”

A sad smile appeared on Badal da's face. He was very impressed with her efforts to make him feel good. She became his real friend in the last few days. He wondered that they spent more than twenty five years working on adjacent desks and yet had hardly known each other. His heart was filled with gratitude for her genuine support at a time when he needed the most. But then he immediately shrugged off the thought and said, "Nivedita must have told you what happened with me."

"Yes, she told me that they did some more tests and finally reached to a diagnosis."

“Didn’t she tell how badly my children behaved with me?”

"No, not exactly. She only told me that without informing you, Anupriya shifted into a new apartment and could not spend much time with you because of her final exams.”

“That’s all?” Badal da was surprised.

Once he started talking, he stopped only after telling everything from the beginning till the end, including how he felt after that. He was unhappy with both his children and did not want to keep any relation with them in the future.

"Fathers do become angry with their children, but they never become strangers to each other. You are upset because you love them and cannot accept their philosophy of life. But slowly, things will ease-out, and you will feel better after some time," Swati tried to calm him down.

"I am hurt more because of their attitude. My children are taking me for granted. They think I am a fool. There is no respect left for their father. I don't remember when they called me to ask how I was doing here. I have been suffering here for the last two years, and when I tell them, they simply ask me to see a better doctor. They don’t care whether I am dead or alive.”

Badal da would have continued venting his annoyance. But he stopped when he saw his boss Mr. Trilok entering the hall. Mr. Trilok was in an excellent mood. He called Badal da, “Hey, come-come-come. I have to discuss a lot with you.”

Badal da watched him till he entered his chamber. His heart was filled with emotions for his children. Probably this was not the right time for Mr. Trilok to have called him for a discussion. Badal da got up slowly and walked inside Mr. Trilok’s chamber.

Mr. Trilok asked him to be seated, “We have good news. The management has agreed to initiate action against those who are letting out company accommodation for monetary gains.”

"Well, I am not interested, sir. I am proceeding on leave till I get voluntary retirement. Please give me the application form."

"I told you, Mr. Badal, that we are not offering you VRS. You forget about that.”

"You don't have to offer anything. I am volunteering myself for early retirement, and I will avail the facilities of the scheme."

Mr.Badal did not look like the same person Mr. Trilok used to know. He had been a polite gentleman. Always ready to carry out orders. Quite an enthusiast and a jovial man who always liked to crack jokes on himself.

Mr. Trilok looked at his face and realized that something had gone wrong with him. He said politely, "Please sit down, Mr. Badal. Let us talk.”

Badal da sat down unwillingly. Mr. Trilok picked up his intercom and ordered two cups of hot coffee. Then he smiled at Badal da, "When did you return from Delhi, and how did you find the boy for your daughter?"

“My daughter has already selected a boy,” Badal da’s eyes started searching for the VRS application form among the papers on the table.

Mr. Trilok was watching him intently. He asked, "Are you angry with me because I forced you that day to apply for VRS? ……. See, I didn't mean to harm you. You are not keeping well, and there is no one here to care for you. I thought you might be happier to go and live with your son or enjoy your life."

"I am not angry with anyone. I am a healthy person, and I don't need anyone to care for me. Yes, I want to enjoy my life now. So please give me the application form,” Badal da was untouched.

Nirmal entered with two cups of coffee. Mr. Trilok offered Badal da the cup of coffee. After Nirmal had gone, Mr. Trilok said, "You look little unwell. Maybe you are tired after the journey. Why don't you extend your leave for another day or two? We can talk later on this topic," he picked up the cup and started sipping the coffee, "It is very nice coffee. Please taste it, Badal da.”

Badal da wondered why he was so courteous and calling him with respect. He said, "Actually, I have not made my attendance. I only came here to apply for VRS and to extend my leave till I am relieved from my work,” he dropped the bombshell and started sipping the coffee.

Mr. Trilok thought for a while and then said smilingly, "Ok, I am sanctioning you two days leave. We will talk after that. But you must report on Saturday. You are heading the investigation team. On Saturday, we will discuss the plan."

Badal da got little irritated. He did not hide his annoyance, "You are not listening to my request. I have made up my mind, and it will not change even after two days. Please give me the application form.”

"You were never inflexible like this. Did anything happen in your life? Or in case if you feel that I have hurt your sentiments, then I am ready to say sorry. Mr. Badal, I am sorry. Please forget what I said and let us proceed with our jobs in hand,” Mr. Trilok surrendered.

Badal da, for the first time, looked into his eyes. He could not believe that his boss was saying sorry to him. He said more softly, "Why should you be sorry, sir? You are my boss. Please don't say that. I have nothing against you. It is my personal decision, and I request you to recommend my name for VRS kindly."

“Can I ask you why you have suddenly changed your mind? I remember you were ready to face the medical board a few days back."

“It was only a knee jerk reaction. When I thought about it during my Delhi visit, I came to realize that it was a good deal. Nothing beyond that,” Badal da said calmly.

“Oh come on Mr. Badal, don’t be too harsh on me,”

Mr. Trilok then told him why he did not want him to leave the Company, "You know, our MD yelled at me for having offered you VRS. He said he wanted to get rid of the donkeys from the Company roll, and I was driving out the Arabian horses. It was my mistake. If you insist on leaving the Company or complain against me, I am sure to lose my job."

"Sir, I don't know why our MD said like that. But you are right. I am a donkey. I have realized this only a few days back. Please do not ever think that I will complain against you. I want to leave and let me go. Tell our MD that you did not offer, rather I have opted for VRS willingly."

"Are you sure? ….. I mean, are you sure you do not have anything against me?" Mr. Trilok looked straight into his eyes.

Badal da nodded his head in agreement.

Mr. Trilok changed his posture in his chair. He looked relaxed now and said, "See Mr. Badal, I was asked to offer VRS to two of my officers. Swati madam has already opted for it. Nitai has also agreed. Now, I am helpless. My quota has been full. If you still want to apply, then I am afraid you will have to talk to the DGM."

“Nitai agreed?” Badal da snapped back, "I am surprised. How can he agree? He has lots of responsibilities on his shoulder. You must have played your tricks on him."

It was now Mr. Trilok’s turn to get astounded. He never thought Badal da would speak like this. He growled at him, "How can you speak like this to me? Why should I play tricks on anyone? It is the Company's strategy to reduce the workforce, and I am only an executing officer. I do what the management tells me."

“Did you ever try to convince the management that removing a person at an advanced age would bring hardship to the whole family?”

Mr. Trilok stood up in anger, "Are you out of your senses? Are you criticizing the Company's policy? Don't you see that the Company is compensating him heavily through the scheme? Mr. Badal, you can't continue like this. You are not well; it seems. You better go home and take rest."

Badal da rose from his chair, "Thank you, sir, for telling me to leave your office. But I am not going home unless I am given an assurance that my VRS application will be accepted. If you can't do anything for me, then I will have to talk to the DGM," he turned around and left the chamber.

Mr. Trilok picked up the phone and connected DGM Office.

"Sir, Mr. Badal has gone mad. He is criticizing the Company's policy on VRS and arguing that we have done injustice to Nitai by offering him VRS. Now he insists on his removal. He was very abusive. He has just gone out to see you. I tried my level best to calm him down, but he is not in a mood to listen to anybody. You should please teach him a lesson or two, sir."

After getting assurance from the other end of the phone, he sat back with a relaxed face.

When Badal da entered DGM's Office, his assistant was probably talking to the DGM on the intercom. Before the assistant could realize and stop him, Badal da pushed the door and entered the cabin. The assistant ran after him and held him by his arm and said, “Mr. Badal, I am sorry you will have to wait outside.”

Badal da looked at the DGM. The DGM dropped the phone and smiled at him, "Leave him, Ajay. Come, Mr. Badal. Come, sit down. Want to have a cup of coffee.”

Badal da went near the table and sat down, "Sorry, sir, just now I had coffee with Mr. Trilok. Sir, I have come with a request," he straight away came to the point.

DGM smiled at him and said, “Wait a minute Mr. Badal. Let me first finish what I was doing,” then he turned to Ajay and said, “Ajay, bring me the file on Special House Search Drive.”

Ajay went out. The DGM picked up his mobile phone and rang somebody. He started discussing with somebody on the expenditure statement of some project. Ajay brought the file and kept it on the table. Then he went away. The DGM went on discussing over the phone. At times he would speak loudly in anger, and the next moment he would calm down. He was entirely oblivious of Badal da’s presence, it seemed.

Badal da was sitting silently watching this way or that way, waiting for the discussion to end. He had cooled down a bit and now started getting bored. The discussion didn’t seem to end soon. He lastly decided to take leave and come back some other time.

He was about to get up when suddenly the DGM dropped his phone and smiled at him, "So congratulations, Mr. Badal. You did an excellent job. By the way, how did it come to you to do such an analysis? I mean, it was out of the box thinking, and your analysis was even better. It was an eye-opener for the management. I congratulate you again,” He got up from his chair and shook hands with him.

Badal da felt very awkward. He also had to stand up. DGM started pacing the floor. Badal da could not sit down as long as DGM was standing. DGM stood near the window and looked out in the parking lot.

“Mr. Badal, how long have you been with the Company?” he asked him without looking at him.

“Sir, about thirty-three years,” Badal da said

DGM turned around and said with pride, "Thirty-three long years. Eh! The Company has grown to strength because of efficient and dedicated people like you. …… Oh, why are you standing? Please sit down, Mr. Badal. I am sitting for a long time. The doctor has advised me to take a stroll for a few minutes after every hour. Please sit down."

Badal da could not decide whether to sit or remain standing. He shifted his body weight from one leg to another. Suddenly DGM asked him," Mr. Badal, do you go for a morning walk?"

"No, sir."

“You must go for a morning walk and you should walk in the evening also. It is very rejuvenating.”

“Yes sir, I will follow your advice from tomorrow,” Badal da was getting impatient to place his request.

“Yeah, that’s the spirit. Very good,” DGM again shook hands with him, “You will feel so fresh throughout the day that you will praise me for giving you such a good piece of advice.”

Again he started walking back and forth, “You know Mr. Badal, I always try to convince people for making a morning walk a habit. If I can convince at least one person each day, then it will be a great achievement for me. You can imagine more than three hundred people get into good habits each year. It is my mission to make my city a healthy city. You also join hands with me and try to convince people. Won't you do it for the good health of our people?"

“Yes sir,” Badal da said reluctantly.

"Cheer up, Mr. Badal. Today you have taken a very great step in your life," DGM again shook hands with him cheerfully.

For once, Badal da thought that if he kept on listening to the DGM, he would forget what purpose he came here for. He coughed to indicate that he wanted to speak. DGM again asked him to sit down and sank into his executive chair. He opened the file Ajay had brought and started reading. Badal da was becoming impatient.

Suddenly DGM looked up and said, "Yes, Mr. Badal, you have been assigned a very responsible job. On Monday, we will have a briefing with your team sharp at ten, and then you all would go and collect the evidence. Are you satisfied with your team members?”

"No, sir," Badal da said calmly.

“Do you have some other person in your mind? No issue, we will include him. Tell me his name.”

"I mean, I am not going with the team. I am proceeding on leave from today."

"No-no, you cannot take leave. This job is critical. You postpone your leave."

"Sir, let me tell you that I am not in favor of taking any action against the erring employees."

"What are you saying, Mr. Badal? Should we not take action against those who are miss-utilizing Company's property?"

"Yes, sir, we should not encourage this practice. But this will become the basis of forcing VRS upon them. We can send out a general warning and fix a date that maybe after one month for search operation so that they can correct themselves. Our purpose should be to stop this practice in the future," Badal da had become a fearless hyena.

DGM was taken aback. But he did not react overtly. He simply relaxed in his chair and stared at him.

Badal da continued, "In fact, it was a failure on our part not to identify the first person who rented out the Company accommodation. Others just followed him. If we had taken strong action against the first erring employee, this would not have become a usual practice."

DGM kept staring at Badal da even long after he stopped speaking. Lastly, he asked, "Then what do you want?"

"Sir, I want to apply for the VRS, and it is my request to permit me to leave the Company. ……. Let me be clear that I have no ill feelings against anyone in the Company or its policy. This is my personal decision because of the recent problems in my family.”

DGM asked after a while in a normal tone, "Mr. Badal, have you applied for the VRS?"

“I didn’t get the application form.”

DGM picked up the intercom and asked Ajay to bring in a VRS application form for Mr. Badal. Ajay came and handed Badal da the form.

"You fill it and submit it today. I will see that you get the VRS," DGM got himself busy with the papers lying on his table.

Badal da got up and said, "Thank you, sir."

DGM looked at him and said, "You see Mr. Badal, no one can stop you from leaving the Company…... And let me add that even I am not indispensable to the company," then suddenly his usual smile appeared on his face. He said jokingly, "But please do not forget what you have promised me a few minutes back. You will yourself start the morning walk and encourage others too."

"Sure, sir. Thank you once again.”

Badal da turned around and walked out of the room. He extended his leave for ten days and went home.

When he returned after ten days, he heard that his application was rejected. He stormed into DGM's Office, but Ajay did not allow him to see the DGM. He went straight to the MD Office. The PA to MD, Mr. Sunil, kept him waiting for half an hour, and lastly asked him to go to his desk.

"Mr. Badal, at the moment, MD is very busy. I will inform you when he calls you."

But Badal da was not called. He got distraught. After the Office hours, he waited near MD's car. MD's driver brought his files and briefcase. MD was just behind him. Mr. Sunil was accompanying him to the car to see him off. Badal da jumped out from behind the pillar and stood in front of the MD.

"Sir, I applied for the VRS, and I have heard that my application has been rejected. Sir, please…" he said it all in one breath

MD looked puzzled and asked his PA in the middle of Badal da's sentence, "What is this VRS Sunil?"

Before Mr. Sunil or Badal da could speak a word, MD vanished inside his luxurious car. The driver closed the door. In the next few seconds, MD's car left Badal da wondering how come MD doesn’t know about VRS.

By the weekend, it was conveyed to him by his boss that if he wanted to leave the Company, then he has to resign. In that case, he will not get any VRS benefits. Badal da got so angry that he wrote the resignation letter immediately.

But Swati suggested to him something else. After listening to her, a naughty smile appeared on his face.